
Thursday, December 18, 2014

Born Pretty Store nail art brush set review

Hello ladies.

Today is review day for a fantastic set of brushes I received from the Born Pretty Store. This set  consist of 11 brushes and one dotting tool in a sealed package. Each brush comes with a plastic cap on it. I categorized the brushes and I will show you some designs you can make with them. First I want to mention that I am not an expert, so my designs are simple and easy ones.
Striping brushes. These are the most used ones! They are 5 of them in the set, a long, a medium, a short one and two detail brushes. With the first three one you can make those perfect long and thin lines on your nails, or even use them for thin details like outlines. With the detail brushes you can make swirls, flowers, petals or anything that is smaller!

Doting tool. This is an another object that I use very often for my designs. You can make small or even bigger dots with this tool, just let your imagination free!
Flat brushes. The set comes with 7 different sized and shaped flat brushes. The angle brushes are perfect for the brush stroke technique, to create flowers and any other detailed design. You can use them for cleaning too, if you make a mistake or the polish get's to the cuticles or skin, with a little acetone or polish remover and a thicker flat brush you can swipe and remove the mistakes.You can find at the end of this post a few designs made with these brushes.
Fan brushes. In the set are two of them. They are great for adding glitter or removing excess glitter from the nails or even creating tweed nails. The base for the last design is made with one of these brushes.

Don't forget to clean the brushes properly, because this way the quality of them will last much longer. I use these brushes exclusively with acrylic paint, but the manufacturer said that it can be used for gel nails too. This is a fact that I can not confirm, because I don't work with gel nails.
If you need this set of brushes you can find it here and any other nail art related stuff and much more. You can use my 10% off discount code from bellow. Just visit Born Pretty Store.


  1. Imi place foarte mult postarea si o voi salva la preferate pentru altadata. Chiar voiam sa stiu despre pensulele pentru nail art, cum le folosesc pe fiecare etc. Multumesc pentru aceasta postare :)

    P.S. Modelele create de tine pentru exemple de manichiuri sunt superbe :)

  2. Un set de acest gen e foarte util. :)
    Sa le folosesti cu placere pe toate pentru ca rezultatele sunt dementiale. :)

  3. Am și eu un set similar și îmi e da mare folos. Deși nu eram sigură de unele dintre ele, la aceleași lucruri le folosesc și eu. :D
    Îmi plac foarte mult modelele pe care le-ai realizat cu aceste pensule, în special cele din ultima poză!

  4. I always wondered what the brushes look like. Just like make up brushes they see to come in all shapes and sizes.

  5. ce minunatii! cred ca mi-ar fi si mie util un set ca acesta ! pupici

  6. You made such gorgeous designs with these Andrea!! I love all of them! I actually bought this brush set for myself a few months ago and I really like it!

  7. I have the same set. It is very good for doing nail arts. :)

  8. Heyyyy ce frumos <3

  9. Hi there!! Long time no talk, sorry!! I've been busy with work!!

    Anyways, you won't believe it, I bought some brushes that look like that too!!!! I haven't used mine yet because I'm not sure how to clean them once I get nail polish on them! =(

  10. Perfect brushes set!
    Fabrizia - Cosa mi metto???

  11. I need this brushes set!!!!
    Kisses, love Paola.
    ../_……_\………\ ……*…….*………*……..*…….*
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    ……|…|….|…|.*………..*…..(░ • ░)……**…….*


    My Facebook

  12. I´m waiting for brushes from BPS, too. But for different :-)

  13. This looks like a great set, I love the brushes I have from the Born Pretty Store! Great review!

  14. these are some awesome nails!!!! you should do a post for each full nails design.

  15. Great review!!!!
    ❊#ª“˜¨ ᴺᴵᴳᴴᵀ﹗
    Feliz Navidad y Próspero Año Nuevo 2015!!!

    ♥Besos, desde España, Marcela♥

  16. What a great review! And you are being too modest! I do love the designs you created with these brushes :)
