
Wednesday, January 29, 2014

I am back

Hello my dear followers. The year 2013 was awful for me, I had lots of pain and struggle with my illness. Those of you who don’t know it, I had cancer. Now I am looking forward to a health future and hope that I will never go in remission. I have learned my priorities and I try to live as healthy as possible.

I couldn’t let my biggest passion aside, I painted my nails, does of you who followed me on Instagram know it. Manny of you asked me when will I come back and continue writing my blog, well I decided that this is the moment when I will continue blogging, 2014 is a new chapter of my life and blogging is a part of it.

I will make a few changes though, I won’t write in two languages I will choose the English one and I will post more NOTD’s, that means more pictures less talking :) I won’t post daily, maybe just two or three times a week, I will see how my time will allow me to do it.  

I want to change my header and I want you guys to give me your feedback because I cannot decide which one to choose.

I am happy to make my first post of this year and I am waiting your comments and suggestions what you ladies would like to see in my blog.

Thank you!


  1. First of all, WELCOME BACK!!!
    I missed you and your postings a lot!!!
    I wish 2014 to bring you a lot of health, happy moments and optimism!!!
    Regarding your headers...well it's a tough job, Andrea! I like all of them!
    Being in an optimistic mood, I'll choose the last one!

    Kisses and can't wait to see your next posts!

    1. Multumesc mult Claudia draga, intodeauna ai fost o scumpa si persoana care m-a incurajat cel mai mult! Iti urez si tie asemenea toate cele bune si sper sa iti placa postarile mele viitoare!

  2. Welcome back!
    Vai, nici nu stii cat de mult ma bucura aceasta postare. :D
    Ma bucur ca esti bine si ma bucur ca ai revenit!
    Te pup si te imbratisez cu drag!

    1. Iti multumesc din suflet, pentru mine inseamna mult mesajul tau!

  3. I'm so happy you are fine now!
    I wish 2014 is a great year for you!

    1. Thank you very much Demi. I hope I will never ever have problems with cancer or other hard illnesses!
      I wish you too all the best my dear!

  4. Andrea, bine ai revenit! La cat mai multe postari si cat mai multe zambete!
    Te pup.

    1. Iti multumesc mult Adina. Chiar am nevoie de cat mai multe zambete!

  5. BUTTERFLIES, definitely the butterfly one! But that's just me. Welcome back, so happy to hear good news of your road to health.

    1. Thank you very much for your kind comment. I've allready changed the header, because all of you liked the one with the butterfly's. Maybe I will make it more colorful in the future.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Bine ai revenit! :)
    Ma bucur mult ca acum esti ok, sunt convinsa ca esti o persoana puternica! Iti doresc sa fie sanatate din plin, caci talent si inspiratie exista - in mod sigur!

    Ca opta pentru cel de-al treilea, e mai multa concordanta intre grafica si idee/mesaj!

    Te pup!
    Lavender Thoughts

    1. Multumesc din suflet Ilda pentru frumoasele cuvinte pe care mi le-ai adresat, apreciez mult!

  8. Deeeeci, ma bucur mut sa citesc despre faptul ca te-ai decis sa revii la blog, ma bucur ca esti bine si sa-ti dea Domnul sanatate!! As opta pentru varianta a 3-a, dupa umila mea parere! Te imbratisez si te pup!!!!

    1. Multumesc mult Catalina de mesajul tau de incurajare. Sper din tot sufletul ca in viitor sa nu mai am probleme de sanatate. Am si schimbat hederul, deocamdata las varianta a treia, desi am primit pe facebook mesaje ca nu se potriveste mesajul blogului cu hederul, adica de ce nu este mai colorata. Tu sti bine ca a fost foarte colorata inainte si am simtit nevoia de o schimbare. Pe viitor poate o colorez putin :)

  9. I am so glad you're back, you fighter! :D Congratulations!

    1. Thank you my dear. I am happy to be back and hope that I will never ever have to fight again with the damn cancer!

  10. Dear Andrea, welcome back!!! :-) This post was a real surprise to me, I'm happy to see you back! :-)
    I wish that difficult days stay behind you forever and I wish you good health and a lot of happiness in new year! :-)
    And yes, I wish you a lot of beautiful ideas, new nail polishes and new manicures! :-)

    1. I like the header with butterflies, but all three headers look nice :-)

    2. Thank you very much for your kind wishes, I really do hope so that I will never have again problems like this. Thank you for you feed back too with the header, I already changed it as you all wished.

