
Tuesday, September 25, 2012

One special year

For a long time I have not posted recipes with sweets or drinks, but the truth is that I did not had any time to prepare them. But my blog turned 1 year old on September 23 so, I think that deserves to be celebrated with something sweet.

But first I want to thank you all who read my almost daily posts and encourage me with nice comments! Without you this blog would not exist! A year ago when I thought to share my passion for nail art, I never even thought that I will have so many readers. But I'm glad this happened because I discovered new people and I made a lot of ​​friends!

De multa vreme nu am postat retete cu dulcuri sau bauturi, dar adevarul este ca nu prea am avut timp pentru a le pregatii. Dar, dat fiind faptul ca in 23 septembrie blogul meu a implinit 1 anisor, consider ca merita sa il sarbatorim cu ceva dulce.

In primul rand doresc sa va multumesc voua, tuturor celor care imi cititi aproape zilnic postarile si ma incurajati cu comentarii dragute! Fara voi acest blog nu ar exista! Acum un an cand m-am gandit sa imi impartasesc pasiunea pentru nail art, nu am crezut ca o sa am vreodata atat de multi cititori. Dar ma bucur ca s-a intamplat astfel, pentru ca am decoperit oameni noi, am facut cunostinta si am legat prietenii cu multe fete simpatice!

I will show you my easy and healthy apple cake.

150 gr. Oatmeal
30 gr. fried almonds
2-3 tablespoons sesame seeds
2 small spoon of cinnamon
1 tablespoon powdered vanilla sugar
50 grams butter
2 tablespoons of honey
1 kg. chopped apples
juice and zest of an orange
4-5 tablespoons brown sugar

Va arat prajitura mea rapida si sanatoasa.

150 gr. fulgi de ovaz

30 gr.migdale prajite
2-3 linguri seminte de susan
2 lingura mica de scortisoara

1 lingura zahar pudra vanilat
50 grame unt

2 linguri de miere de salcam
1 kg. mere razalite sau tocate
sucul si coaja unei portocale
4-5 linguri zahar brun

In a bowl I mixed the oatmeal, almonds, sesame seeds, 1 teaspoon cinnamon and 1 small scoop of powdered vanilla sugar. I melted the butter and honey then I added to the oat mixture and I mix it well together

Intr-un bol am amestecat ovazul, migdalele, susanul, 1 lingurita mica de scortisoara si 1 lingura de zahar pudra vanilat.  Pe foc am topit untul si mierea dupa care am adaugat-o la compozitia de ovaz si am amestecat-o bine.

I chopped the apples and together with the juice and zest of an orange, put it in a saucepan over low heat. I mixed about 10-15 minutes and I added 1 small teaspoon of cinnamon

Am razalit merele si impreuna cu sucul si coaja rasa a unei portocale am pus-o intr-o cratita la foc mic. Am amestecat incontinu aproximativ 10-15 min si am mai adaugat 1 lingurita mica de scortisoara. 

In a cake form (or any other heat resistant form) I put a little oat mixture, over that the apples and I sprinkled it with 4 tablespoons of brown sugar. Over these two layers I added the rest of the oat composition and introduced it in the oven for about 40 minutes

Intr-o forma de tort (sau orice alta tava rezistenta la caldura) am pus putin amestec de ovaz peste care am asezat merele si am presarat-o cu 4 linguri de zahar brun. Peste aceste doua straturi am adagugat restul compozitiei de ovaz si am introdus-o in cuptor timp de apoximativ 40 minute. 

 served the cake with vanilla ice creambut it can be served with yogurt too. I wish you a Good appetite if you will try this cake.

Am servit prajitura cu inghetata de vanilie, dar se poate consuma si cu iaurt.  Pofta buna daca o veti incerca si voi.

Thank you again for you support and comments! 
Va multumesc inca o daca ca imi sunteti alaturi!



  1. Andrea,
    La multi ani si la cat mai multe postari!
    Imi place foarte mult sa-ti citesc blogul.
    Sunt minutele mele de relaxare, minute care ma inspira!
    Cred ca prajitura este delicioasa, ara foarte bine!
    O zi buna!

    1. Claudia, cred ca tu esti ce mai infocata cititoare a mea si ma bucur enorm pentru acest lucru!

  2. La multi ani!!!!! numai bucurii sa iti aduca blogul si sa ne incanti multi ani de acum incolo cu minunatele tale manichiuri.
    Doamne ce bine arata placinta, si e foarte usor de realizat ;)
    Multumim :*

    1. Multumesc din suflet Aby pentru comentariile tale dragute!

  3. Multi ani si muuuulte postari!!!

  4. Yumm, yummm. :)
    La multi ani! Felicitari pentru tot ceea ce faci, ne inspira si ne incanta!
    Te pup si la cat mai multe postari!

    1. Multumesc pentru commentarile tale zilnice, ma bucur enorm de ele!

  5. La multi ani, draga mea! La cat mai multe postari!
    Imi place ce ai facut tu aici, as vrea sa incerc si eu :) Dar nu am mere....
    Te pup cu drag.

    1. Multumesc mult. Merita sa incerci reteta cand o sa ai mere, nu o sa-ti para rau!

  6. OMG!!! that looks absolutely delicious!!!

  7. Happy blogversary - that cake looks like the perfect way to celebrate it :)

    1. Thank you Maria for being always so kind. I enjoy reading your comments!

  8. Congratulations!! Your blog is great and so are you :-)

  9. Happy birthday Andrea :p Well, to your blog! It's a pleasure to read your posts, I wish you'll celebrate many more bloggiversaries!

  10. Oh WOW that looks yummy! Big time congratulations on your one year mark!

  11. Congrats to 1 year of blogging!!! ♥♥♥ S

  12. Congratulations on the year of the blog!!!! and look forward to sharing with your blog, many more!
    Have a good week! and my G+ for you...

    Besos, desde España, Marcela♥

  13. La multi ani!!! Reteta, pare interesanta. O voi incerca si eu.
    Cat despre ador! Iti urmaresc aproape fiecare postare.

    1. Multumesc din suflet pentru cuvintele tale minunate!

  14. Happy birthday to your blog and I wish you to have always new ideas and beautiful manicures! This apple cake looks really yumm-y! :-)

    1. Thank you for all your comments and encouragement!

  15. happy happy Bday-blog!!!!!! ummm yummy recipe!! i take note! xoxo

  16. Ce-mi plac prajiturile (nu toate) servite cu inghetata! Cred ca o sa incerc si eu reteta asta, arata bine rau!
    La multi ani!!

    1. Multumesc mult. Merita de incercat, este o reteta rapida si usoara!

  17. Hmmm... HBD to your blog. keep sharing such a good post like this:)
