
Friday, June 29, 2012

Get to know me TAG

I saw this row of 11 questions by Demi’s blog Beauty and the Mist and she tagged anybody who wanted to answer to these questions. So here are my answers to the questions:

1. Who is your favorite superhero? Why?
I don’t have favorite superheroes.

2. What is your favorite magazine?


3. Have you ever lived abroad?
No, but sometimes I thinking to move abroad with my family.
4. If you could only wear one accessory (bracelet, earring, necklace, etc) for the rest of your life, what would you wear?
That is my wedding and engagement ring.
5.  Do you own any animals?
No, but I had three dogs, six hamsters, one Guinea Pig, a turtle, three rabbits, one hedgehog who was  suicidal, trowed himself from the ten's floar :( All these animals I had over the years.

6. How do you know when it's true love?
Well that’s hard. Maybe trough the years anybody can notice if it’s true love or not. For me one thing is sure, not love is the most important thing but trust, kindness, understanding, being there for each other when needed and not, are more important in a marriage or a commitment. Love comes and goes – like the song says!

7. As for perfume... floral, fruity, foodie, other?

Depends on my mood, I like fresh, floral and oriental fragrances. My favorite one is the Givenchy Ange ou Demon which is a strong charismatic oriental composition and sensual at the same time. But in the summer I like mostly fresh fragrances (Yves Rocher – Naturell). On my wishlist this summer is the fresh perfume from JR - John Richmond.

8. Do you have a favorite store to shop at for clothes?

I am not very picky, when I like something it doesn’t matter from which shop it is.

9. What blogging habit gets on your nerves?

When somebody ask you to follow each other and after the first visit and comment never comes back to the blog. The point is to have readers, not a big number of followers who don’t even read your posts, no?

10. What type of music do you like listening to? Any favorite artists or songs? 

I mostly like rock music, but I also listen to other kind of music from the 80 and 90, depending on my mood, it can be classical, salsa, dance or any kind of music. I love to dance :) Usually I listen the radio trough the day at my job. 
I don’t have a favorite artist.

11. Are you satisfied with your job?

I cannot complain!
Anybody can take this Get to know me TAG, but I am going to tag 5 of my fellow bloggers:
Aby – Aby’s World


  1. Ooo, frumoasa descriere, Andreea! "Rock is in my blood" too! Imi place felul tau de a fi, "a kind of artist", se vede si din ceea ce faci.

  2. Hi Andrea its me, from the Nailart-Addictions blog! I love your tag answers! Glamour is also my fav magazine (thank god it also get published in Dutch) ;-). For now i going to take some peeks at your blog. Have a nice weekend!

  3. Hi lovely, I love your tag answers!!! see if I can answer ...
    Have a wonderful weekend!

    Besos, desde España, Marcela♥

  4. Nice Tag. It was great to know more about you :-)

  5. I enjoyed reading your answers.
    I like rock music too especially 80's and 90's.

  6. I love these types of tags, I really helps us to know each other a bit better x :-)

  7. I wish I could have pets in my flat.. a little kitty or so... ;)

  8. hey i just found your blog,lovely pictures,come check out mine and follow if you like,i will follow back...xoxo

  9. Thanks for visiting my blog and following!

    I love nailart so I'm definitely following you!

    XoXo Nathalie

  10. Love it! nice blog <3

    Wanna follow each other? Follow me and let me know and I will follow back immediately <3
    With love,


  11. lovely blog :)
    check out mine! Im only starting :)
