
Thursday, June 28, 2012

Pink Box

This month I purchased my first Pink Box, which is the Romanian alternative for the American Birch Box. The pictures are talking for themselves, but I will write you down all the products that I’ we got in this beautiful pink box, which is my daughters favorite:
Full size: Flormar nail polish, Body and face lotion Bioderma 100 ml (after sun)
Small size: Shower gel Bronnley, Eucerin foot cream 5 ml, 70 pices Family cotton pads and a small bracelet with a Swarovski crystal which is perfect for my little girl.

Luna aceasta am comandat si eu un Pink Box, alternativa romaneasca a Birch Box-ului din SUA. Imaginile vorbesc de la sine, dar va enumar tot ce a continut aceasta cutiuta minunata roz, pe care fiica mea nu il mai lasa din mana :)
Produse full size: oja Flormar, Bioderma Photoderm - Lotiune reparatoare dupa plaja 100 ml
Small size: Gel de dus Bronnley cu aroma de portocale si iasomieEucerin - crema reparatoare cu 10% uree pentru picioare 5ml, Dischete demachiante Family - 70 buc si o surpriza mica o bratara cu un mic cristal Swarovski (perfecta pentru fiica mea)

The first thing I used was the shower gel, which has a strong scent of orange and jasmine. I noticed that this shower gel is more consistent than the usual ones, a consistency similar to honey, so I do not need to use a large amount when I am taking a bath. I tried the Eucerin foot cream, I have quite dehydrated heels, so it was a welcome product for me and I am considering to buy it in the full size because it does its job, really moisturizes and repairs the skin!
The Flormar nail polish has a light pink color, perfect for this summer!
The other products I will use it with the time, but the overall conclusion is that I am happy with my first Pink Box and more than likely I will buy one some other time too.

Primul lucru care l-am folosit a fost gelul de dus, care are un parfum puternic de portocala si iasomnie. Ceea ce am observat fata de alte geluri de dus, acesta este mult mai consistenta, ca si mierea, nu trebuie utilizata o cantitate foarte mare la dus. Am incercat si lotiunea Eucerin, eu am picioare, calcai destul de deshidratate, astfel a fost un produs bine venit si iau in considerare sa il cumpar in full size pentru ca isi face treaba, hidrateaza si repara cu adevarat!
Oja Flormar are culoarea roz, absolut perfecta pentru aceasta vara! Se potriveste perfect la un ten bronzat!
Restul produselor le voi folosii cu timpul lotiunea Bioderma va fi perfecta in timpul concediului. Ca si o concluzie finala eu sunt multumita de primul meu Pink Box si mai mult ca sigur ca o sa il mai cumpar.


  1. Si mie imi place mult gelul de dus...cred ca am sa-l achizitionez in varianta full size.
    Per total sunt multumita de pink box...trebuie doar sa ma acomodez cu nuanta rujului...:)

  2. Ce nuanta placuta de oja ai primit.Si eu sunt multumita de cutie, si chiar daca la inceput am fost reticenta la culoarea bratarici, am integrat-o perfect in tinutele mele :P

  3. looks good! I love Eucerin, I got so much products from this brand, because it´s simply great as you said before. Unfortunately it´s also a little expensive, but it´s totally worth the price! ♥♥♥ S

  4. Foarte frumos.Am vazut ca multe fete si-au luat aceasta cutie,insa mie nu imi plac "surprizele" si am zis mai bine NU.Acum ca am aflat ce continea...imi cam pare rau ;)) Anyway sa le folosesti cu placere :)

  5. ich werde bald ein Video machen und meine Handtasche vorstellen, also den Inhalt! ♥♥♥ S

  6. box is so pretty....
    looking forward for your reviews/swatches soon *.*

  7. Pasate por nuestro blog!! estamos de sorteo!! UN BOOK DE FOTOS!!!!

  8. Great purchase!! They seem to be good products! I love Eucerin :)
    Thank you so much for stopping by<3


    "Saúde & Beleza - Health & Beauty"

  9. great bx this month¡¡ I love the colour of th nail polish¡¡¡ xoxo

  10. Nail Polish in a beauty box. I will say Yes to that always.

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