
Monday, August 13, 2012

I am back

I arrived home after a week full of adventures spent in Hungary. I relaxed these days, I swim a lot but we had to come home sooner as planed because my husband made ​​a renal crisis and we could not stay any longer. But we enjoyed the days spent together. 

I didn’t had so much time for shopping but I bought a few things in the Rossmann store. Before I went in this holiday I  planned to spend a few minutes in this store and look to all the goodies  on the shelves.

Am sosit acasa, dupa o saptamana plina de peripetii petrecute in Ungaria.  M-am relaxat in aceste zile, am innotat foarte mult dar am avut si cateva probleme din cauza caruia a trebuit sa venim mai repede acasa, sotul a facut o criza renala si nu am mai putut ramane din cauza durerilor pe care le-a avut. Dar ne-am bucurat de zilele petrecute impreuna. Shopping nu prea am facut tot ceea ce mi-am cumparat a fost din magazinul Rossman. Abia am asteptat sa petrec cateva minute in acest magazin si sa ma  delectez intre rafturile cu bunatati.

Besides the polishes you see in the photos I purchased two teas that are delicious but unfortunately not very flavorful.

In afara de ojele care le vedeti in fotografii am cumparat si doua ceaiuri, care sunt delicioase dar din pacate nu foarte aromate.

CATRICE-Co2 Attracting Camouflage
ESSENCE – Colour&Go (72), Time for Romance

ESSENCE – Nail colour 3, Midnight date and City that never sleeps

LOVELY – Crystal Strenght

LOVELY – Color Mania (166)

In my last post I wrote that I am not going to paint my nails during the holidays. Do you think I managed to no do this? After I had these polishes  in my hands, I felt like my nails are too clean, I couldn’t resist and  I applied the pink nail polish from Lovely that has a light blue reflections. Do you like it?  Looks very nice on a tanned skin. When I arrived home I applied a layer of blue glitter as top coat. How do you like it more with or without the glitter?

In ultima mea postare am scris ca nu o sa imi pictez unghiile in timpul vacantei. Credeti ca am rezistat? Dupa ce am avut aceste oje in mana, parca simteam ca unghiile mele sunt prea goale, nu am rezistat, am aplicat oja rozalie care are reflexii albastre Lovely (166). Cum va place? Pe pielea bronzata arata foarte frumos. Cind am ajuns acasa am aplicat peste ea un strat de glitter albastru de la Gabrini. 

My nails have grown fast this week, do not know the cause of it, maybe the thermal water helped a bit. I am just looking to my last nail pictures and I am not seeing a big difference of length between my present manicure and then.

Unghiile mele au crescut foarte repede in aceasta saptamana, nu stiu care este cauza se poate ca apa termala. Inainte sa plec in vacanta le-am scurtat destul de mult si acuma privind ultimele fotografii din ultima mea postare nici nu este asa mare diferenta de lungime intre acele imagini si cele de azi, sau numai mie mi se pare? 


  1. Nice little haul ^^ I can see some very interesting pretties! Welcome back :) I hope your husband gets better soon!

  2. Bine ai venit!
    Ma bucur ca te-ai relaxat, ca ai reusit sa iti achizitionezi atatea oje si ca te-ai simtit bine in vacanta!
    Regret ca ati fost nevoiti sa o scurtati din motive medicale :(. Oricum, ii doresc sanatate maxima sotului tau!!!
    Arata foarte bine unghiutele tale si imi place aceasta nunata de roz a ojei!
    O saptamana buna!

  3. Bine ai revenit! Imi pare rau ca vacanta s+a incheiat mai repede, multa sanatate sotului tau. Ma bucur totusi ca ai venit cu cateva "bunatati". Ojele essence le am si eu :d, cea Lovely Strentght arata bine in sticluta, de abia astept sa o vad pe unghiutele tale.
    Si asta roz e cute, imi place mai mult cu glitterul albastru pe deasupra :D

  4. Bine ai revenit!
    Ti-am simtit lipsa, pacat ca te-ai intors prea repede din cauza problemelor. :(
    Prietena mea din Germania e fan Rossman si a spus ca au uneori niste oferte ...mama mia.
    Foarte frumoase achizitiile, de abia asteptam sa ne arati ce minunatii mai concepi cu ele. :)

  5. Sa va fie de bine plimbarea si multa sanatate sotului!
    Bine ai revenit.

  6. love your vacation haul :)
    very nice combination on your nails ;)

  7. Welcome back :) - You bought some really nice polishes - that neon pink looks a lot like Barry M Neon Pink!

  8. nice haul..welcome back..missed your posts...hope your husband gets well your mani...:)

  9. ich finde es ohne den blauen Glitzerlack schöner. Gute Besserung für deinen Schatz! ♥♥♥ S

  10. aa....I want to go to hungary too..must be nice. I really want to see photos:)

    and I am obsess with nail all glitter color..and wanna try all different color:)

    have a great day..just follow you on GFC:)


  11. bine ai revenit,imi pare rau ca a trebuit sa va intoarceti mai devreme.dar oricum banuiesc ca pana la un punct ati avut un concediu frumos.

  12. Oh look at those pretty lacquers! Good luck for you and your husband.

  13. Îmi pare rău să aud că soţul tău a avut o criză renală ştiu că e îngrozitor să treci prin durerile aferente. Sper că totul e bine acum.

  14. Glad you're back! I'm excited so see more nails (featuring your new polishes)!

  15. Hungria¡¡ lovely pace¡¡ I love Budapest¡¡¡ So nice pail polish¡¡ xoxo


  16. It looks you had a great time! Sorry about your husband, I hope he is feeling better and will soon be well again! Beautiful polishes, love all of them :)
    Thank you so much for stopping by, hope you have a wonderful day full of happiness and sunshine<3


    "Saúde & Beleza - Health & Beauty"

  17. you gave so many nominations!!! unbelieveble. i would love so muh to have some :))))

  18. A Lovely rózsaszín körömlakknak nagyon szép egyedi színe van! Kerestem a tegnap hasonló árnyalatot Kolozsváron de sehol sem találtam.

  19. All nail polish are fantastic!
    Hope you visit my blog!

  20. Hi lovely, my last trip was to Prague, Vienna and Budapest and I loved it!!! I hope your husband feel better...
    Beautiful polishes!!!

    Besos, desde España, Marcela♥

  21. oja essence arata foarte bine :)

  22. Gyönyörű lakkokat vettél, a Catice és a 166os Lovely nekem is megvan, nagyon jó kis lakkok. :)

  23. cough, cough, they're BOTH gorgeous! Wow! :)
