
Friday, July 20, 2012


Yesterday I had a magnificent evening at the Roxette concert, I felt like a teenager again, but weekend in coming and I understand that the weather is warming up again.  I made a cool drink, perfect for hot days and nights! I hope you like sangria because that is about this recipe. I drank the best sangria in a trip to Gran Canaria. The wine was filled with pieces of exotic fruits and now after some years I remember the sweet and sour taste of it. My recipe is with seasonal fruit.
 Ieri am avut parte de o seara magnifica, la concertul Roxette, m-am simtit din nou ca in adolescenta. Dar ne apropiem de weekend si am inteles ca se incalzeste din nou vremea. Ca sa ne racorim am creat acesta bautura foarte gustoasa. Sper sa va placa sangria, ca despre acesta este vorba. Eu am baut cea mai buna sangria intr-o calatorie in Gran Canaria. Vinul era plin cu bucatele de fructe exotice si acuma dupa catva ani imi aduc aminte de gustul ei dulce acrisor. Aceasta reteta este cu fructe de sezon.
Ingredients: watermelon, cantaloupe, 1 lemon, mint, sparkling wine
Ingrediente:  pepene rosu, pepene galben, 1 lamaie, menta, vin spumant

Clean the fruits, remove the pits, cut it into cubes a large amount of fruit, and put it in a bowl with the mint and sparkling wine. Leave it in the refrigerator about 5-6 hours or more and serve it with a lot of ice. Have a cool and wonderful weekend!
Curatati fructele, scoateti samburele, taiati cubulete o cantitate cat mai mare de fructe, puneti intr-un bol impreuna cu menta si adugati vinul spumos. Lasati in frigider cam 5-6 ore, sau chiar mai mult si servitil cu multa gheata.  Sa aveti un weekend cat mai racoros!


  1. Mama mia, cat de bine arataaaa :)
    Yumm yumm :)

  2. Ce aspect frumos are!
    Cred ca merge bine pe vremea asta!
    Week-end placut si tie!

  3. Nem iszom alkoholt, de ez nagyon jól néz ki, majd valami alternatív megoldást kitalálok, és én is elkészítem. :)

  4. Awesome, will try that on my vacation :)

  5. Nu am incercat niciodata cu vin alb, stiam ca retea e cu vin rosu. Chiar ieri ii spuneam prietenului meu ca nu am baut de mult si tare dor imi e de o sangria!

  6. Thanks for the recipe!!! I will definitely try this!!!!!!

  7. Looks yummy and refreshing! :)

  8. Wow I love sangria!!!
    Have a wonderful weekend, dear friend! and my G+ for you...

    Besos, desde España, Marcela♥

  9. I love sangria¡¡¡¡ is delicius in the hot summer days¡¡¡ xoxo

  10. cat de bine arata!!! si merge pe vremea asta .. mama-mama

  11. Glad you enjoyed the concert! There's an award on my blog for you :-)

  12. OMG your sangria look so yummy!! I am craving for one now!! Would you like to follow each other?

  13. looks amazing. Fantastic photographs
