
Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Magnetic world

Lately I have seen many posts on different blogs with magnetic nail polish. I couldn’t wait until I bought myself a nail polish of this type. I purchased two: Flormar 03 and Charm Limit.

In this post I won’t write much because I only applied the nail polish and with the help of the magnet I obtained the effect you see in the photos. I'll just express my opinion about these two products. Flormar the military green is exceptional as consistency and color. I had to apply only a thin layer of polish and then I put close the magnet (which has a very interesting as design, see images) to the nail and after a few seconds I got the desired effect. I liked the Charm Limit polish because of his dark purple color but unfortunately on the nail the color looks horrible, it is a dark blue/black shade and with the received magnet I did not get the lined effect. Booth polishes had the same price, but the Charm Limit does not worth a dime.

Am vazut in ultima vreme o multitudine de postari pe bloguri cu lacuri magnetice de diferite marci.  Abia am asteptat sa imi cumpar si eu un lac de acest fel. Am si cumparat doua: Flormar 03 si Charm Limit.

In acest caz nu o sa scriu mult pentru ca am aplicat doar lacul si cu ajutorul magnetului am ajuns la efectul pe care il vedeti in fotografii. O sa imi exprim doar parerea despre aceste doua produse. Flormar verde military este exceptional ca si consitenta si nuanta. Trebuie  aplicat doar un strat subtire de lac dupa care am apropiat magnetul (care are un design foarte interesant, ergonomic, vezi imagini) de unghie si dupa cateva secunde am obtinut efectul dorit. Pretul lacului a fost 12 lei. In cazul lacului Charm Limit m-a atras culoarea inchisa mov dar din pacate pe unghii nuanta arata oribil, un albastrui spre negru si cu magnetul primit nu am reusit sa obtin efectul liniat. Pretul 12 lei, dar nu merita nici 1 ban. :( 
And this is the Charm Limit nail polish.
Acesta este lacul de unghii Charm Limit.


  1. nice pics!

    Wanna follow each other sweetie?

    Have a nice day!

    1. Thanks.
      Of course, I will add you between my blog list!

  2. I need to get magnetic polishes!

  3. Prima culoare este foarte frumoasa.Numai bine!

  4. What a gorgeous post! I love that you take pictures using items to really display the color - this is going to turn into a favorite place of mine I can tell ;)

    1. Thank you very much, my day brightens up with such comments. I am happy to have you between my followers.I enjoy every comment of yours and I have to mention that I love your blog and all of your posts!

  5. waow.. thats coool.. i really want to use nailpolish, but cant cause need to pray.. i love the color.. its coool.. and btw, your pic is coool.. i love it.. btw, thx for visiting my blog, and lovely comment on my blog.. i love my necklace and bracelet too.. :)

  6. The flormar looks really neat :) For my experience, the problem uses to be the magnet! I guess the Flormar one is stronger! You should try and use Flormar magnet with other polishes, it might help!

  7. nice effect!!!
    Have a wonderful weekend!

    Besos, desde España, Marcela♥

  8. Foarte frumoasa nuanta de la Flormar!

  9. I like the first colour looks lovely on you hun. I see what you mean about the second one. I must get round to trying a magnetic :) xx
