
Friday, August 24, 2012

Galaxy Nails

I present you my left hand manicure ... oh, that sounds stupid. :) But who read my post from yesterday knows what I am talking about.

When I first applied the Essence polish and I saw the result I came up with the idea to create a galaxy manicure as soon as possible. So here it is. I noticed on nail art blogs that this kind of manicure is very loved, I saw it made with different kind of polishes combined in many ways. This is my variant. I used Essence for the base, I applied with a sponge the reddish Rapsodi - Parisa and pearl white Ruby Rose. I splashed it with white acrylic paint, to get the effect of the constellations. I finished with the Konad top coat. How do you like it? I was excited at first, but after a few hours I felt like I splashed it too much with the white acrylic. What do you think?

Va prezint manichiura mea de pe mana stanga…vai, ce stupid suna :) Dar cine a citit postarea mea de ieri stie despre ce este vorba.

Cand am aplicat prima oara oja Essence – Nail colour 3 pe unghii si am vazut rezultatul obtinut mi-a venit idea sa creez cu aceasta oja manichiura galaxy. Am observat pe mult bloguri de gen o multitudine de manichiuri, cu diferite combinatii de oje. Acesta este variant mea. Am folosit la baza oja Essence, peste ea am aplicat cu buretel oja Rapsodi – Parisa si Ruby Rose alb perlat. Am stropit-o cu un alb acrylic, ca sa obtin efectul de constelatii.  Am finisat cu top coat de la Konad. Cum va plac? Eu am fost incantata la inceput, dar dupa cateva ore am considerat ca am stopit-o prea mult cu alb acrylic.


  1. aaaa imi place mai mult ca cea de pe dreapta!!!! cand spui stropit-o ai folosit un procedeu special sau cu varful unui punctator ai facut punctele ?:D ( ce stupid suna :D )

    1. Am folosit o periuta de dinti, am imbibat-o in culoarea acrilica si am tras degetele peste perie si astfel am obtinut efectul de stopit, punctulete mici. Se cam produce mizerie dar efectul este super. Sper ca am fost explicita, este greu de descris, dar usor de facut :)

    2. wow! nici prin gand nu mi-ar fi trecut! Foarte inventiv. Nu mi se pare chiar asa mizerie,e la fel ca cea cu paiul :D

  2. Draga Andrea,
    Ardeam de nerabdare sa vad creatia de pe mana stanga.
    Imi place cum ti-a iesit si nu mi se pare ca ai
    stropit-o prea mult cu alb.
    Excellent job!!!!

  3. Ma bucur ca iti place. Este un design foarte usor de facut, doar culorile trebuie alese bine ca sa aiba efectul de constelatie.

  4. For a blue based galaxy mani I don't think you splashed it too much. Looks very pretty. Maybe you could have gone in again with some of the colors to make it look like the "nebula within"... you know, make it look more 3d. But I really like what you created. I hope my galaxy nails will be as pretty when I finally try...

    1. Thanks for the ideas. I am curious how your galaxy nails will turn out!

  5. Amazing, like the night sky, love!

  6. Lady, I even prefer this one to yesterday's! It's gorgeous :D Plus the idea of left hand mani / right hand mani can set a new trend :D

    1. Well, I am not going out with two different kind of manicures, the people would think I am crazy :) I liked it better this mani too.

  7. Uh, nagyon jó lett. Nagyon tetszik. :)

  8. Wow I love it!!!
    Have a wonderful weekend, dear!

    Besos, desde España, Marcela♥

  9. This is so beautiful.....I don't think you overdo the is looking perfect...btw..I read your last post so I know what are you talking about and I like both the manis...:)

  10. Foarte frumoase ti-au iesit. Am si eu in plan o galaxy dar nu stiu cand voi avea timp si rabdare ;))

    1. Chiar nu trebuie multa rabdare si este foarte usor de creat. Sunt foarte curioasa de viitoarea ta manichiura galaxy!

  11. wow..this is SO pretty..I acutely did sth similar..but i black but will try this color next time:)

    Have a good weekend dear:)


    1. Yes, the secret of this mani is the best color combination!

  12. Hello, you have very nice blog:) I love nail art , my blog is about fashion, traveling and cosmetic product, here you have my website :)
    what about following each other? :)
    have a nice day

  13. Wow, that looks amazing :)

    Btw, your parcel has been on it's way for 2 days now!

    1. Thank you.
      I am very anxious to receive all those great products! I can not thank you enough!

  14. So beautiful ! It's good if you understant french :D

  15. Extraordinar!!! Nu cred sa reusesc performanta ta dar am sa incerc totusi!

    Te urmaresc de azi!


  16. gorgeous nails!
    If you like it, follow my blog about life and fashion in LA on Bloglovin'. Let me know in the comments and I will follow back ;)

    LA By Diana Live Magazine

  17. I really like it, I don't think you used too much white at all, it looks really good x

  18. I don't think there is too much white, I think it looks beautiful! :-)

  19. these turned out so well!! one of the best i've seen

