
Friday, April 6, 2012

Fried cottage cheese with vanilla-lemon cream

Before Ester is always welcome an easy and delicious recipe, right? Again it is a recipe with cottage cheese, and what goes best with cottage cheese? Vanilla, right? 
Inainte de sarbatori intodeauna este bine venita o reteta usoara si delicioasa, nu? Din nou este o reteta cu branza, si i ce merge cel mai bine cu branza dulce? Vanilia, nu? 

Ingredients:                                 For sauce:
500 g cottage cheese                    4 eggs
100 g butter                                 80 g sugar
150 gr. powdered sugar                 1 tablespoon flour
1 sachet vanilla sugar                    1 tsp vanilla essence
3 eggs                                         50 ml milk
1 sachet vanilla pudding                200 ml whipped cream
                                         juice and zest of a lemon 
rum extract 
zest of one lemon

Ingrediente:                                 Pentru sos:
500 gr branza dulce                       4 oua
100 gr unt                                    80 gr zahar
150 gr. zahar pudra                       1 lingurita faina
1 plic zahar vanilat                       1 lingura esenta vanilie
3 oua                                           50 ml lapte
1 plic budiga de vanilie                 200 ml frisca lichida
stafide                                        zeama si coaja rasa unei lamie
esenta de rom
coaja rasa unei lamai

Put 2 tablespoons of raisins to soak in a glass of water and 1tbs. of rum essenceAfter that separate the yolks from the egg whites. Beat the egg whites. The three yolks should be mixed with sugar and the butter. After that add the vanilla pudding, vanilla sugar, lemon zest and the cottage cheese. Mix them well and add slowly the soaked raisins.

Stafidele trebuie lasate la imbibat cu esenta de rom. Puneti aproximativ 2 linguri pline de stafide intr-un pahar plin cu apa si 1 lingurita de esenta de rom. Dupa acesta despartiti galbenusul oualor de albus si bateti albusul sa fie foarte tare. Cele trei galbenusuri trebuie amestecate cu zaharul, untul asa incat sa fie cat mai spumos. Dupa aceia adaugati plicul de pudiga, zaharul vanilat, coaja rasa unui lamai si branza. Amestecati bine si adaugati incet si stafidele imbibate cu esenta de rom. 

After all ingredients are well mixed embed the beaten egg whites. Preheat the oven and place the mixture in a pan so that the thickness of it should not be bigger than 2 cm.

Dupa ce toate aceste ingrediente sunt bine amestecate inglobati si albusul batut. Incalziti cuptorul si puneti amestecul intr-o tava in asa fel sa nu aiba o grosime mai mare de 2 cm.

Until the cottage cheese ingredient is in the oven you can prepare the sauce. Separate the egg yolks from the whites. In this case we do not need the egg whites. The yolks should be mixed with sugar and a tablespoon of flour.  

Pana cand branza este in cuptor puteti pregati sosul.
Despartiti galbenusurile de albusuri. In acest caz nu avem nevoie de albus. Galbenusurile trebuie amestecate cu zaharul si cu o lingura de faine.

Very slowly add the milk, the liquid cream and 1 tablespoon vanilla essence. Place it on the heat and continue to cook until mixture thickens. At this point add the zest and the juice of a lemon. Allow the cream to cool  and after that decorate the cake with it.

Foarte incet se adauga acestui amestec laptele, frisca lichida si 1 lingura de esenta de vanilie. Se pune pe foc si la amestecare continua se fierbe pana se ingroasa. In acest moment se adauga zema si coaja rasa unei lamai. Se lasa la racit crema cu care se va decora prajitura cu branza.

You can decorate it with fruits. I had some fresh strawberry so I used it.

Poti sa il decorezi cu fructe proaspete.

Have a wonderful and happy Easter!

Sa aveti parte de un paste feicit!

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