
Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Inspired by my favorite movie

The topic of this week at the WE LOVE NAILS group was inspiration from a favorite movie. I automatically thought of a classical movie with Marilyn Monroe, but after all I painted on my nails the well known portrait of Audrey Hepburn from the movie Breakfast at Tiffany's. This movie is a memorable one, not like my manicure, but I hope you enjoy it, even if I am not so happy with it, but I promise that I will try it some other time again until I will be happy with the final result!

Tema din aceasta saptamana a grupului We love nails a fost inspratia dintr-un film preferat. Automat m-am gandit la un film clasic cu Marylin Monroe, dar la urma urmei am ajuns sa pictez portretul cunoscut a lui Audrey Hepburn din filmul Breakfast at Tiffany’s. Acest film este unul memorabil, nu ca si manichiura mea, dar sper sa va placa, chiar daca eu nu sunt atat de multumita de ea, dar va promit ca o s ail refac si sper sa fie un rezultat mai fericit!

I received two awards from Marcela, thank you with all my heart, and at the same time I did not forget about the awards offered by DeeDemi, Lou and Sangy thank you for your appreciation and to all my lovely readers and followers! 

Am primit doua premii de la Marcela pe care le multumesc din tot sufletul si in acelasi timp nu am uitat nici de premiile oferite de catre DeeDemi, Sangy si Lou va multumesc tuturora de apreciere! 

Not to break this chain I will give these awards to the following talented bloggers (if you want you can offer this awards to another bloggers). It's hard to choose because I follow many blogs, but this time the 10 bloggers I give this awards are:

Ca sa nu rup acest lant ofer si eu aceste premii la urmatorii blogeri talentati, daca doriti o puteti oferii si voi la alti preferati ai vostri. Imi este greu sa aleg ca urmaresc multe bloguri, dar de data aceasta urmatorii 10 sunt:


  1. OMG!!! Thank you sooo much! You really made my day! And I love your nails, don´t know what should be wrong about them. It looks so sophisticated. As you can imagine from the name of my blog, I really adore Audrey :) ♥♥♥ S

  2. This manicure is a perfect presentation of the movie. I love Audrey Hepburn.
    Congratulations on the awards.

  3. Superb!! E si filmul meu preferat :)
    Mie imi place mult manichiura ta!

  4. Foarte frumoasa manichiura ta, iar in legatura cu meriti cu desavarsire ;))

  5. Oh, I`m very honored to be the first in the list with awards- Thank you! :) I`m glad you like my work! :)

  6. Hi Andrea, beautiful inspiration!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Congratulations for your awards!!!
    Have a good week and thank you for your friendship!!

    Besos, desde España, Marcela♥

  7. Merciii!! Modelul tau e wow!!!!!

  8. wow:d sunt super:D originala ideea:D

  9. Woww.... beautiful nail art! You're really talented!!
    Congrats sweetie!!! And thank you soooo much for thinking of me<3
    If you get some time, please take a look on my blog to see the awards you gave me. They are on the right sidebar just below of "recent posts", with a message, and your blog's link!
    All the awards are there forever! They're ordered by date! I can't post them, because they're a lot of them :P
    I hope you think it's ok :)


    "Saúde & Beleza - Health & Beauty"

  10. Hey Andrea! Your manicure was beautiful :D I totally loved it! The colors are so suitable for Audrey :)

    Last but not least, many thanks for the award! I am really grateful to you for it! I'll post about that soon :)!

  11. What stunning art - you are so incredibly talented - congrats on the rewards! You totally deserve them ;)

  12. Ti-au iesit foarte bine unghiutele!!!!

  13. Hi, I'm from Brazil and I loved your blog, I visited many, I loved this!
    What nails beautiful, I loved the color;) I'll try to have followed your blog, make me a visit? His visit will be very special! Kiss =*

  14. Wonderful nail design! Nice Tiffany pics! :)

  15. Great manicure!
    Congrats on your awards!

  16. waow.. you make it?? its really awesome.. love it so much.. so neat like usual.. and congratz for the award you deserved for it

  17. O manichiura reusita!Este destul de greu sa faci un portret pe unghii,dar tie chiar ti-a iesit. :)

  18. These nails are amazing- so creative!
    Love your blog!

    Stop by mine sometime, I'd love to know what you think.
    Perhaps we could follow one another?:)

  19. great job on the nails, looks perfect!

  20. Thank you very much for the award! :)

  21. este superb modelul cu audrey hepburn!!!!

  22. I heart this manicure:-) I love Audrey, a timeless beauty!

  23. Multumesc pentru premiu :)
    Voi incerca sa il fac cat de repede :D
    E foarte interesanta tema :D
