
Saturday, May 9, 2015

Nail Team Challenge - Studs and Laura Clauvi polish review

It is Saturday, time flies and we are closer and closer to the end of this fantastic challenge. I am glad that I didn't miss any of them and I really enjoyed each theme a lot. 

Today's topic was suggested by the sweet Alina, the owner of the blog Venus Chic. She wanted to see studs on our nail. I really like to decorate my nails with studs, so it was a joy to make this mani. 

Este sambata, timpul zboara si suntem foarte aproape de sfarsitul acestei provocari fantastice. Ma bucur ca am participat la fiecare tema propusa de fete si pot sa spun ca fiecare in parte a fost foarte speciala.
Tema de astazi a fost propusa de draguta de Alina - Venus Chic. Ea a vrut sa vada tinte pe unghiile noastre. Imi place mult sa-mi decorez unghiile cu tinte, astfel acest subiect a fost perfect pentru mine.

I used for this manicure two of the new polishes I received for a review from Laura Clauvi Romania.

For the base I used Nr. 19 Violaceous, a very bright violet-magenta cream polish. The color in the bottle is extremely beautiful but applied on the nails it changes the shade of it depending of the thickens of the layer. The formula is a little bit runny, theoretically it covers in one coat, but I've tried to even out the color shade on each nail and this is why I added the second coat too. But that didn't changed anything, the shade difference was visible. The polish dries a little bit slow but it has a stunning glossy finish. 

Pentru aceasta manichiura am folosit doua dintre ojele primite de la firma Laura Clauvi Romania.

Pentru baza am folosit Nr. 19 Violaceous un violet-purpuriu intens si cremos. Culoarea din sticluta este extrem de frumosa, dar aplicat pe unghii isi schimba nuanta in functie de grosimea stratului aplicat. Formula este un pic lichidoasa, teoretic acopera intr-un singur strat, dar dat fiind faptul ca nuanta diferea pe unghii am aplicat cel de al doilea strat. Dar acest lucru nu a schimbat nimic, diferenta de nuanta tot a fost vizibila. Oja usuca cam greu, dar are un finish lucious foarte frumos.

I stamped two of my nails with Nr. 08 Snowflake and stamping plate BP-L005 from the Born Pretty Store. This stamping polish is a very pigmented one that transfers easily and clear on the nails. It dries fast and as seen in the pictures covers dark shades very well. As I mentioned in my previous post too, this polish can be used for classic manicures too. 

Am stampilatat pe doua dintre unghii un model cu Nr. 08 placuta BP-L005 de la Born Pretty Store Acesta oja este unul foarte pigmentat care se transfera cu usurinta pe unghie. Se usuca rapid si asa cum se vede în imagini acopera chiar si nuantele inchise la culoare. Asa cum am mentionat intr-o postare anteriorioara aceasta oja poate fi folosita si pentru manichiura clasica.

As a conclusion, this polish combination together with the studs is a very eye catching one, I don't know what happened with the base polish, I am going to use it again to see what went wrong, and why does it change it color on different nails. The stamping polish again, became my favorite one, exactly like with the black one I tried last week. 

Ca si concluzie, aceasta combinatie de oje atrage privirea si este una eleganta, nu imi dau seama de ce isi schimba nuanta oja violeta dar o sa-l folosesc din nou pentru a vedea daca se comporta la fel. Oja alba, o sa ma repet, a devenit preferata mea, exact ca cel negru.

Let's see the studded nails of the other girls form the group:

1. Alina -
2. Oana -
3. Andreea M - 
4. Iulia Maria -
5. Andra (Sophie) -
6. Mihaela -
7. Teo -
8. Mădălina -
9. Iulia B.
10. Andrea -

Ojele Laura Clauvi se pot gasii pe site aici la preturi accesibile. Daca doriti sa fiti la curent cu toate noutatile despre produsele Laura Clauvi, accesati pagina de Facebook aici


  1. Milyen csini körmök! :)) Pont az ilyen bogyós árnyalatok hiányoznak a gyűjteményemből. Mivel nyomtad a mintát? A szegecseket csak a lakkozásba szoktad belenyomni?

