
Friday, August 22, 2014

Summer lovin' TAG

I received this tag from one of my fellow bloggers Mihaella - Beauty corner for woman. I found it very cute and even if summer comes to end I decided to answer the questions.

1. Which is your favorite lipstick this summer?

I don't use lipsticks, I usually wear lip gloss and my favorite ones are both from  Yves Rocher - Raspberry Fruity Jelly Lip Gloss and  Sexy Pulp Lip-gloss in Rose Vif.

 2. Which is your favorite polish this summer?

Well, extremely hard question, because I have a lot that I like and it is very difficult for me to choose just one. But let's say that I like the most my Jade polishes. I wore Magia and Delirio Rosa on my vacation, you can see it here. They are holo polishes, I am very big fan of them and they reflect the sunshine beautifully! So, in my opinion they are perfect for summer!

3. Which is your favorite  swim wear for this summer?

I am not a big fan of bikinis and I swim a lot so the swimsuit that I wore this summer it is from Arena and it is the most comfortable one that I ever had.

4. Which is your favorite Frappuccino from Starbucks?  

Ohhhh, this is my area. I love Starbucks, any kind of coffee or drinks, even if I am not allowed to drink them, I buy them now and then as a treat. The last one that I enjoyed was the Mocha Coconut. 

5. Which is your favorite self-tenner?

I don't have one and I think I don't need one. I have a darker skin tone and in the summer it gets darker and darker even if I am not standing at the sun. Let's say I am a lucky woman!

6. Which is your favorite summer song?

Each summer I had a song that caught my attention, but this year nothing, really nothing that I kept in my mind. I like very much Ed Sheeran - I see fire, I have it as a ringtone on my phone, but I prefer any kind of music. This summer I was at two jazz concerts and an outdoor opera concert and until the season will be finished I am sure I will attend many many more concerts!   

7. Which is your favorite summer accessory?

I never go out without my watch, but this is not quite just a summer accessory. So, my favorite summer ones are the earrings, necklaces and bracelets shown bellow and the white bag from Carpisa that I bought last month!

8. Which is your favorite summer perfume?

This summer I wore two perfumes the most of the time. One of them is Yves Rocher - Naturelle and the other one is Zara White. I usually wear fresh perfumes, it doesn't mater in what period of the year we are!

9. Which is your favorite summer book?

Summer book? I don't know if I can categorize my books for seasons. But I am reading now the 50 Shades of Gray trilogy, and I absolutely love it! 

10. What do you want to do the most this summer?

I would like to travel a lot, but this year I had just 10 day off so I was together with my family in Hungary. But in general I want to enjoy summer and the sunshine, I want to load my self with energy because this period of time is very short and of course I want to relax as much as possible!   

Done :) I would be glad to read the answers for this questions for any one of you who like to do this tag, but I will tag four of you: Robin - Roaring Nails, Giovanna - GioNails,  Demi - Beauty and the Mist, Maria - Konad Addict.

I hope I didn't bored you with my answers, I tried to keep them short :) I wish you all a great summer with lost of sunshine and happiness!  


  1. I love tags! Thank you so much for thinking of me! I will definitely do it, but please give me some days.
    I enjoyed reading your answers. What a coincidence, my parents went to Hungary too.
    Happy Friday!!!

    1. I am glad that you like this tag, I am looking forward to read your answers!

  2. Interesting Post ,love it!
    Love the beautiful Necklace ,also the Lipgloss looks great :)

    Kisses my beautiful Lady :*

  3. Ce poze frumoase! :) Arata foarte bine ojele!

  4. Ce frumoase sunt ojele de la Jade. <3 Minunate!
    Chiar ca esti o norocoasa. Sa nu ai nevoie de autobronzant, mmm ...te invidiez. ;))
    Pupici si un weekend minunat!

    1. Niciodata nu am avut nevoie de autobronzant, am un ten foarte bun, nu ma pot plange!
      Te pup.

  5. great summer post!
    happy weekend!

