
Thursday, November 5, 2015

Relaxation time with 7th Heaven

You remember my previous post with the face masks I received from 7th Heaven? You can find it here.

Today I show you another one I used recently, this time a very refreshing one with strawberries. Of course I made a nail art inspired by the package but first a few words about the face mask. 

Strawberry Souffle is packed full of natural products including pressed Aloe Vera, squeezed strawberry's and crushed vanilla which helps to calm and sooth the skin. As I opened the package a strong and delicious strawberry scent hit me. The consistency of the mask is very thick, creamy and has a light pink color. It contains small particles, I think they are strawberry seeds that massage and exfoliate the skin when it is applied.

After about 10-12 minutes I removed the mask and my skin looked and felt soft and hydrated.  

I like the hygienic package of these products, the quantity of the masques are exactly the amount that is needed for one use! 

(RO) Va amintiti de prima mea postare cu mastile de fata 7th Heaven? O puteti gasi aici.

Astazi va arat unul nou pe care am utilizat recent din cutiuta primita, de data aceasta una foarte racoritoare cu capsuni. Desigur, am facut o manichiura inspirata de pachetul produsului, dar in primul rand va spun cate ceva despre masca de fata.

Masca Strawberry Souffle este plin de produse naturale, inclusiv suc de Aloe Vera, capsuni presate si vanilie care ajuta la calmarea si hidratarea tenului.

Cand am deschis pachetul m-a lovit un puternic si delicios parfum de capsuni. Consistenta mastii de fata este groasa si cremoasa intr-o culoare rozalie. Contine particule mici abrazive care cred ca sunt seminte de capsuni care maseaza si exfoliazea tenul atunci cand este aplicat.

Dupa aplicare si relaxare de aproximativ 10-12 minute am clatit fata cu apa calduta iar tenul meu a devenit fin si hidratat.

Imi place mult pachetul igienic al acestor produse, continutul este exact cantitatea  necesara pentru o utilizare

Inspired by the package I made an accent nail with a strawberry, covered in cream, using acrylic paint.  

(RO) Inspirat de pachetul mastii de fata am creat o unghie accent utilizand culori acrilice. Va place capsunica? Si ce ziceti de masca de fata? Ati incercat-o?

Accesati pagina de Facebook 7th Heaven ca sa fiti la curent cu noutatile si acolo gasiti un concurs unde puteti castiga zeci de seturi de masti. Nu ratati ocazia!

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