
Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Busy days, simple manicures

Hello lovely ladies

I am very sorry that I can not visit each of your blogs, but this period of time is extremely busy for me. I have a few manicures made a while back, I hope I am going to have a little bit of time to post them. Today a very simple one, just a two polish combination. 

Flormar Sugar Candy - Lime Bonbon: First I thought that I am buying a textured polish, because of the name of it, but this is a glossy smooth surface polish. I applied this beautiful lime green/gold shimmer polish in three coats, because in one or two coats it was to sheer for me. The formula is very easy to work with, so definitely I am going to try other colors too, from this collection! 

Moyra - Sugar Sand, No. 868 Brown Sugar is a pretty and elegant textured polish that is similar to brown sugar. I applied it in two coats and it dried very fast!

The second day I thought to stamp on the green polish a subtle pattern with a gold metallic polish by Maybelline. I really liked the fine effect.

Before I finish my post I will show you some photos I mad last weekend at the first Transylvania International Design & Fashion Fair (TIDAFF) organized here in my country. 

The blue bag caught my eyes!

This is a lovely multifunctional necklace made by Gabriela Popescu a blogger from my town.

I am together with Lajtar Csilla a very talented designer. I love her work.
This is a fun picture I made together with my friend.
Have a great day and thank you very much for you comments, I appreciate each of them!


  1. O noua manichiura impecabila si o locatie care te face sa poftesti la "cate-n luna si in stele".
    Rochiile sunt divine. :D

  2. Frumoasa combinatia de culori :)

  3. Simpla dar draguta manichiura ta

  4. Cat de finute sunt :X Imi plac foarte mult, mereu faci niste modele superbe.


  5. Hello, my dear!
    I always love the combinations that you create! Congrats!
    Thanks to you, I bought some Moyra Sugar Sand polishes and I simply LOVE them!
    Very cool pictures from TIDAFF! The black and white dress with flowers is amazing!

  6. Besides the fact that the stamping is not very visible I just love it! Love those colours together!! Pretty mani, love the green!

  7. O combinatie surprinzatoare in cel mai placut mod (atat cromatic cat si ca texturi ale ojelor)! Imi place mult, Andrea!
    Stii cat de mult imi plac fotografiile de la evenimentele la care participi? Mereu mi-au parut interesante, inedite, pozitive!

    Zile cu spor sa ai!


  8. Hello Andy, wow the san textured polish colour look very pretty.. is it hard to remove the polish after that? Because i've never had any sand textured polish on my nails. Maybe gonna try one anytime soon :D

  9. Simple maybe - but very pretty :)
    Ohhh, yes, that blue bag also caught my eye!!

  10. beautiful mani and lovely pictures :)

  11. Foarte frumoase unghiutele tale,rochita aceea scurta bleu e superba,pup <3

  12. Lacul de unghii texturat ma fascineaza. Pe langa faptul ca nuanta este delicata si superba, textura arata asa de frumos si interesant :)

  13. esmeralda evangelistaNovember 19, 2014 at 11:09 AM

    manicure beautiful and elegant! I really love the color combination.

    Don't Call Me
    Fashion Blogger



  14. The blue sparkly dress is so pretty! I could see myself wearing it.

  15. Ce frumoasa e rochita albastra din dantela 3d! Si manichiura ta e draguta. :*

  16. You are so beautiful and so your nails!!!
    Happy wed!

    Kisses, love Paola.


    My Facebook

  17. There are some really lovely dresses there!

  18. of, de cand caut si eu moyra n am gasit in oras decat nuante pe care le aveam deja texturate :)) si verdele de la flormar e foarte dragut!

  19. Si eu in Ungaria am cumparat ojele Moyra, in Cluj intodeauna au stoc epuizat :(
