
Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Water mable

This week I was the person who chose the theme for the group We Love Nails, my choice was water marble. One night I created water marble mani with three polishes: pink, red and yellow. After I completed it and I cleaned my nails I realized that I actually do not like the end result, so I cleaned all off and made a new one. I didn't had enough time so I used the technique on my thumb and ring finger but this time with orange and yellow polish. What do you think about this orange polish? I found it by mistake in a mall and again I couldn't resist, I had to buy it. It is a product made in Bulgaria and it is very cheap 1 euro. I think this color is perfect for this summer!

La grupul We Love Nails eu am fost persoana care a ales tema pentru saptamana acesta: manichiura in apa. Intr-o seara am creat o manichiura in apa cu trei oje: roz, rosu si galben. Dupa ce am finalizat-o si am curatat mainile mi-am dat seama ca de fapt nici nu imi place rezultatul final, asa ca am sters tot si am facut unul nou. Dat fiind faptul ca nu am avut mult timp am folosit tehnica doar pe unghia mare si cea inelara. Combinatia de culoare la aceasta manichiura este portocaliu cu galben. Va place aceasta oja? Am gasit-o din gresala intr-un mall, parca imi facea cu ochiul cand l-am vazut. Este un produs din Bulgaria si e foarte ieftina 4.50 lei sic red ca este o culoare perfecta pentru aceasta vara!


  1. waow... its very very neat.. and im curious how you make the combination orange and yellow.. its cool

  2. Foarte frumoasa ti-a iesit manichiura. Intr-o zi...cand voi avea rabdare...voi incerca si eu ;))

  3. foarte energica combinatia,imi place.

  4. Imi place mult combinatia rosu- galben.
    Sunt culori vii, de vara!

  5. Ador culoarea asta, cred ca am vreo 5 oje in tonurile acestea. Tocmai ce am realizat si eu un water marbel si nu a iesit atat de frumos ca al tau :(

  6. Very pretty.....I will do my post next week as I am travelling and have lots of work in my studio....3 bridal nail arts line up this week....:(

  7. Our what a beautiful thing! What a gorgeous color, love it!

  8. Nice nail art! Thanks for sharing your inspiration! :)

    P.S. Thanks for your comment on my blog! Pass by sometime soon again! :) xx

  9. Amazing post dear and gorgeous blog!
    Following! Follow back? <3

  10. gorgeous !!!! neat and pretty !!

  11. ja, ich sah aus wie ein Junge :) deswegen sind mir meine langen Haare jetzt so wichtig! Die Farben stehen dir sehr gut und ich hätte nie gedacht, dass der Nagellack so billig war! ♥♥♥ S

  12. Beautiful and delicate!!!
    Have a good week!

    Besos, desde España, Marcela♥

  13. This looks really good and such a bargain polish too!

    I just didn't have time to do the water marbling unfortunately as I moved house at the weekend but I'll be back lol x :-)

  14. i missed doing mine, will do soon...
    yours is pretty *.*

  15. i love this nail design! the colours are just amazing :))

  16. That is really cool!! I like the colors, too!

  17. I think it looks really cool. I haven't tried water marbling myself, but one day I will :)

  18. cat e de frumoasa manichiura asta! si culorile :X
