
Friday, June 8, 2012

Green as Emerald

I found a beautiful shade of matte green from Gabrini which one I applied on my nails quit hard because it dried very fast and left stripe marks ... but after drying the surprise was that everything that seemed bad at first disappeared at the end. 
I applied a white flower with the help of the Konad plate and decorated each nail with a medium size pail green rhinestone. Unfortunately the lovely polish lasted two days on my nails after that it began to crack pretty ugly.

Am gasit o nuanta superba de mat verde de la Gabrini pe care l-am aplicat destul de greu ca se usuca foarte repede oja si la prima vedere lasa dungi...dar surpriza era ca tot ce ce parea urat la inceput a disparut la final. 
Am aplicat o floare alba cu ajutorul placutei Konad pe care am atasat un stras de dimensiune medie de culoare verde deschis. Din pacate acest lac a rezistat 2 zile pe unghii dupa care la varfuri a inceput sa se crape destul de urat.


  1. Imi place foarte mult aceasta nuanta!

  2. Foarte frumoasa manichiura, iar modelul.. <3

  3. Imi place culoarea:) Iar despre model nu doar ca imi palce, dar mi-am cumparat si eu placuta aceasta :)

  4. your manis remind me, i have no greens with me at all :(
    this is lovely too...
    btw i have a question? your manis look perfect, no messiness showing and pics are always awesome, how do you manage to do that??? *.*

    1. After each mani I make an accurate cleaning with a brush and nail polish remover. I I am using a DSLR camera, NIKON D3100, and I always take my pictures on natural light. After that I put my pictures in Photoshop I give them contrast and I use a plug-in which gives a small blur to the skin and this way the manicures are more visible!

  5. cute manicure dear¡¡¡ i love it¡¡ I follow you back¡¡¡ xoxo

  6. I love your stamping! This is such a dainty and feminine manicure :-)

  7. Sooo beautiful.. and the stamping is neat too..:)

  8. This is a beautiful green shade. Compliments you so well.

  9. beautiful..very this shade...:)

  10. Nice colour and design! It's bad the colour didn't last.

  11. I love emerald green! That's one of my favorite colors! Your nails look awesome with the flower detailing! :)

    P.S. Thanks for your comment on my blog! Pass by sometime soon again! :) xx

  12. You have an award on my blog.

  13. O culoare superba! Si modelul este f. finut. Bravo Andreea!

  14. nice stamping and color.......

  15. Lovely mani, I live stamping flowers & putting a rhinestone in the middle x :-)
