
Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Geometric patterned stamping plate

I continue my reviews and today I want to show you a very cool stamping plate (BP77) I received from the Born Pretty Store. At the first look these geometric patterns are not very exiting but stamped on any color make an eye catching manicure.

I created a colorful base for these patterns, maybe to daring and colorful but I had fun doing it. I painted a white base on each of my nails and with the help of a piece of a sponge and the nail polishes I dabbed the different colors on my nails. After adding a thin layer of top coat I stamped the patterns on my nails. I finished with a top coat to seal the design. 

The images are very well carved in the plate and they transfer crisp and sharp to the nails. Three of the patterns are quite big, excellent for longer nails and the others ones are smaller perfect for any kind of length. I love this minimalist style and the truth is, I could not freehand paint such shapes, so this stamping plate is very welcome in my collection! 

If you like it, just look up for it here and if you purchase anything from the Born Pretty Store you're welcome to use the bellow seen discount code!

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