
Thursday, November 1, 2012

Flormar - Duo Chrome

Those who follow my blog know that I made recently a wishlist with a few nail polishes that I want to purchase in the future. Well, today I will show you two of them, the duo chrome polishes form flormar. But, first off all I want to thank for my dear colleagues that they made me as a gift these two polishes for my birthday, you guys are wonderful and very attentive to my desires! Thank you very much!

Cei care imi urmaresc blogul stiu ca am postat un wishlist cu diferite marci de oje, pe care le doresc sa le am cat mai curand. Pe acea lista se gaseau si ojele Duo Chrome de la flormar pe care o sa vi le prezint azi. In primul rand doresc sa multumesc dragilor mei colegi, cei care mi-au facut cadou aceste doua oje de ziua mea de nastere, sunteti minunati si foarte atenti la dorintele mele! Va multumesc din suflet!

The two polishes have wonderful colors, but I expected a more noticeable duo chrome effect. I think these polishes are more metallic ones than duo chrome. I leave you with the picture to decide yourself if you like it or not these polishes!

Culoarea ojelor sunt superbe. Ma asteptam sa fie mai evident efectul de duo chrome la aceste oje, dar din pacate nu prea sunt. Va las cu imaginile si spuneti-mi daca voua va plac sau nu, aceste doua oje!

I didn't had a natural light source, so I made my pictures at a bulbs light, but the colors are very real!
Fotografiile au fost facute la lumina unui bec, dar culorile sunt destul de reale.

Do you remember those buble gums which had water decals in it? Well, I bought something similar for my daughter and it had a tattoo in it, she didn't liked it so, I put in on my nail. I was very curious how it looks, I think it's not bad, I just put it on my nail, applied a layer of top coat and voila I have a tiger on my nail :) How do you like it?

Va mai amintiti de gumele de mestecat Turbo care aveau actibilduri ca si cadou in ele. Ei, am cumparat ceva asemanator fiicei mele si continea tatuaj pe care l-am folosit eu la aceasta manichiura,  eram curioasa sa vad cum arata pe unghii. Interesant chiar s-a lipit bine si nici nu arata rau, am aplicat peste el un strat subtire de oja transparenta si voila, am un tigru pe unghii :) Va place?


  1. Very pretty shades...I like the tiger tattoo too...very creative...:)

  2. Clar! Imi place mult capul de tigru, de data asta pe unghii!

  3. Sunt superbe ambele nuante, iar ideea cu tigrul geniala, nu m-as fi gandit niciodata la asa ceva. ;))

  4. ojele nu prea ma incanta, efectul duo nefiind vizibil pe unghie. SI nu sunt fana a aspectului metalic. Insa cu tigrul m-ai cucerit ♥ este absolut superb. Acum o sa ma apuc fie sa mananc guma in speranta de tatuaje , ori ma duc sa caut in comert tatuaje si sa ma chinui sa le aplic pe unghie :d

  5. Ce creativa ai fost :) Ai putea face un mic tutorial, pozeaza gumele, tatuajele, pasii care trebuiesc respectati etc.
    Ai face senzatie, siguuuur .

  6. this is beautiful... flormar has holo polishes too ??

  7. Foarte frumoasa manichiura!
    Sa le folosesti cu bucurie!
    Imi place ca esti creativa si vii intotdeuna cu ceva inedit!

  8. I agree with you, those two colors are more metallic than duochrome, but they still look very nice! As for the water decal, it looks good! :D You had a great idea there!

  9. You have some very sweet colleges, and yes, they are metallic rather than duochrome I think so too.
    The tiger works well here, just the right colors for him :)

  10. imi plac ojele Flormar , tin cam 5 zile pe unghie !

  11. super ideea cu tatuajul! si eu am cumparat lacul verde, abia astept sa-l incerc :)

  12. Really beautiful shades and the tiger is so cute!

  13. Gumele Turbo și Minti mi-au marcat copilăria, deci e normal să mi le amintesc. Foarte originală ideea cu tatuajul pe unghie.

  14. Hi sweetie, you won a prize on my giveaway, go check your email :)

  15. Ich liebe die Farben und auch das Tattoo!!


  16. I love the face of the tiger!


  17. fantastic <3<3 I love this nail art <3

  18. omg..the tiger is stunning awesome.. well done manaseas.. :)

  19. I like both of these colors. I love the TIgER.
    Thanks for visiting my blog. I look forward to many more.
    Tarah Danielle
    Take me

  20. wow..the tiger nail art is super awesome:)

  21. Thanks girls, I am happy that you liked mt idea!

  22. der Tiger ist cool! ♥♥♥ S

  23. Ojele mele preferate din aceasta colectie. Eu din pacate nu am gasit DC05, asa ca a trebuit sa ma multumesc cu DC03. Nici eu nu am observat efectul acela DUO, insa culorile sunt frumoase. Manichiura imi place foarte mult, mai ales unghia pe care ai aplicat sticker-ul.

  24. I love both these colours and the tiger as well (what an original idea, to take your daughter's bubble gum tattoo :-)

  25. Love the accent mani!!! <3 Would you like following one another?

  26. Imi place tare mult oja verde-albastrie :) desi pe unghii se vede foarte putin albastrul, imi place cum arata, iar tigrul e foarte tare!! :* pup!