  11. Ma bucur ca ai decis sa te reapuci de blogging. Sunt sigura ca nu vei regreta pentru ca blogul ofera satisfactii mai mari decat contul de Ig. Si ma bucur ca ai decis sa scrii in engleza. Abia astept sa vad pozele frumoase facute cu DSLR-ul si la calitate mult mai buna ca pe Ig. Mult succes si multa sanatate iti doresc!
    P.S. Si eu as fi ales tot header-ul cu fluturasi. Sunt preferatii mei!

    1. Multumesc mult Mihaela de sustinere. M-am gandit mult si decizia a venit spontan dat fiind faptul ca am avut sustinere din partea fetelor din grupul The Polish Addicts si acest lucru mi-a dat un lucru de gandit. Cu header-ul, deocamdata las varianta aceasta, la Kinga nu i-a placut ca nu corespunde cu titlul blogului, adica nu este colorata. Dar inainte am avut-o foarte colorata si m-am cam saturat de ea, dar pe parcurs mai creez ceva si sigur o voi schimba.

  12. welcome back! a quick read here and you'll know why I say no more! :)

    1. Multumesc mult Iulia de sustinere si de linkul trimis. Ma bucur ca iti plac si tie fluturasii!

  13. OMG Andrea, I am so so so sorry, I am glad that you healed and I wish you all the best my dear!
    I'd go for the second header!
    Don't Call Me Fashion Blogger

    1. Thank you for your kind wishes, I really do hope so that I will never ever will stuggle again with this problems!

  14. the second header it's perfect :D
    check out my new post!!

  15. Eşti o fată norocoasă Andreea. Îmi pare rău că a trebuit să treci printr-o lecţie aşa dură de viaţă.
    Nici nu ştiu ce să zic, nimeni nu merită să treacă prin aşa ceva. Bine ai revenit. Te îmbrăţişez.

    1. Multumesc mult de cuvintele tale frumoase. Da adevarul este ca nimeni din lumea asta nu merita sa sufere si sa fie bolnav in asa mod, dar viata nu este intodeauna usoara si trebuie sa o acceptam ca atare, dar sper ca niciodata sa nu am o recidiva si sa trebuiasca sa ma lupt cu cancerul. Am o fetita de crescut!

  16. Sorry to hear that you've been ill. Hope that you are healthy now and enjoying life to the fullest.

    1. I have good and bad days, but I try to be positive. Thank you for your wishes!

  17. Oh, I am so glad you are back - and healed - and that you are giving your passion for nails room :)
    I don't know why, but somehow I "unfollowed" you, clearly by mistake, but now I'm back, and look forward to your posts!!

  18. Welcome back! :)
    can't wait to see more from you.

  19. Bine ai revenit, Andreea!

    Iti doresc din tot sufletul multa sanatate, ma bucur sa citesc ca esti mai bine! ♥

  20. Welcome back Andrea! I'm so glad to hear you are now well! I hope its still not too late to wish you Happy New Year and may this year bring you many many good times!

  21. bucur mult ca ai revenit! Ma gandeam ca ai renuntat de tot la blog (in ultima postare stiu ca ziceai ca esti bolnava), sper ca ai trecut peste acele momente grele si poate de acum va fi mai bine. Sanatate.pup

  22. bucur mult ca ai revenit! Ma gandeam ca ai renuntat de tot la blog (in ultima postare stiu ca ziceai ca esti bolnava), sper ca ai trecut peste acele momente grele si poate de acum va fi mai bine. Sanatate.pup
