
Thursday, November 27, 2014

Winter is coming

My dear fellow blogger Andreea Ditta's Nail Design & Art, has a fantastic international nail art contest together with MoYou Nails, with the theme Winter is coming. Of course I didn't wanted to miss this one and that's why I made a manicure inspired by a picture, found on the internet.

But first I want to show you the most beautiful cream blue polish I have in my collection, called Australis Nail Colour - Sky's the Limit. I won this one in a Facebook giveaway by SoNalicious.

This is a bright and opaque colour, I applied it streak free in two layers. The formula is very easy to use and it dries fast! So, it was a perfect choice for my winter looking manicure.

The nail art is made with acrylic colors, a thin brush and a dotting tool.

It is not a perfect copy of the image I found, but I like the outcome of it. 
What is your opinion, are my nails prepared for the winter or not?

If you want to participate to this nail art contest, you have the time until the 1 December. You can find details HERE.

Have a great day and thank you for stopping by!


  1. amazing winter mani, you created very beautiful design :)

  2. so cute winter mani, I love it ♥

  3. Foarte frumoase <3,super ai reprodus poza <3

  4. Andrea ai o manichiura extraordinara!
    Te felicit! Fiecare detaliu arata impecabil!

  5. Sunt mult mai frumoase unghiutele decat sursa de inspiratie ♥

  6. wow.. multa munca si talent. Feicitari!

  7. modelul e superb ♥ daca am sa am timp (si raceala nu ma doboara) poate particip si eu :-)

  8. You did a very good job painting it like the picture! God luck!

  9. i hate winter, but i love yours!! :D WOW!!

  10. Ţi-a ieşit superbă manichiura, foarte-foarte mult îmi place!

    Vroiam să particip şi eu la concursul Andreei că e foarte fain, dar nu ştiu dacă o să am timp. :(

  11. love that shade of blue! great art work!

  12. O abordare interesanta a peisajului de iarna. Frumos modelul. ❤

  13. If you're nails are not prepared for winter, then I don't know whose are. The cutest mani ever!

  14. E feerie pe unghiile tale! Le-am admirat indelung! :)
    Te felicit pentru aceasta superba manichiura, Andrea! Esti atat de talentata! Ma intrebam: fiica ta ti-a mostenit talentul la desen?
    Pupicei multi!

  15. Ce frumoase sunt !!! Parca imi e dor si mie de unghiute pictate <3

  16. These look SO nice Andrea! Very magical and perfect for Winter, I love them!

  17. This is one of the first winter manicures I see this year and I love it! :-)

  18. Perfect manicure for winter. and I love that shade of blue!

  19. Multumesc din suflet pentru complimente. Da, si fiica mea are talent pentru desen si ii place foarte mult sa picteze :)

  20. The polish is gorgeous, I love the creme finish and the color looks very unique too.
    And I think you did a fantastic job, translating the image to your nails <3 It really feels like a cold winter night. Ah, and somehow I miss snow. Though I'm glad that it's not snowing yet, since going to university would be a pain xD Stay warm & safe, dear ^3^