    <3, Kathrin

  6. Ce accesorii frumoase, îmi place mult colierul! Și ojele mă atrag tare-tare!
    Mă bucur mult că ai completat tag-ul, mi-au plăcut toate răspunsurile.
    Pupici :*

    1. Ma bucur ca mai taguit, chiar mi-a placut mult sa raspund la aceste intrebari!
      Acest colier mi-am dorit-o de multa vreme, si am avut norocul sa o gasesc intr-un magazin mic in Cluj :)

  7. Andrea,
    La intrebarea 4 si intrebarea 6 eram sigura de raspuns :)).. Oare de ce? :-P
    Foarte frumoase accesorile si ojele!
    Week-end placut!

    1. Oare, de ce? Ma cunosti foarte bine, de aceaia :)

  8. Ohhh, I love the tag! I'll think about it this weekend and prepare it for next week.
    I'm not really a lip gloss person but I got tempted to try those by Yves Rocher, I'm a big fan of their products.
    Have a happy Friday and a great weekend dear!

    1. I am glad that you like it. I am very curious about your answers!

  9. love the jade polishes, morever it's holo! :D

    1. Yes, I am a big holo polish fan, so of course these are my favorite ones!

  10. Melodia aia are ceva special ce o face unica.
    As vrea si eu un costum intreg dar care sa nu lase la vedere "defectul" de la spate.
    Te invidiez putin pentru muzica jazz ascultata, dreamy!

    1. Corect, sunt de acord cu cand am auzit-o o reascult cu placere de fiecare data!
      Sunt o mare fana a muyicii jazz, pacat ca prietenii si familia mea nu...asa ajung eu singura de fiecare data la concerte!

  11. Ed Sheeran fan here as well!! Love his music and his voice :-) And that bag, LOVE IT!!

    1. Thank you. Hey, I am glad that I am not the only one, because all of my friends find him annoying :(

  12. Mi-a placut sa citesc postarea ta,ojesle sunt superbe si geanta imi place mult <3

  13. It's great reading all of your answers and getting to know you a bit better! I love Starbucks too :D Thanks for tagging me!

    1. We have just one Starbucks in our town, but when I am near to it, I can not resist to buy a coffee :)

  14. beautiful blog! maybe we can follow each other on blogspot, bloglovin and lookbook?

    Let me know, dear!

    welcome :)

  15. You are a lucky woman! I have a lucky husband! :)) Vreau sa spun ca de la el stiu cum e cu o astfel de piele, e cel putin uimitor pentru mine, ma minunez an de an! :D

    Cand am intrat sa citesc raspunsurile tale, mi-am zis: Aaoooleeuuu, in cat suntem te pomenesti ca onorez tag-ul asta fix la toamna! Acum m-as fi apucat sa fac fotografii, dar e tare mohorat cerul si lumina insuficienta!

    Mi-au placut mult alegerile tale, am zabovit asupra fiecareia - exceptie facand Starbucks-ul (la care nu am acces) si parfumurile (a caror aroma nu o stiu)... M-ai pus pe ganduri, n-am nicio oja holo! :)

    Te pup cu drag si-ti doresc weekend relaxant!
    Lavender Thoughts

    1. Ilda, neaparat trebuie sa iti faci rost, macar de o oja holografica. Iti garantez ca o sa incepi sa le colectionezi, sunt geniale. Moyra are unele foarte frumoase si foarte accesibile!
      Multumesc ca imi esti alaturi intodeauna!
      Te pup.

  16. Replies
    1. I am glad that you like it, maybe you will do it too :)

  17. Thanks for sharing more about you. I'm now craving a frappuccino!

  18. That is a really interesting post, thank you :)

  19. Omg now I want Starbucks! My favorite is a Double Chocolaty Chip frappuccino! I don't understand how some people can buy Starbucks daily... I only buy it as a treat once in a while too.
