
Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Light pink

Sorry but today I can not post a manicure with the theme free hand, for the WE LOVE NAILS group, because I am very busy with an important project and I can not relax enough to make a more elaborate mani. So for the next few day I will post the simplest ever manis, which anybody can make in a few minutes :)

This is one of them, I used two colors a light pink and a blue one from Gabrini and I added to my ring finger four middle sized square rhinestones. I love this light pink polish which has a pearly shimmer. 

Imi pare rau dar azi nu pot posta o manichiura cu tema free hand, pentru grupul We Love NAILS, pentru ca sunt foarte ocupata cu un proiect important si nu pot relaxa suficient pentru a face o manichiura mult mai elaborata. Deci, pentru cateva zile voi posta cele mai simple manichiuri, ceea ce oricine poate crea in doar cateva minute :) 

Aceasta este una dintre ele, am folosit doua culori, un roz pal si albastru perlat de la Gabrini si am adaugat pe degetul inelar patru pietre decorative patrate de dimensiune medie. Imi place acesta oja roz, care are un luciu perlat.Voua va place?


  1. Arata foarte bine manichiura ta :D

  2. very pretty...just purchased my wheel of square rhinestones...:)

  3. Rozul acela este foarte frumos.Arata ca un baby pink.Adorabil!

  4. gorgeous. I love it. The color combination is very good.

  5. wooo¡¡ i love yur manicure¡¡ is so beautiful¡¡ xoxo

  6. foarte frumos si elegant! oja gabrini are vreun numar?

  7. that coool!! waow.. big project.. what is that?? i wish i can see your big project.. good luck!!

    1. I worked 2 weeks at a greeting card for a kindergarten, there were my little girl is. They have the last week before the big holiday and the teacher asked me to make for each child a ceremony card, because some of them are going to school this year. Well I came up with the idea to make a graphic drawing and to place on each drawing the child photography portrait. That means, taking the pictures after that processing the pictures and making the collage. Beside that my job, housework and other things...but I manage :)

  8. Lovely nails! Thx for following me, I'm following you to now with bloglovin'

  9. O manichiura foarte frumoasa pentru aceasta vara :)
