
Monday, June 22, 2015

Bright summer nails

Hello lovely ladies

First of all please let me apologies for the quality of the pictures you will going to see today. My professional camera has some problems and I had to borrow one until mine is recovering :(

Today nail art is made with the saran wrap technique and I used three bright looking polishes for it. On my middle finger I added some small sized neon studs. I enjoyed to have these bright summer nails.

I wish you all a great and easy week!


  1. Nagyon szep a manikur es nyarias! Erost jo otlet volt a feher korom a neon kovecskekkel :)

  2. It's a pretty and sweet mani for summer!

  3. I'm back again into blogging ;) I have tried saran only once but I didn't get such a great result :) i love yours!

  4. Very cute and bright!!!

  5. Mmm pe o piele bronzata arata demential, imi place!

  6. Foarte frumos.O sa-mi permit sa fac unul asemanator pentru o colaborare la care particip.

  7. gorgeous bright nails! I like the slightly "citrus" theme with the colours you chose, makes it very summery. Oh, btw I haven't noticed the pics weren't done with your regular camera, they look perfect to me!

  8. Ce frumușele sunt! Am și eu în plan o manichiură foarte colorată. :D

  9. Foarte frumoasa mani ai facut,perfecta pentru vara.In ultimul timp iubesc si eu tintele tare mult <3.Si nu te mai scuza,ca pozele sunt foarte reusite,eu doar cu telefonul le fac :)))),puuuup <3

  10. So cute! I have some neon studs but I do not use them very often. I should!!

  11. ce vesela e manichiura!! imi place :-)

  12. fife fantasi NailsJune 22, 2015 at 7:44 PM

    very beautiful Andrea, these neon studs look amazing on your nails :)

  13. Sunt foarte frumose,vesele si colorate!Imi plac mult!!Pupici.

  14. Ioi....sper sa fie totul bine cu camera cat mai repede! (Cred ca eu as fi foarte trista daca mi s-ar strica aparatul foto)
    CU toate astea, pozele au iesit foarte bine.

    TI-a iesit foarte bine, ca de fiecare data, aceasta manichiura. E o tehnica care ma sperie, sincer...felicitari ca ti-a iesit un model atat de frumos.

    Te pup

  15. O saptamana nu am dormit ca lumea din cauza aparatului. Investitia a fost mare si dupa 5 ani sa imi faca chestia asta, nu as fi crezut. Dar totul este OK deja, am rezolvat-o.
    De ce te sperie aceasta tehnica? Este super usoara. Ma bucur ca iti place manichiura mea vesel colorata :) Te pup.

  16. Thank you very much. Actually I was looking for some neon glitter particles in the nail shop and because they didn't had it, I bought these studs. An I am glad that I did.

  17. Yes, you should. This is the perfect time for it :)

  18. Da, tintele poate sa schimbe aspectul unei manichiuri, deci normal ca le iubim :) Te pup.

  19. Abia astept sa vad manichiura ta colorata! Te pup.

  20. Oh, thank you very much, I appreciate your kindness. I hated to work with an another camera.
    I am glad that you like my summer manicure.

  21. Multumesc. Abia astept sa vad cum iti v-a iesii!

  22. Isn't it!? Hugs and kisses to you!

  23. Sometimes my saran wrap nails look awful too, this is not the best result either in my opinion. But the studs and the colors brightened up my days! I am glad that you like it!

  24. A Marasti teren a piacon nyilt egy kis nail shop teli aprosagokkal. Elmentem venni nenon glittert es mivel nem volt, haza jottem a neon kovecskekkel, es nem banom mert nagyon szeretem, hogy allnak a kormeimen.

  25. Very beautiful, darling! I love Saran Wrap Technique! <3

  26. I like the symmetry of this manicure! And the colour combination is perfect too.

  27. Saran wrap and splatter manicures with bold colours are always a good idea for this period of the year!

  28. I am glad that you like my saran wrap design! Thank you!

  29. Saran wrap is easy to make and the effect is always quite interesting, in my opinion. Thank you!

  30. Thank you very much. Yes I agree. Soon I am going to make a splatter mani too :)

  31. I like it! <3
    The neon studs are so cute!

  32. Stephanie LovestruckLacquerJune 26, 2015 at 6:19 AM

    i love the colors together! i haven't done a saran wrap mani in ages this makes me want to do one again! :)

  33. He, he. I saw some saran wrap mani by another blogger and instantly had the mood to make it too. So, I hope my manicure will inspire you too! :))

  34. Thank you. The neon studs make the difference in this mani, in my opinion! Without them it wouldn't look so interesting!

  35. Your saran wrap nail is so fun, I like its colours.

  36. Thank you very much, I am glad that you like this summer design!
