
Monday, October 5, 2015

I am in 7th Heaven

Today I have a mixed post with a review and some nail art of course. From about a week ago I received a wonderful goodiebox full with face mask to test from 7th Heaven. No, it is not a new brand, maybe you know it like Mountain Jeunesse. The company changed it's name, because a lot of people could not pronounce it and with the new name to incorporate all the wonderful stuff that mother nature can give us.

(RO)  Cei care ma urmaresc pe Facebook au vazut ca aproximativ de o saptamana am primit o cutiuta foarte colorata plina cu masti de fata de la 7th Heaven pentru testat. Nu, nu este un brand nou, poate o recunosteti daca spun Mountain Jeunesse. Compania si-a schimbat numele, pentru ca multi oameni nu au putut sa o pronunte iar acum este mai usor de retinut si acest nume reprezinta toate bunatatile raiului pe care  Mama Natura le are de oferit!

7th Heaven uses fresh, juicy fruits and plants for the ingredient of the face masks that can relax through smell and make each woman face look more smooth and healthy. This company never tested their products on animals! 7th Heaven has a lot of face masks to choose from, for any type of skin.

When I opened the box I received, I was amazed by the colorful content of it. Each package is very attractive and instantly I wanted to try them all. But of course that would be a mistake, so I tried two of them first.

(RO) 7th Heaven foloseste ca ingredient de baza cele mai savuroase si apetisante fructe si plante toate mixate in asa fel incat sa ofere o stare de relaxare dar si un ten impecabil. 7th Heaven are o multitudine de masti de fata pentru orice tip de ten. Aceaste produse niciodata nu au fost testate pe animale!
Cand am primit cutia am fost uimit de continutul colorat al mastilor. Fiecare pachetel are un design atractiv si instantaneu mi-am dorit sa le incerc pe toate. Pentru postarea de azi va prezint doua.

Passion peel-off. This mask cleanse and smooths the skin. It contains pomegranate, raspberry, grapes, cranberries and vitamin E. All these fruits are antioxidants for the skin!

(RO) Passion peel-off.  Acesta masca curata in profunzime tenul. Contine pulpa de rodie, zmeura, strugure, merisor si vitamina E. Toate aceste ingrediente sunt antioxidanti care ajuta la protejarea pielii.

I put on the product that has an amazing raspberry smell and a gel texture. The color of it is red/pink in the package and after it dries becomes light pink. After a 15 minute relaxation I peeled off the mask and escaped from a lot of dead cells and my face became smooth and clean. I can recommend this product for any type of skin!

(RO) Am aplicat masca pe fata care are un parfum puternic de zmeura. Textura ei este una tip gel de culoare rosu rozaliu care dupa uscare devine un roz pal. Dupa aproximativ 15 minute de relaxare am desprins masca foarte usor de pe fata si astfel am scapat de celule moarte ale tenului. Fata mea a devenit neteda si curata. Pot recomanda acest produs pentru orice tip de ten! 

A mani inspired by the package of the face mask :)
The second face mask I tried was very interesting for me, I never tried such one until now.  Aloe Vera face SPA is a facial tissue that is full with vitamins from the miracle aloe vera plant and green tea. This mask supposed to tonify and relax the face in 5 minutes. Well, I left this one a little bit more on, to profit from the benefits of all the ingredients. The tissue is wet and smells OK. After a few minutes all the ingredients are absorbed by the face and after taking it of it becomes smooth and fresh! I never thought that this will work. This is a perfect product for all of us who have sleepless nights and needs a quick refresher for the face! 

(RO) Cea de-a doua masca a fost foarte interesanta pentru mine pentru ca pana acum nu am incercat niciodata un astfel de produs. Aloe Vera face SPA este de fapt o batistuta faciala plina cu vitaminele revigorante ale sucului de aloe vera si ceaiului verde. Dupa descrierea producatorului acest produs actioneaza in 5 min. Ei bine, dupa ce am aplicat batsituta pe fata am lasat sa actioneze putin mai mult de 5 minute si dupa indepartare am masat fata ca sa actioneze in profunzime. Am obtinut un ten neted, revigorat spre surprinderea mea. N-am crezut ca acest produs poate actiona intr-un timp atat de scurt. Acesta este un produs perfect pentru toti cei care au nopti nedormite, dar nu numai, si au nevoie de un ten tonifiat si proaspat!

Sorry for the horrible face :(
The tissue is thin and it is very easy to apply.
I must add that all these masks must be put on a clean face. If you try them, first clean well your face with a toner/cleanser! All in all I loved to test these face masks and finally I've had a little bit relaxation time. I recommend to anyone the 7th Heaven face masks.  Just use them and you will feel like in 7th Heaven :))

I am curious, do you know this brand and face masks? What is your favorite one?

(RO) Trebuie sa adaug ca inainte de utilizarea acestor masti fata trebuie curatata si demachiata, toate aceste masti trebuie aplicate pe o fata curata. 

Ca si concluzie finala sunt foarte multumita de calitatea acestor masti si sunt bucuroasa ca am acceptat sa particip la campania "Rasfata-te cu prospetimea naturii"  Recomand tuturor aceste masti care doresc clipe de relaxare si un ten curat si matasos! "Relaxeaza-te cu prospetimea naturii!"

Sunt curios daca ati folosit mastile 7th Heaven si daca da, care v-a placut cel mai mult?

Pe pagina de Facebook 7th Heaven gasiti un concurs unde puteti castiga zeci de seturi de masti. Nu ratati ocazia!

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