
Monday, June 25, 2012

Cherry pie

It is the period of cherry’s ... yummy I would eat all day long seasonal fruits.
Este perioada cireselor, visinelor…yummy as-i manca toata ziua fructe de sezon.

In the weekend together with my daughter we picked cherries and sour cherries in the garden, her wish was to make a pie or a cake, but as soon as possible.

Easy, no? I had to remove the pits, which I hate because it is a very messy job, the preparing of the pie took about 10-15 minutes plus about 20 minutes in the oven.

Ingredients: a pastry dough (approx. 200 g), 500 gr. cherries and sour cherries (pitted), 3-4 tablespoons of brown sugar, 2 sachets of vanilla sugar, 1 teaspoon of cinnamon.

Sfarsit de saptamana am cules cu fiica mea din gradina cirese si visine, dorinta ei a fost sa pregatesc o prajitura, dar cat mai rapid posibil.

Usor, nu? In afara de faptul ca a trebuit sa curat fructele, adica sa scot samburele, pregatirea prajiturei a durat aproximativ 10-15 minute + cat a stat in cuptor.

Ingrediente: un blat de foietaj (aprox. 200 gr), 500 gr. cirese si visine (fara samburi), 3-4 linguri de zahar brun, 2 plicuri de zahar vanilat, 1 lingurita de scortisoara.

I mixed the cleaned fruits with the sugar, cinnamon and vanilla. I put the dough in a pan and over that the cherry mixture and sat on it a few pieces of thin dough. I introduced it in the oven and after about 20 minutes I got a juicy, sweet sour pie! How do you make your fruit pies?

Am lasat la decongelat un blat de foietaj, am curatat fructele si le-am amestecat cu zaharul, scortisoara si zaharul vanilat. Am asezat foietajul intr-o tava (forma de tort, ca altceva nu am avut) peste care am pus fructele si am asezat pe ea pentru decor cateva bucati subtiri de foietaj. Am introdus in cuptor si dupa aproximativ 20 minute am obtinut o prajitura zemoasa, dulce acrisoara!  Voi ati pregatit ceva cu cirese?


  1. Eu n-am pregatit, deocamdata, nimic cu cirese, pentru ca, pana sa ma apuc de pregatit...ciresele dispar :)))

  2. It looks delicious!
    Thank you for posting about my giveaway!

  3. this looks so good, I have to try it too! danke für deine vielen schönen Kommentare :) die falschen Wimpern habe ich noch nicht ausprobiert, sage dir dann, ob sie gut sind. ♥♥♥ S

  4. I really love cherries¡¡¡ ummm¡¡ delicius cake¡¡¡ xoxo

  5. S-a copt bine foia de jos? Eu ma feresc de astfel de retete, pentru ca fructele lasa suc si sunt grele - si astfel foitajul nu se umfla asa cum ar trebui. nu imi place senzatia de crud..
    dar daca tie ti-a iesit, esti o maestra! :)
