
Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Back from my vacation

Hello lovely ladies,

I am home after 10 days vacation, and I have no energy yet. I thought to show you my nails that I made before I went in holiday. I didn't had very much time, because I had to pack and I painted my nails quckly with two of my bellowed holo polishes from Jade - Delirio Rosa and Magia. I stamped one of my nails with a MoYou pattern, but because I was in a hurray it didn't came out well.

I spent my vacation in Hungary in different locations, I will show you some photos I made in Budapest and Tatabanya.

Budapest - Parlament
Chain Bridge Budapest
View from the Budapest Castle Hill Funicular


Tatabanya - the Turul monument
Fisherman's Bastion Budapest

Panoramic view from the Fisherman's Bastion
Tropicarium Budapest (Campona)

And of course I can not finish this post without my vacation haul. O couldn't resist these beautiful polishes and some of them where on sale, so of course I had to buy them :)

And finally I have my Fifty shades of Gray trilogy. It was a bargain, I bought two of them and received as a gift the third one and another free book. Yeey, now I need the time to reed them all!


  1. You trip looks awesome, Budapest is one of the places I'd like to go! Enjoy the trilogy, girl!

  2. Superbe fotografiile din vacanta ! Unghiutele foarte frumoase :) 50 Shades ... <3 mai am de terminat vol 3 ! Te pup

  3. Wow! Such beautiful pictures! Budapest is also on my to-go list and now that I've ssen your pictures I'm even more convinced I want to go there!
    You manicure looks lovely and those Jade holos are gorgeous, aren't they?
    I made a post last week about my nail care routine, as you asked me a couple of months ago. I hope you like it!
    Welcome back sweetie!
    Have a great week! :*

  4. Unghiute frumoase, vacanta de vis, achizitii minunate.
    Bine ai revenit!

  5. ce oje frumoase! iar fotografiile sunt superbe.
    bine ai revenit!

  6. Jade polishes are on my wishlist forever. They're great! Love your mani, so cute and feminine <3
    Gorgeous photo's of Budapest!

  7. Wow what a beautiful post! It looks like you had a great vacation, the pictures look stunning! I also am in love with your manicure, I hadn't heard of Jade nail polish but these look so beautiful, I am especially loving the pink holo! Also yay on the haul, I love looking for new and unseen brands in foreign countries! xx

  8. Welcome back! You'been in one of my fave places in the world!

  9. Öröm látni ezt a sok szép képet :)

  10. Welcome home! :)
    Spectaculoase fotografii! In drum spre Viena, am trecut prin Budapesta; doar doua ore ne-am plimbat si am vazut in trecere (fara a vizita) o parte dintre obiectivele ce apar in fotografiile tale! :) Sunt sigura ca a fost o vacanta grozava si ma bucur mult pentru tine si cei dragi tie!
    Foarte frumoase si interesante noile achizitii!

    Referitor la manichiura, m-am gandit: numai tu poti gasi combinatii cromatice care sa arate atat de bine!

    Pupicei, Andrea!
    Lavender Thoughts

  11. So nice! Your vacation pictures look so pretty - I especially love the pictures with the animals :) Your haul looks great too! And I love how Magia looks on your nails. I hope you had a great holiday :)

  12. fabulous pictures, Budapest looks so nice :)
    I love your nail design too, you are so creative my dear :D

  13. Bine ai revenit! Pozele sunt superbe, peisajele de vis!
    Manichiura e frumușică foc, sunt minunate acele două oje!
    Pupici :*

  14. you had a great time on your holiday! and the holo is totally awesome!! :)

  15. welcome back
    thanks for amazing photos ! i love Budapest !

  16. Wow.... I wpuld like to visit Budapest!!!!!
    Amazing nails!!!

    Ciao bellissima!!!

  17. Andrea,
    Ori de cate ori as vizita Budapesta ma surprinde mereu si ma face sa ma reintorc cu drag, sa-i redescopar frumusetea.
    Multumesc ca ai postat fotografii si cu podurile de peste Dunare, stii ca imi plac mult :).
    Ma bucur ca ai petrecut o vacanta minunata alaturi de familia ta.
    Eram convinsa ca nu te vei intoarce in tara, fara achizitii noi de oja :). Sa le folosesti cu bucurie!
    Manichiura prezentata imi place, in special pentru ca ai adaugat si oja Magia. Arata foarte bine pe unghiute.
    Te pup si spor la lectura!

  18. Foarte frumoasa Budapesta, minunate poze.
    ps: Si mie imi plac ojele Moyra.


  19. Very beautiful photos! I hope you had fun!

  20. This post is bringing back memories of Budapest where I was a couple of months ago. It's such a cool city. And I'm curious to know what your opinion of the trilogy is! (I read it a while ago as well).

  21. Great pictures! I adore Budapest and will definitely go back!

  22. Your vacation looks like you had a great time!! I haven't been to Budapest but I sure want to go visit!!

    I look forward to how the bubble gum nail polish looks lol. I'm curious! I bet it smells nice too!
