
Wednesday, August 22, 2012

ESSENCE – Nail colour 3

Sorry, that I was absent for a few days, but I did not had time to post my manicures. This post will show one of the polishes I bought on vacation with a beautiful name - Midnight Date and City That Never Sleeps. These are two nail polishes attached too each other, each has his own brush. It can be used separately or together or combined with other type of polishes. What do you think these names fit this polishes?

Imi cer scuze ca am lipsit din zona online, dar pur si simplu nu am avut timpul necesar sa postez manichiurile mele. In aceasta postare va arat unul dintre ojele cumparate in concediu, care are un nume superb - Midnight date  si City That Never Sleeps. Sunt doua oje atasate, fiecare are pensula lui proprie. Se poate folosii separat sau impreuna sau chiar combinata cu alte tipuri de oje. Ce parere aveti,  i se potriveste acestor oje numele?

Midnight Date 
City That Never Sleeps


  1. aman2 sunt superbe si chiar li se potriveste de minune that never sleeps,e de vis.

  2. They look fabulous, both of them. And the names suit them very well I think. The city that never sleeps is truly something; reminds me of the dupe of Deborah Lippmann, only with more green shimmer :)

  3. It's such a pretty combination - I have the set too, thanks for sharing these swatches :)

  4. aztaaa *.* de szép színe van :)

  5. imi place foarte mult aceasta oja, multumesc ca mi-ai adus aminte de ea, sa o caut si sa ma dau cu ea :D. se vede foarte bine pe unghiile tale ♥

  6. De abia acum am vazut ca e de-aia dubla :))). Poate o gasesc si in Bucuresti pentru ca arata foarte bine:D.

  7. Wow, imi plac foarte mult nuantele ojelor dar mai ales unghiile tale si calitatea pozelor!

  8. Consider ca acestor oje li se potriveste de minune numele!
    Imi plac ambele, dar daca ar fi sa aleg, o prefer pe cea de-a doua
    pentru ca are putin electric...ceva ce nu te lasa sa n-o observi!

  9. They are both beautiful and yes, their names suit them! :-)

  10. Da, categoric se potrivesc numele. Defapt, nu cred ca s-ar fii potrivit altele atat de bine. Imi plac ambele variante, in special a 2-a.

  11. Die wachsen ja auch wieder, deine Haare! ;)

    Lischen xxx

  12. Wow cat de bine arataaa. E superb albastrul :)

  13. wow¡¡¡ amazing¡¡¡¡ xoxo