  2. Foarte frumoasa nuanta !

  3. Suuuuperbe Andrea,abea astept sa le vezi si pe ale mele,am folosit tot Laura Clauvi si se aseamana mult cu manichiura ta,pup

  4. O manichiura superba! E frumoasa oja prezentata :)

  5. Super mani!Ador combinatia de culori <3

  6. Dear Andrea, your decorations never fail to amaze me. I love the combination of pink and white, because it's really faminate. Kisses and regard.

  7. iordache madalinaMay 9, 2015 at 3:03 PM

    Ca intotdeauna,frumose si perfecte!

  8. The colour changing is very odd!! I've had that with an OPI polish too, but only when I apply a certain top coat. The pink and white do look gorgeous together and I love the nail with the studs!

  9. Ai pregătit niște unghiuțe superbe și de data asta! Îmi place foarte mult întreaga combinație.
    Te pup!

  10. The color combo looks great, but I've never experienced a color changing of the nail polishes from one nail to another. Maybe the nail polish has a weird formula? The stamping looks great and I love the placement of the studs! :D

  11. cat de dragalas este modelul tau ♥

  12. Foarte eleganta manichiura ta ojele arata minunat :)

  13. Eleganta, deosebite s frumoasa foc! <3

  14. Maybe it's because of the oxidation, anyway I really love the results!

  15. Very pretty nails!!!
    Have a good week!!! and my g+ for you!!!:)))

    Besos, desde España, Marcela♥

  16. Another great job!!!!! <3!!!
    Kisses, Paola.


    My Facebook

  17. Wow this design really looks amazing! This polish has such a brilliant color. Never heard from the brand before but I totally have to get this color for myself

  18. I am glad that you like it, but as I mentioned in the post this polish has it problems and I don't know why, until now it never happened to me. As you can see it in the pictures too on each nail the shade is different. I don't know yet why this happened!

  19. I really don't know what is the problem, though the color is quite pretty :)

  20. Multumesc, cred ca ajuta si culoarea :)

  21. Da, si eu prima oara ca patesc asa ceva cu o oja. Nu inteleg care este problema. Asa cum am mentionat o sa experimentez cu ea si in viitor.

  22. Multumesc, ma bucur ca iti place. Iti spun sincer nu am purtat aceasta manichiura ca am fost nerabdatoare sa incerc o oja din colectia mea pe care am cumparat-o recent. Am postat un teaser pe FB, nu stiu daca ai observat. Maine oricum postez :) Te pup.

  23. Yes, I thought the same way. This never happened to me. In this case I didn't used any top coat, at the first layer the colour started to change as it dried. I hope next time this will no longer happen because I really like this color a lot and the glossy finish is quite special! I am glad that you like the final manicure!

  24. Multumesc mult, esti foarte draguta!

  25. Thank you very much. I loved this combination too very much!

  26. Multumesc. Da contrastul intre alb si viloet atrage atentia!

  27. Thank you very much Agata. I am glad that you like it!

  28. Da, le-am vazut draga Oana. Manichiura ta este foarte frumi!

  29. Da este o culoare eleganta si frumoasa!

  30. I love what you did with it! :)

  31. Arata minunat! Ojele astea se imprima nemaipomenit de bine, sun fan! kiss

  32. they look so good!!

  33. Stephanie LovestruckLacquerMay 12, 2015 at 7:01 AM

    the studs look really nice with that swirly stamping pattern! :) the pink is really pretty too!

  34. Thank you. I like very much swirly patterns!

  35. Da, sunt foarte bune calitativ. Asa cum am mentionat au devenit favoritele mele pentru stamping!

  36. Thank you very much! I am glad that you like it.

  37. Köszönöm, örülök, hogy tetszik. A minta Born Pretty Store nyomda lemezzel van készitve - BP-L 005. Itt láthatod a lemezt:
    A szegecseket van amikor csak a lakkozásba nyomogatom bele, de ha a lakk hamar szárad akkor teszek egy réteg átlátszó lakkot és utána nyomogatom bele. Ha azt akarom, hogy hosszasabban tartsom a körmömön akkor még egy réteg fedőlakkot rá kenek. A fenti munka esetében csak egyszerűen bele vannak nyomkodva a körömlakkba.

  38. I like studs, but I love that stamping.

  39. love the combo of the manicure! :) lovely, as usual!

  40. Really, really interesting and cute manicure! :-)
