
Tuesday, October 30, 2012

KKCenterHk product reviuw

Last week I received in the mail two products from the site KKCenterHk to wright a review about them. What I liked the most at first sight it was the packaging style the products were put in a small blue sealed bag with care and attention!

Saptamana trecuta am primit prin posta doua produse de la firma KKCenterHk pentru a-mi exprima parerea despre ele. Ceea ce mi-a placut la prima vedere a fost modul in care au fost impachetate produsele, cu multa grija si atentie!

As you can see in the pictures I received a plate with floral and tribal images that are  very fashionable this period of time. In addition I received a stamp and scraper necessary to apply the design on the nails. Unfortunately they have not worked, the scraper did not cleaned the surface of the plate well enough and this way the stamper was quite messy and I couldn't do a clean stamping. For this reason I used the stamper and scraper from another kit from my collection. I have to add that the plate was covered with a protective thin foil.

I was very anxious to use the tribal pattern! I will show you first the results I obtained.

Cum vedeti si in imagini este vorba despre o placuta cu imagini florale si nu numai, care sunt elegante si foarte la moda ca si design. Pe langa aceasta placuta am primit o stampila si o lama necesare pentru realizarea manichiurii. Din pacate acestea nu au functionat, lama nu curata bine placuta si astfel modelul nu era preluat in mod curat pe stampila. Din aceasta cauza am utilizat lama si stampila de la un alt kit din colectia mea. Mai trebuie sa precizez ca placuta era acoperita cu o folie de protectie.

Abia am asteptat sa utilizez modelul stil tribal. Va arat prima data rezultatul pe care l-am obtinut.


As you can see the design from the plate is quite small for my long and wide nails, so I recommend this for those who have smaller hands and nails, if you would like to cover the entire surface of the nail. But with a little creativity you can create designs for larger nails too!

Imaginea pentru unghiile mele late si lungi sunt destul de mici, deci recomand aceasta placuta pentu maini si unghii mai mignone in cazul in care doriti ca modelul sa acopere intreaga suprafata a unghiei. Dar cu putina creativitate se pot creea si modele pe unghii mai mari!

I used the floral design from the middle of the plate to create an elegant manicure. I hope you like the results because I was very happy with what I achieved. I put in the middle of each flower one medium sized rhinestone for a shiny and elegant touch.

Am folosit modelul floral din mijlocul placutei pentru o manichiura eleganta. Sper sa va placa pentru ca eu eram foarte multumita de rezultatul obtinut. Am mai aplicat in mijlocul fiecarei flori un stras decorativ de marime medie.  

If you want to buy these products you will find it on KKCenterHk site. The B65 plate can be found here and the stamp and scraper set here. Use the unique shopping coupon code and get 10% discount on the purchased products. Have fun at shopping!

Daca doriti sa achizitionati aceste produse le veti gasii pe site-ul  KKCenterHk. Placuta cu codul B65 o gasiti aici iar lama si stampila aici. Utilizati codul unic de cumparaturi si veti obtine 10% reducere la produsele achizitionate. Spor la shopping!


  1. Al 2-lea model este preferatul meu. Este atat de stilat si elegant.
    Foarte, foarte frumoase. :)

    1. Multumesc si mie imi place mult mai mult modelul cu flori!

  2. Imi plaaaace! Cel mai mult primul, dar, bineinteles, ca si al doilea!!! Sa le folosesti cu mare drag!

    1. Multumesc mult. Mie imi place mai mult modelul cu florile, prima din pacate nu acopera integral suprafata unghiei.

  3. vai arta superb. Primul model in special si cred ca ar fi numai bun pentru unghiile mele micute :D.SI al doilea este foarte frumos! fac cu ochiul :D

    1. Da, pentru unghii mici primul model este absolut perfect!

  4. Vai cat de frumos arata! Fiarte dragut!

  5. Ce dragute sunt modelele!Imi plac enorm cum vin pe o baza neagra.Pare o manichiura stilata dar si jucausa in acelasi timp.

  6. This looks totally fab! Beautiful nails as a result!

    1. I am happy that you like it. Thanks for you appreciation!

  7. Desi imi plac mult modelele tribale, astazi manichiura mea preferata este cea cu model floral! Oare de ce :))?
    Cred ca din cauza ca ai folosit ca baza oja neagra si eu iubesc negrul :).
    Sa le folosesti cu placere si bucurie toate produsele pe care le-ai castigat!

    1. Sa stii ca nu este o oja neagra, este una mov inchisa, dar din cauza ca sunt aplicate doua straturi din ea bate mai mult in negru. Ma bucur ca iti place!

  8. Wow, super frumoase! Imi place mult al doilea model.

  9. Ce frumoase sunt modelele realizate cu stampiluta, imi plac mult amandoua!

  10. I love the floral design! It´s so beautiful and elegant...
    I posted a review a few days ago about these stuff from KKCenterHk and the stamper and the scraper worked for me ;-)

    1. I saw your post. My scarper was not very straight and maybe because of that didn't worked properly. I was lucky to have one from my Konad kit, that is not made from plastic and I like it more!

  11. Ambele modele arata foarte bine pe unghiile tale. Al 2-lea model imi place in mod deosebit. Te pot intreba ce oja ai folosit pentru model ?

    1. Multumesc. Am folosit o oja mov inchisa de la Orkide - Natty, din pacate codul nu se mai vede bine pe ea.

  12. Replies
    1. Da, m-am si mirat ca functioneaza asa de bine ca toata lumea era impotriva produselor chinezesti si din aceasta cauza eram si eu foarte sceptica, dar mi-am schimbat total parearea despre aceste placute, care sunt copii fidele a marilor marci!

  13. It's very pretty designs, I agree scrapers like that rarely work properly, I always use and old credit card LOL

    1. I never tried with a credit card, thanks for the idea!

  14. foarte draguta manichiura cu floarea:) tocmai am primit si eu pachetul de la KKCenterHk si am facut tot azi postarea :D

    1. Ma bucur ca iti place. Sunt curioasa de opinia ta despre produsele lor, o sa trec pe la blogul tau!

  15. I love the floral one...for me only konad stamper and scraper works...:)

    1. Yes, I used it too the scraper and stamper from my Konad kit.

  16. wow...this is one of my favorite post from u!!so pretty....I am so curious to try!! I have never heard about this brand before and I never know about this!!! very cool!! really. I also are very curous about the, are there any other choice? So if u cannot make a clean cut, do you recommend people to try it??

    1. I am happy that you like it. The plates are very good and not expensive like the professional well know brands. The scraped is from plastic and because of this does not work properly, but you can buy professional ones from the brand Konad. But, definitely I recommend the plates because they have very stylish designs and they really work! I just don't recommend the scraper and the stamper, for me didn't worked properly, but one of my readers above told me that she didn't had any problems to use it, so the opinions are very variable.


  17. Very pretty and classy, love the look :)
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    1. Thanks and welcome to my blog, happy to have you here!

  18. Sunt frumoase, in special cea cu mov si flori, si sa pui cate o pietricica e o idee super buna!

  19. You are talented!
    I like the pattern.
    Thanks for visiting my blog. I look forward to many more.
    Tarah Danielle
    Take me

  20. Ce frumoase sunt aceste modele, al doilea e intr-adevar superb :X arata foarte bine cu pietricica aceea :*

  21. ach Andrea, du hast soo schöne Nägel und dir fällt immer wieder was neues ein! Wirklich unglaublich! Machst du das eigentlich von Beruf? Würde ja passen :) ♥♥♥ S
