
Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Born Pretty Store - Flocking Powder

Last week I received a nail mail, beautifully packaged, a product very much expected of me the Velvet Flocking Powder. I chose this product from the Born Pretty Store website, where you can find a variety of accessories, cosmetics, nail art products and many other beautiful things.

Saptamana trecuta am primit prin posta, frumos impachetat un produs foarte mult asteptat de mine - Pulbere de catifea. Am ales acest produs de pe site-ul Born Pretty Store, unde se pot gasi o multitudine de accesorii, cosmetice, produse pentru nail art si multe alte lucruri frumoase. 

I chose a recipient filled with purple velvet powder in about 13 gr. The package also included a tweezers for an easier application and a wide brush to remove the excess powder from the nails.

Am ales un  recipient plin de  pulbere in culoarea violet, aproximativ de 13 gr. Pachetul a mai continut o penseta pentru o aplicare mai usoara si o pensula lata pentru eliminarea excesului de pulbere de pe unghii. 

To get the soft, fluffy 3D effect on the nails I proceeded in the following way:

-     First of all I applied a clear nail polish to protect my nails
-   From my collection I chose a purple nail polish in the same color as the powder and I applied one layer and waited to dry. After applying the second layer, I immediately sprinkled with the help of the tweezers the velvet powder on it. I removed the excess with the soft brush.
-   This manicure does not need a top coat
-   Before I created this mani I placed a sheet of paper under my nails to recover the failed powder.

Pentru a obtine efectul catifelat pe unghii am procedat in urmatorul mod:
-        am aplicat oja transparenta pentru protectia unghiei
-    din colectia mea am ales o oja apropiata ca si culoare cu pulberele violet si am aplicat un strat, iar la al doilea strat, imediat am presarat cu ajutorul pensetei pulberele de catifea. Excesul l-am indepartat cu pensula moale din pachet.
-  Inaintea crearii acestei manichiuri am asezat o coala de hartie sub mana pentru a putea recupera din catifeaua picata de pe unghii.
-      Nu este nevoie de aplicarea unui top coat!

I really like this product, it is easy to use and stays quite long on the nails, even if I wash my hands often or I am dish-washing. When I cleaned my nails I used my usual cleaner and it worked very fast!

you want this magic powder to obtain the soft 3D effect, you can order it here, the products ID code is: 4463 and you will receive a 10% off coupon if you use the code LML91. Have fun at shopping, it really worth it!

Imi place foarte mult produsul, rezista foarte bine pe unghii, chiar daca spal vase sau lucrez des cu apa. La stergerea manichiurii nu este necesar sa aveti un produs special, este de ajuns dizolvantul obisnuit.

Daca doriti sa aveti si voi acest pulbere magic cu effect 3D, o puteti comanda aici, produsul are codul ID: 4463 si o veti primii la reducere, platiti cu 10% mai putin daca folositi codul LML91
Spor la cumparaturi, chiar se merita!

 Thanks Born Pretty Store for the opportunity to try this amazing product!
Multumesc Born Pretty Store pentru acesta sponsorizare.


  1. Superbe...arata excelent acest gen de manichiura. :)

  2. e superba culoarea ♥ Tocmai ce am incercat si eu o varianta pe gri :D
    Multumim de cod :D

  3. I've never seen anything like this! Absolutely top!!!


  4. I also ordered it frm there in hot pink and green....this is looking very beautiful...:)

  5. wow,superb.nici nu stiam de catifeaua asta,arata fabulos.

  6. e senzationala! si eu astept pachet de la BPS si tot asta voi primi :D alta nuanta, parca.

  7. Superbe, nu m-a tentat atat de mult aceasta manichiura dar acum ca o vad la tine imi schimb parerea :D Probabil e de vina si culoarea pe care ai ales-o, imi place mult acest mov :D

  8. I love the effect! It looks great on your nails!

  9. que manicura tan chula!! me encanta!


  10. von Ciate gibt es auch eine Velvet Manicure, die möchte ich mir kaufen! Habe sie nur noch nirgendwo gefunden. ♥♥♥ S

  11. nu pot sa cred ca zic asta, dar chiar arata fain! :))

  12. Andrea, arata foarte bine si mai ales pe unghiile tale, care sunt mari si au o forma frumoasa!Imi place mult nuanta pulberii!
    Sa le folosesti cu bucurie mai mare!!!!

  13. superbe! abia astept sa incerc si eu pachetul meu :D

  14. wow that is the most creative idea! i would have never thought of that! pretty genius! Hugs from California! xx,
    The Golden Girls

  15. This looks great.:)
    and the flocking powder technique is great!!

  16. It's awesome! It looks so fluffy ^^

  17. Yea, Carol is right, it looks so fluffy and flawless. So cute! :D how many days can it stay on your nails?

    1. I had it two day's long and it looked fluffy enough, but on some sides on my nail the powder felled off.

  18. Wow I love it!!!
    Have a good week! and my G+...

    Besos, desde España, Marcela♥

  19. Omg this is so original!!, i love it !!

  20. wow !super interesanta manichiura !sunt curioasa totusi cat tine puful :) ?

    1. Am avut aceasta manichiura timp de doua zile si am folosit-o in conditii, hai sa spunem normale, la job, acasa la spalat vase, dus etc. Dupa o zi arata OK, nu chiar pufoasa ca si in imagini, dar arat tot bine. A doua zi deja a inceput sa devina puful mai murdar si nu mai era catifelat ca si la inceput.

  21. Lovely Blog!!! Start following you on GFC ( 302 ) and BLOGLOVIN ( 30 ), hope you'll follow me back on both!!! xoxo from Rome

  22. Gorgeous! It looks like some kind of sweater on your nails! :-)

  23. Das ist ja echt ein cooler Effekt!


  24. Happy that all of you girls liked this manicure. For me was a hole new experience to have fluffy nails and I have to say I enjoyed it a lot!

  25. Buna:) Tocmai m-am apropiat blogul tau:) Foarte frumos ti-a iesit manichiura!:) Imi place:)
    Pe mine aici ma

  26. Cat de frumoase sunt.
