
Sunday, April 1, 2012

My first Konad kit

First off all, I can say I am proud to have my first Konad kit. For a long time I was watching sites that sell these products but this time I bought a kit. I spent too much money on chines copy'swhich gave no results. If you want an interesting mani, done quickly, invest in a Konad kit, it worth it!
 In primul rand ma pot bucura de un kit complet Konad. De multa vreme urmaream siturile care comercializeaza aceste produse dar de data aceasta mi-am si procurat un set. Am cheltuit prea mult pe chinezarii, copii de calitate zero, care nu au dat nici un rezultat. Daca doriti o manichura interesanta, facuta rapid, investiti intr-un kit Konad, merita!

If you look at the pictures bellow, you will notice that my nails are short. I broke a few days ago a nail (my bad, I was careless :(() and it was much easier to cut them all than to stick it. No problem, I enjoy now my short nails and they will grow back pretty fast anyway.

So, I return to my beautiful new Konad kit. In this post nail design I used for the base a military green from Nail Fetish, which I love. From the kit I used the special black polish and the plate no. M73, and I chose the flower design which I applied following the instructions on the box. The first application I did was a mess, I was too slow and the polish dried to fast on the plate. It required a little practice, after the second application I have become an expert :) How do you like the result?

Daca va uitati la fotografii, veti observa ca unghiile mele sunt scurte. Mi-am rupt in urma cu cateva zile o unghie (neatentia mea :(( ) si mi-a fost mult mai usor sa le tai pe toate decat sa il lipesc. Nici o problema, experimentez pe unghiile scurte si oricum cresc destul de repede din nou.
Asa, sa ma reintorc la noul si frumosul meu kit Konad. La designul din imagine am utilizat ca si baza o nuanta de verzui militar de la Nail Fetish, pe care il ador. Din kitul Konad am folosit lacul special de culoare neagra si placuta nr. M73, din care am ales modelul cu floricele si am aplicat dupa instructiunile de pe cutie. Prima aplicare nu mi-a iesit, am fost prea lent si mi s-a uscat oja pe placuta. Totul necesita putin studiu, dupa a doua aplicatie am devenit expert :) Cum va place rezultatul?


  1. Cat de frumos ti-a iesit!!!!
    Ma bucur ca ai investit in pasiunea ta!!!
    Super LIKEEEEE!!!


  2. I just got my first Konad kit too, and the same plate, since that floral design is my favourite. But I've been trying for two days to make it work.. did you have any problems getting the polish to stick to the stamp? The other designs work, but not the floral one! So frustrating!

    1. Mona, my Konad kit works without problems. Yes, at the first application the polish did not stick to the stamp, because I was to slow and the polish dried very quickly to the plate. Yesterday I was using the floral plate (the flower in the middle), with the white nail polish from the kit, and it worked without problems. Try to use another nail polish, who knows maybe it will work. Good luck!

  3. Ma bucur ca ti-a iesit modelul. La inceput ma descurcam si eu ami greu cu placutele si stampiluta, dar am prins indemanare si acum imi ies mai bine modelele.
