
Tuesday, June 5, 2012

We love nails - Reverse and french manicures

First I want to share with you my joy, I won the contest organized by Alessandra and Beauty in the Bottle. It won my first competition and I am very happy! 

You may have noticed that on my page has appeared a new icon, We love nails, this is because I joined this group, where we are girls who love nail art and share each Tuesday our mani on a theme. More details about this you can find here and if you want join the group! 

The today theme is Reverse and french manicures. Here is my work, I hope you like it.

In primul rand doresc sa va impartasesc bucuria mea de azi, am castigat concursul organizat de catre Alessandra si Beauty in the Bottle. Este primul meu concurs castigat si ma bucur enorm!

Poate ca ati observat ca pe pagina mea a mai aparut o iconita noua, We love nails, pentru ca m-am inscris in acest grup, unde suntem mai multi care sunt fani nail art si in fiecare marti impartasim pe o tema data manichiurile noastre. Mai multe detalii gasiti aici si daca doriti intrati si voi in aceasta grupa!

Tema de azi este manichiura franceza. Aici este lucrarea mea, sper sa va placa. 


  1. It's lovely! :) And congratulations!

  2. This is gorgeous! Very chic :-)

  3. Felicitari pt. concursul castigat! Stiam eu ca esti priceputa! Succes in continuare, Andreea!

  4. Hiya I'm in the group too. I'm now following you.

    This is a really beautiful mani, the blue is stunningx :-)

  5. felicitari!
    foaste frumoasa si manichiura de azi, culoarea e pur si simplu superba

  6. Dragut! Au tinut bine benzile? Mie imi e teama sa imi cumpar ca am impresia ca se dezlipesc repede
