
Friday, July 10, 2015

Green day

It is a hot summer, this is why bright colors are a must on my nails. I took my green Flormar 007 polish that I won from Unforesseable and combined it with a yellow acrylic color.

The Flormar polish is from the Neon collection, but in my opinion this is not as bright to call it a neon shade. The formula is OK, it covers in two coats and the finish of it is a cream glossy one. The drying time is average.

As an accent nail I painted a sun like pattern with acrylic colors. A big help was a nail art brush that I recently bought from the Born Pretty Store. This brush has a bamboo handle and it is perfect for detailed nail art.

These tattoos can be addictive. You can find them here

I hope you like my fun looking summer nail art and if you like the brush than you can find it here and if you purchase anything from the Born Pretty Store, you're welcome to use my bellow seen discount code. 


  1. It's a beautiful mani with a lovely tie-dye effect!

  2. Federer Lolos ke Semifinal[img/]

    Agen Indo11 Terpercaya melaporkan, Tiket semifinal Wimbledon 2015 nomor tunggal putra berhasil diamankan Roger Federer. Petenis kebangsaan Swiss itu memastikan lolos dari babak perempat final usai menaklukkan Gilles Simon yang berasal dari Prancis, Rabu (8/7/2015).

    Pada set pertama, jalannya pertandingan sempat terganggu hujan. Dalam laga ini Federer sukses mengatasi tekanan dari lawannya. Sempat kesulitan pada awal permainan, Federer akhirnya menang 6-3.

    Set kedua berjalan lebih seru. Simon memberikan perlawanan yang cukup merepotkan petenis unggulan kedua tersebut. Namun lagi-lagi Federer bisa lolos dari kekalahan. Ia akhirnya mengamankan set kedua dengan keunggulan 7-5.

    Penampilan positif dilanjutkan Federer pada set ketiga. Tanpa berlama-lama, ia akhirnya menutup pertandingan dengan skor 6-2. Pertandingan ini berakhir dalam waktu 1 jam 34 menit.

  3. Lorenzo Punya Catatan Buruk di Jerman[img/]

    Agen Indo11 Terpercaya melaporkan, Pembalap Movistar Yamaha, Jorge Lorenzo mengaku balapan di GP Jerman 2015 akhir pekan ini merupakan tantangan tersendiri yang harus dia lalui. Pasalnya, pada balapan itu Lorenzo dituntut meraih podium usai gagal merangkai lima kemenangan beruntun di Sirkuit Assen.

    Lorenzo hanya finish di posisi ketiga di GP Belanda yang berlangsung hampir dua pekan lalu. Dia tak mampu berbuat banyak ketika rekannya, Valentino Rossi dan pembalap tim rival, Marc Marquez berebut tempat pertama di balapan ke delapan itu. Pembalap Spanyol itu pun mengaku berat bertarung di GP Jerman.

    "Secara teoritis, Sirkuit Sachsenring (di Jerman) lebih buruk dari pada Sirkuit Assen," kata Lorenzo sesaat setelah tiba di Jerman.

    Sejarah mencatat, Lorenzo adalah pembalap yang tidak pernah menang di GP Jerman. Beberapa pengamat menilai karatker sirkuit yang pendek dan terlalu banyak tikungan membuat sedikit pembalap yang mampu menguasai lintasan 3.671 m itu.

  4. Silva Senang City Pertahankan Pellegrini[img/]

    Agen Indo11 Terpercaya melaporkan, Gelandang Manchester City, David Silva mengaku senang dengan kenyataan timnya mempertahankan Manuel Pellegrini sebagai pelatih.

    Nama Pellegrini pada akhir musim lalu santer dikabarkan akan dipecat petinggi The Citizens, menyusul kegagalan mereka di Premier League dan juga Liga Champions.

    Namun pada akhirnya, The Citizens memutuskan untuk tetap memakai jasa mantan pelatih Malaga tersebut musim depan. Dan itu membuat Silva bahagia.

