
Tuesday, July 17, 2012

My week with Marilyn

I was inspired by a movie I watched in the weekend - My Week with Marilyn. The movie is about the true story tolled from Colin Clark, an employee, the third assistant of Sir Laurence Olivier who was documenting the tense interaction between Marilyn and Olivier on the set during the production of The Prince and the Showgirl. The actress who plays Marilyn Monroe is Michelle Williams and this role fits her perfectly. If you have not seen the movie yet I recommend you, I personally loved it! And here is my manicure, I think I do not have to explain more about it, I used a white nail polish for the base and applied a layer of colored glitter from Moyra and on my ring finger I painted Marilyn’s portrait with a black acrylic. 
Am fost inspirit de un film pe care l-am urmarit in weekend - My week with Marylin. Este o poveste adevarata, Colin Clark, un angajat, asistentul lui Sir Laurence Olivier care documenteaza interactiunea tensionata dintre Marilyn si Olivier pe platoul de filmare in timpul productiei The Prince and the Showgirl. Actrita care o interpreteaza pe Marilyn Monroe este si Michelle Williams si i se potriveste acest rol la perfectie. Daca nu ati vazut filmul vi-l recomand, mie personal mi-a placut foarte mult! Iar manichiura mea este urmatoarea, consider ca nu trebuie sa va explic multe despre ea. Am folosit o oja alba la baza peste care am aplicat un strat de glitter colorat Moyra si cu un negru acril am desenat portretul lui Marylin pe unghia degetului inelar. 

I leave you with the trailer of the movie.


  1. Imi place foarte mult rezultatul! Esti talentata!

  2. Oh, you did so well, really nice result!!

  3. Excelente, nici nu stiu ce sa spun, decat ca esti foarte talentata :D

    1. Multumesc pentru toate comentariile tale dragute!

  4. Imi place mult cum ti-a iesit Marilyn!!!!! Ai mult talent si foarte multa rabdare!

    1. Cu rabdarea...pai nu stiu, nu il am de fiecare data, dar ma stradui :)

  5. Salut ANDREA! Faci niste unghiute minunate! Imi place ca ai imaginatie si esti foarte creativa! Ai facut curs sau esti tu foarte talentata? Ar fi interesant sa vedem si un tutorial(daca ai cum) !Oare eu voi reusi? :)pup!

    1. Nu am facut curs, desi imi doresc foarte mult, dar sunt extrem de scumpe aici in Cluj. Am facut scoala populara de arta candva, dar sincer pictura pe unghii este total diferita decat cea pe panza sau hartie. Tutorial nu prea stiu daca voi reusi sa fac, ca imi pictez unghiile seara cand fiica mea doarme, iar atunci nu prea am lumina suficienta sa filmez sau sa fotografiez. Dupa cum ai vazut toate fotografiile mele sunt facute la lumina naturala, fara blitz ca sa arete cat mai bine posibil!
      Mai mult ca sigur ca reusesti si tu sa faci asa ceva, am vazut pe blogul tau make up-urile pe care le creezi, esti foarte talentata, eu zic ca o incercare merita!

  6. Replies
    1. Koszi szepen! Orulok latogatasaidnak es megjegyzeseidnek!

  7. Wow your nails look amazing! This movie has been on my list for a while, hopefully I can get to it this weekend!

  8. i was planning on watching this movie since a read about michelle's interview on same.... now i will not miss *.*
    mani looks pretty though i must check to get a similar white which is not so white for base color next time!!

    1. Thanks. It is white, but I put a layer of colorful glitter polish and because of that it seams that it has an another shade.

  9. This is amazing dear.....perfect to link our black and white group theme....very pretty....:£

    1. Thanks. I won't link it because I used red in it. But I will send it for your and Sangys nail art competition for the Celeb Inspired Nails.

  10. foarte frumos...chiar imi place !

  11. Our beautiful than it was! Very chic, rs' It is perfect for an event! Devastated!

  12. So pretty! The glitter is a nice touch!

    1. Thanks. Yes the glitter gives a glamorous touch!

  13. this is gorgeous!! amazing:))


  14. waow.. awesome.. i love the result.. coool!!


  15. Hello there,
    I really like your Marilyn in Monroe inspired manicure.
    Great job!
    Tarah and the City

  16. This is a gorgeous mani! I love it! Simply stunning work...nice work for sure! : )

    I nominated you for the "Por Tu Naturalidad Award" (translates to mean for being natural and putting enjoyment before competitiveness) detail linked here...

  17. Wow such a great mani hun. You are so artistic to be able to paint Marilyn ibm your nail!

    I saw this film a few months afore and really enjoyed it. I'm a big fan or Marilyn Monroe & find her such an icon x :-)

  18. I loved the film, and I think your mani is such a great tribute to Marilyn! <3

  19. you are so talented!!! Sorry for not answering comments for this long time, the final exams took my whole attention. I liked that you wrote in Hungarian, but I actually meant that NOONE should answer in his or her mother´s tongue :) like I wrote in English, because it´s not my mother´s tongue, I wanted my german readers to write their comments in English too or in another not-german-language. But don´t you worry, noone understood what I meant :D haha
    und danke für deinen guten Tipp! Was ist zur Zeit dein Lieblingslied? ♥♥♥ S
