
Thursday, April 19, 2012

Guest nail's

For Easter I had as a guest a very good friend. We started to drink wine, and she asked me if I make her manicure. I am very glad when someone ask me to do her nails. From my collection of nail polish she chose the Flormar Supershine (U08), Miracle Colors that I applied as a base and with the help of the Konad plate M36 and the white Konad nail polish I applied little flowers. To be a special manicure I placed in the middle of each flower a light blue rhinestone.

De pasti am avut ca si musafir o prietena foarte buna. Langa un paharel de vin am facut si manichiura ei. Sunt foarte bucuroasa daca cineva ma roaga sa ii pictez unghiile, pe mine ma relaxeaza! Din colectia mea de oje a ales culoarea indigo Flormar Supershine (U08), din gama Miracle Colors pe care l-am aplicat ca si baza si cu placuta Konad m36 am aplicat floricele cu oja speciala alba Konad. Sa aiba o manichiura mai speciala in mijlocul fiecarei flori am asezat un stras de culoare albastru deschis.

After a few days my sister in law asked me to paint her nails. I was at her home so I had the opportunity to work with her nail polishes. From her collection I chose three colors, I used an exceptional light purple nail polish from Kallos (I will not resist much, I will purchase myself this polish). I'm very sorry that I did not wrote down the codes/names. At the tip of the nail I draw 3 lines with a pink neon and a lighter pink nail polish and with the help of a thin brush I pulled a few lines with a transparent silver particle filled polish.

Dupa cateva zile cumnata mea ma rugat sa ii pictez unghiile. Am fost la ea acasa asa ca am avut ocazia sa lucrez cu ojele ei. Din colectia pe care a avut-o am ales 3 culori, la baza am folosit o culoare exceptionala dupa parerea mea, de la Kallos (nu o sa rezist mult trebuie sa il cumpar si eu), un mov deschis. Imi pare foarte rau ca nu mi-am notat codurile. La baza unghiei am tras 3 linii cu o oja roz neon si unul roz deschis peste care am tras cu o pensula subtire un lac transparent cu particule argintii.


  1. este foarte frumos ce model frumos a facut cumnata mea ,lacurile sunt kallos cel mov 164

  2. nagyon tehetseges vagy....Andi..!! gratulalok ......a "muveid" comment

  3. Hello from France
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  4. Imi place cum ai combinat ojele in ambele cazuri!Imi place mult cum a iesit rezultatul final! Claudia

  5. I LOVE the purple and pink! SO pretty!