    "Hal itu sangat bagus bagi kami bahwa petinggi klub mempertahankan Pellegrini sebagai pelatih," ujarnya."Dia adalah sosok pelatih yang benar-benar tahu strateginya dan selalu ingin tampil menyerang. Dia seorang pelatih yang punya ambisi tinggi meraih gelar," tandasnya.

  5. Nice one! Love the mani and the tatoos are so cool :D kiss

  6. Minunata!
    Imi place la nebunie manichiura ta! <3
    Pupici si un weekend frumos!

  7. Am și eu oja Flormar, dar parcă a mea e mai... neon. :)) Și nici nu prea e perfect opacă din două straturi. Poate i-au mai schimbat formula, că eu o am de vreo doi ani.
    Îmi place mult modelul realizat, e super drăgălaș! Și tatuajele sunt foarte frumoase.
    Pupici! Weekend plăcut!

  8. Foarte frumos, Andy!

  9. What a gorgeous mani Andrea. I love the combo green&yellow... reminds me of Brazil. :)
    Sorry for being such a long time without showing up here. My professional life is getting busier and busier.
    Have a great weekend dear!

  10. Great job!!!
    Happy friday doll!!!
    Kisses, Paola.


    My Facebook

  11. Very nice job! Manicure is amazing and the tatoos look great!
    How many the days did the tatoos last intact?

  12. Such happy colours and they totally match your logo!

  13. Woww....I always adore your nail art, and this is proof positive why! Amazing job dear, it's really beautiful! And the metallic tattoos are so bright, so shiny and pretty, they look like body jewelry. Love them :)
    Thank you so much for stopping by.Have a nice evening and a fabulous week<3


  14. I love the design and the colour combo, it screams summer! And the tattoos suit you so much!

  15. Thank you dear Ere, I appreciate each comment of yours! I am glad that you like this design and the tattoos. These summer tattoos can be addictive :))

  16. He, he...yes, because I am a big green color fan :)) Thank you!

  17. Thank you. If the tattoo is on the hands, than it last 1 day, but on the wrist or on other body plate it last 3 day's. It depends how much water get's on it! I like them very much!

  18. Multumesc. Tatuajele au devenit o obsesie! Te pup.

  19. Thank you very much.

    No problem, I know how sometimes day's can be chaotic and very busy! I totally understand!

  20. Nu stiu din ce an este oja, sincera sa fiu nu m-am uitat sa vad. Formula la acesta chiar este OK si acopera bine. Probabil au mai schimat ceva la ea ca am vazut aceasta oja si in alta sticluta, de fapt eticheta era putin diferita fata de acesta. Asa cum am mentionat, pentru mine acesta nu prea arata a culoare neon :)
    Ma bucur ca ti-a placu manichiura mea. Tatuajele incep sa imi placa extrem de mult! Te pup.

  21. Thank you! I am glad that you like it.

  22. Multumesc mult, ma bucur ca iti place.

  23. This is such a lovely post as always :D I love your manicure, the colours are beautiful and it reminds me a little of kiwi! The tattoos look awesome and also.. The the brush I use! I can't be without it , isn't it perfect for fine details? :D xx

  24. Lovely pictures! And love that green polish :-) I know you are a green fan and I am with you!

  25. Very pretty work!!!
    Have a good week, dear Andrea!!! and my g+ for you!!!:)))

    Besos, desde España, Marcela♥

  26. Minunata manichiura. Imi place mult verdele si modelul accent. Si eu am achizitionat pensula, doar ca sunt putin nemultumita de ea. Are perisorii cam moi si nu pot trasa linii precise. M-am invatat cu pensulele mele vechi. :)

  27. I absolutely love it! :)

  28. I am, glad that you love this one!

  29. Multumesc. Eu sunt foarte multumita de aceasta pensula, ar putea sa fie si mai subtire, dar de atfle totul este OK cu ea.

  30. Yes, green works for me any time :) Thank you!

  31. Yes, it is perfect for details and I really like this brush a lot. Your right the accent nail can be seen as a kiwi too :) My idea was to represent the sun and the green grass together :))
