
Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Easter influenced nails

Last week I was preparing everything for the holiday, I was influenced very much of the colors of red and blue, colors that I painted the Easter eggs. So I created this model, a joyful, funny one.

I used a white nail polish for the base and made one blue and red stripe on it. I wanted that each nail look in another way, so with the help of a dotting tool I put some dots on one nail and I used rhinestones in the same colors. I was not too thrilled with the result, the stripes did not come out very straight, but I'm curious what do you think about it. Do you like or not this design? What about the color combination?

Dat fiind faptul ca in ultima saptamana m-am pregatit pentru sarbatori, m-au influentat foarte tare nuantele de rosu, albastru, culorile cu care am vopsit ouale de pasti. Astfel am creat acest model, mai vesel, zic eu.
Am folosit la baza un alb pe care am tras dungi de albastru si rosu. Ca sa nu am toate unghiile lafel am punctat unul dintre unghii cu ajutorul unui instrument de punctat si am folosit si pietricele in acelasi culoare. Nu prea am fost entuziasmat de rezultat, dungile colorate nu mi-au iesit foarte drepte, dar sunt curioasa voi ce parere aveti. Va place sau nu acest model? Dar combinatia de culoare?


  1. Great mani! Seems nautical to me. I am loving your elegant nail art! I gave you an award here :)

    1. Thanks Anna for your appreciation and for the awards. This is my first one, so it will take a few days until I will make a post about it. I am thrilled about it!

  2. This is gorgeous, suttle but yet something I've never seen before. Great job :)
    Thank you so much for checking out my blog too. You have a great blog & am delighted to follow you :)

