
Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Splatter mani

For a long time I wanted to try the splatter manicure but I always tough that I will create a lot of mess and because of that I refrained myself. But one day my husband was out in a delegation, my girl  went to sleep and I said let's try the splatter mani because I wont bother anybody. 

I chose four polishes with a strong contrast, for the base I applied the light green one and with the help of a straw I blow over it white, black and neon green nail polish. At first I struggled a bit until I realized to shorten the straw and this way it did not required all my breath to get a pretty spot. But as they say, learn by experience :)) so if I will make this kind of manicure again I am sure it will turn out much better!

De multa vreme doream sa incerc manichiura stopita dar mi s-a parut ca o sa murdaresc toata incaprea si m-am cam abtinut. Dar intr-o zi sotul meu a fost plecat in delegatie, copilul dormea si am zis hai ca incerc manichiura ca astfel nu voi deranja pe nimeni. 

Am ales oje cu un contast puternic, la baza am folosit verdele pal peste care am suflat cu un pai oja alba, neagra si verde neon. La inceput chiar m-am chimuit pana mi-am dat seama sa tai paiul cat mai scurt si astfel nu era necesar sa imi dau tot suflul ca sa obtin o pata frumusica. Dar cum se spune, inveti prin experienta :)) asa ca daca o sa mai fac aceasta manichiura sigur o sa iasa mult mai bine!


  1. oh wow try this soon..:)

  2. Este foarte frumoasa.Si culoarea este grozava.
    O zi buna!

  3. It looks REALLY good! Sure, it looks so messy, but it's one pretty mess! I wish I could do my nails that well :)


  4. I was just thinking of doing splatter mani today. Co-incidence :-)

  5. It looks great! I also do my nails when my baby sleeps.

  6. wow, ce manichiura frumoasa si deosebita!

  7. lovely nail art....

  8. WOW I'm gonna try this one!
    Nathalie (GIVEAWAY ONLINE)

  9. Foarte frumoasa manichiura ta. Si eu vreau sa o incerc:)
    Ai un blog award de la mine :D

  10. This came out really well. I've not tried this technique yet x :-)

  11. Ft interesant! Un weekend placut sa ai!

  12. this is just amazing...the choice of colors is also very beautiful:)
    following you..check out my blog too:

  13. Cute!!! I love that color!!!
    Have a wonderful weekend!

    Besos, desde España, Marcela♥

  14. Hey...thanks for stopping by and following my blog...I am a now follower on your blog too! :)

    This is gorgeous! I love it!! Those two greens are amazing...I think I need them too! I have been wanting to try the splatter mani long did that take you to do?

    1. Welcome to my blog Kelly, happy to have you between my followers! The manicure is very quickly done, but the cleaning takes much more time. All in all I think it took me with approximation 1 hour to do the mani.

  15. That green is gorgeous... so neony am in love!!
    i need to try this technique soon *.*

  16. you did a good job! and every nail looks unique, which I like most. ♥♥♥ S

  17. Absolut minunate toate manichiurile! Multumesc mult pentru cuvintele frumoase!

  18. Foarte frumoasa combinatia! Arata excelent!
