
Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Summer feeling

As I mentioned in a previous post Allesandra organizes a nail art competition with the theme "summer", an I participate with the manicure below.

I browsed the internet looking for summer pictures and two amazing pictures caught my attention which inspired me very much.

I applied three coats of yellow polish at the base from Golden Rose and using the sponges technique I applied on the tip of each nail black polish and orange and red color combination on the top to mimic the sunset. Using a thin brush I drew only one palm tree to the ring finger nail.  

I hope you enjoy this colorful mani and it brings up the summer feeling!

Asa cum am amintit intr-un post anterior Allesandra organizeaza un concurs de nail art cu tema "vara" la care particip si eu cu manichiura de mai jos. 

Am navigat pe internet cautand imagini legate de vara si mi-a atras atentia doua imagini superbe care m-au inspirat foarte mult. 

La baza am folosit galbenul de la Golden Rose, utilizand tehnica buretului am aplicat pe varful unghiilor oja negra si deasupra o combinatie de culoare portocalie si rosie care sa imite apusul de soare. Cu ajutorul unei pensule subtiri am desenat doar pe unghia degetului inelar un palmier. 

Sper sa va placa si sa va aduca spiritul de vara in suflet aceasta manichiura colorata!

                                 I forgot to put here the yellow Golden Rose one, sorry.                                  
Ups, am uitat sa pun in aceasta colectie oja galbena de la Golden Rose.


  1. Love it! :D It looks like waves crashing on the bach. :)

  2. Love it. Gorgeous design. If there is any voting in the contest, I am definitely going to vote for you.

    1. Thanks, but no, it wont be any voting, the blog owner will chose the winning mani.

  3. wow!!! its so bright, colourful & pretty

  4. wow, ce manichiura frumoasa. succes la concurs

  5. oh so lovely and bright .......u are really good at nail art !!

  6. your nails seriously speak summer... i wish i could participate too but i didnt understand a single word on her blog *.*
    anyways good luck to you....
    btw dont forget to join my linkup party, you dont have to do pink to linkup, so add your links away.....

    cya soon *.*

  7. Beautiful!!!
    Have a nice day!
    Besos, Marcela♥

  8. Esti foarte talentata. Felicitari pentru manichiura!

  9. thank you for your sweet comments on my blog^^
    and wauww this nailpolish is amazing!^^

  10. Lovely nails! I'm following you now! Hope you will visit my blog and follow back! :)


  11. I am happy that you all girls like my summer mani.

  12. I am super stunned!!! Its G.O.R.G.E.O.U.S!!! I am following you :)
