
Friday, July 6, 2012

Versatile recipe

This week is a very hot one, with temperatures above 30-35 degrees. During this period I had no cooking and eating mood, but instead I was longing for everything that was cool. So I experimented with the seasonal fruits. This recipe is very versatile one, first you can eat it like an ice cream and after melting you can make a cocktail from it. It can be consumed with or without alcohol, depending how you like it.
Ingredients: watermelon, banana, lemon
I  sliced the pulp of a large piece of watermelon and left it in the freezer for a day. Next day I put the frozen watermelon, 2 bananas and the juice of half of a lemon into a powerful blender and to mix it until I obtained this wonderful ice cream.
If you don’t like to eat anything cold, let it melt and and drink it. If you like rum or vodka, you can pour a few ml of alcohol and you will get a cocktail just right for hot nights. I wish you good appetite and and cool days!
Saptamana aceasta este extrem de calda, cu temperaturi mai mari de 30-35 de grade. In aceasta perioada numai de gatit nu am avut chef, dar in schimb tanjeam dupa tot ce era rece. Astfel am experimentat cu fructele pe care le aveam in casa. Aceasta reteta este foarte versatila, la inceput poti sa il consumi ca si o inghetata si dupa topire ca si o bautura. Se poate consuma cu sau fara alcool, depinde de gustul fiecaruia.
Ingrediente dupa gust: lebenita, banana, lamaie
Am taiat miezul unei felii mari de lebenita in bucati si am lasat-o in congelator timp de o zi. Urmatoarea zi am pus lebenita congelata, 2 banane si zeama unei jumatati de lamaie intr-un mixer puternic care l-a amestecat si am obtinut aceasta inghetata minunata si racoritoare.
Daca nu doriti sa consumati produsul rece, lasati sa se topeasca mixul de lebenita si puteti sa il consumati ca si bautura. Daca va place romul sau vodka, puteti sa turnati dupa gust cateva ml de alcool si astfel obtineti un cocktail numai bun pentru noptile toride.   


  1. I have to try this! Sieht sehr lecker aus. ♥♥♥ S

  2. Arata delicios...deja ma gandesc ce explozie de arome
    sunt in acel pahar RECE :)).
    Trebuie sa incerc si eu reteta!

  3. lebenita.. adica pepene verde?
    imi surade ideea de fruct congelat si apoi pasat. trebuie sa incerc :)

    1. Da, da. Ahhh, am uitat ca numai in Ardeal se spune lebenita, sorry :)

  4. arata delicios! xx

  5. Ooh this looks yummy hun! I bet you could get very tipsy if you put too much alcohol in lol x :-)

    I will really try to make that one.

  7. Yummy, it seems delicious!!
    Thank you so much for your comment :)
