
Monday, September 10, 2012

Greek pattern

Last week I posted some blue manicures, please do not get mad at me, but again you'll see a manicure with blue nail polishes. I promise the next days I will have more diversified colored posts. The design you see in the pictures is totally different than I imagined that it will be. It seems to me that it resembles a little bit with the patterns on some Greek tiles used in  bathrooms, what do you think? Maybe the blue polishes gives me this impression?

I used for the base the Gabrini light blue polish and on each nail tip I stamped with a no name plate the dotted pattern with Essence - Midnight Date nail polish. Also with the same polish an an orange one I pulled some fine lines with a thin brush. How do you like the result?

Saptamana trecuta am postat cateva manichiuri 'albastre', sa nu va suparati pe mine dar din nou o sa vedeti o manichiura cu oje albastre. Dar va promit, in urmatoarele zile voi avea postari mai diversificat colorate. Designul pe care il vedeti in imagini este total altfel decat mi-am imaginat ca o sa arate modelul final. Mie mi se pare ca seamna cu graficele/modelele de pe faiantele din baile grecesti, voi ce parere aveti? Doar din cauza culorilor am aceasta impresie oare?

Am folosit la baza oja albastra Gabrini peste care am stampilat pe varfurile unghiilor un model de pe o placuta no name  cu oja Essence - Midnight Date. Tot cu aceasta oja si una portocalie am tras linii fine cu o pensula subtire. Cum vii se pare rezultatul?


  1. Da, chiar seamana, dar eu as spune cu o haie turceasca, un hamam. Imi place

  2. Ce frumoase sunt...Arata foarte, foarte bine manichiura ta. :)

  3. I really like this manicure, the combination of blue and orange looks great!

  4. Very beautiful!
    Blue is a colour that reminds also of the Greek flag, the sea and the doors of the island houses. So, it reminds of Greece!

  5. Da,ai dreptate,chiar seamana.Deci manichiura ta e superba! Albastrul acesta pal e atat de potrivit in zilele cand ai vise,sperante...cand te gandesti la cat de frumoasa e ploaia...:)) Mda,m-a facut mama poeta! :)) Revenind,ador albastrul si ador si modelul!

  6. Foarte linistitoare nuanta ojei. Si modelul este placut. Incet, incet, renuntam la nuantele tari in favoarea celor pastel.
    Imi poti spune te rog, ce nr. este oja Gabrini? Ms.

  7. Gorgeous!!! I like the combination of the coloures.
    Now following you, would you like to follow me? :)

  8. Superba nuanta de baza si combinatia de culori!!!

  9. ich hab aus Versehen deinen Kommentar gelöscht :( aber es freut mich, dass dir mein Post zu den Pigmenten gefallen hat! ♥♥♥ S

  10. acea nuanta de bleo este absolut superba,iar modelul ma duce cu gandul la Turcia si la bazarul de acolo.super!

  11. I love how this beautiful colour suits your long nails :)

  12. absolutely gorgeous!! you're super talented!!:)) have a great week!


  13. Looks great! Love the Pattern and the Colours ,beautiful :)

    Kisses from Vienna :*** :)

  14. ce bine arata, foarte interesant. Da, aduce un pic cu baile grecesti sau turcesti, mozaic.

  15. I love blue but I adore your greek mani

  16. Ce frumoasa e culoarea! Se vede asa bine pe unghiile tale,imi place! Si modelul e super dragalas!

  17. I like the base colour very, very much! :-) Beautiful final result, great combination of colours! :-)

  18. OMG! Adorable, my love!

    Keep posting!


    VFNO - Focus on COCCINELLE

  19. Thanks girls, I love your comments, they always cheer me up!
