
Sunday, May 6, 2012

Birthday weekend

My daughter turned five this Friday and Saturday we hosted a party together with family and friends. The wish of my daughter was to have a Cinderella theme party. I did not had an easy job, I prepared for the party about a week. I prepared everything very carefully, besides the cake, because I did not had so much time. If it comes to the cake, I post a picture of this great work ... it was made by Octavia. Thank you for this marvels cake, it is a piece of art! If you want to see other creations made by her look up for her blog: Octavia Cakes

Fiica mea a implinit 5 ani vineri, iar sambata am organizat o petrecere la care a participat familia si prietenii. Dorinta fiicei mele a fost ca petrecerea sa aiba tematica povestii Cenusareasa. Nu am avut o treaba usoara, m-am pregatit aproximativ o saptamana pentru aceasta petrecere. In afara de tort am pregatit totul foarte atent, ca sa fie toata lumea multumita. Daca a venit vorba de tort, postez si o fotografie a acestei minunate care a realizat-o Octavia. Ii multumesc din tot sufletul aceasta minunatie de tort, ea este o persoana foarte creativa, pot sa spun chiar artista! Daca doriti puteti sa ii vedeti si alte creatii pe blogul ei:  Octavia Cakes

I wanted to make something to bring up the children's attention. So I found a recipe on  my favorite site Pinterest. It is an easy recipie which seemed to me that was perfect for this occasion. The original recipe can be found here.

Nu am pregatit prajituri, am dorit sa am pusa pe masa ceva care atrage atentia copiilor. Sunt un fan Pinterest si de obicei gasesc destul de multe retete interesante pe acest site. Am si gasit unul care mi s-a parut ca se potriveste acestei ocazii si este chiar usor de pregatit. Originalul il gasiti aici.

Ingredients:                                   Ingrediente:
plain chocolate                              
ciocolata menajera
sweet colorful decor                      
decor dulce colorat
chopsticks                                      betisoare frigarui

Cut the apples into thick slices so you can stick in the chopsticks. Meanwhile put the chocolate to melt and after taking down from the heat let it cool a bit. After a few minutes put the apples in the choclate. Decorate with colored sweets. It is easy to prepare, right?

Taiati merele in felii groase asa incat sa puteti intoduce in ea betisoarele de frigarui. Intre timp topiti ciocolata pe care il lasati putin la racit si dupa cateva minute introduceti merele in ea. Decorati cu bombonele colorate daca rezistati lasati pana se intareste ciocolata pe mar. Este usor de pregatit, nu?

Besides the above recipe, I prepared a surprise for the children, the Cinderella shoe. I thought the children will be disappointed that the shoes is not from glass, but they were very happy ... especially that the shoe was full with candy's :) You can find the pattern for the shoe here and here. You can use your imagination, make it with different colors, for different occasions!

In afara de reteta de mai sus, am pregatit pentru copii o surpriza, pantoful Cenusaresei. Am crezut ca piticii vor fi dezamagiti ca nu este din sticla pantoful, dar erau chiar foarte bucurosi...mai ales ca pantoful continea bomboane :) Sablonul acestei pantofi o puteti gasii aici si aici. il puteti pregatii foarte usor din carton si paiete sau orice alt decor!


  1. Very beautiful.....thanks for sharing daughter will 5 this September .....I will use some ur ideas for her b'day party....:D

  2. I am running a nail art challenge on my blog if u r interested pls leave ur link on the post.....

  3. Andrea, cred ca merele trase in ciocolata au avut succes la prichindei.
    Totul arata minunat! Sper ca ati avut o petrecere frumoasa.

  4. Congrats!!!Amazing Pics!!!


  5. Looks amazing !
    thank you for your lovely comment on my blog^^

  6. hi.. visiting ur blog for the first time.. absolutely liked the cake and the cindrella shoes.. kids do enjoy such stuffs..:)

    following u..:)check mine if you like tc

  7. Delicious post!!!
    Have a good week!

    Besos, desde España, Marcela♥

  8. Those shoes filled with candy are incredible!

  9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
