
Friday, August 3, 2012

Post before vacation

As you can see in the title I am going in vacation, I am sooo happy, I counted the days until now, of course together with my daughter! I hope you won’t be mad but for a week or more I will not post anything, I try to dedicate every minute to my family. My nails,... well they will go on vacation too, I will shorten them and I will not paint it for a hole week not  even with a thin layer of hardener.

Dupa cum vedeti titlul ma duc in concediu, abia am asteptat aceasta zi, am numarat zilele impreuna cu fiica mea! Sper sa nu va suparati dar timp de o saptamana, sau chiar mai mult nu o sa postez, incerc sa imi dedic fiecare minutel familiei mele. Unghiile mele vor merge si ei in vacanta, o sa le scurtez si nu le voi picta, nici macar cu un strat subtire de intaritor sau altceva.
I'll leave you with the awards I have received lately and I give it further to all my readers! I love you all and I'm sure I will miss reading your kind comments, but I will enjoy them  when I will return!
O sa va las cu premiile pe care le-am primit in ultima vreme si eu la randul meu le acord tuturor cititorilor mei! Va iubesc mult si sunt sigura ca o sa imi lipsiti in aceasta saptamana, dar ma voi bucura de commenturile voastre cand ma voi reantoarce cu forte proaspete din concediu!
Thanks for all the awards!

I recived the versatile blog award from LuckyLoveNails this award requires to write 7 things about me, well, let's start it:
  1.  I drink a lot of tea, even if it’s hot outside
  2. I like enormously jewels, especially large earrings that match to my short hairstyle and I recently made ​​an obsession for watches.
  3. I do not like to wear skirts, pants seem more comfortable.
  4. I wear glasses but only at the computer, many do not know this.
  5. I do not like to watch TV, I better watch a movie on the laptop or go to the cinema ( kind of rare but..).
  6. I love swimming, I cannot wait to be near to a pool, and hardly anyone takes me out from the water.
  7. In fall and spring, and sometimes in summer too my outfit is always completed with a scarf. I have a big collection of scarfs bought from different countries or ricived from friends.
Multumesc mult pentru premiile acordate de: LuckyLoveNails, acest premiu cere sa scriu 7 lucruri despre mine, pai, hai sa incepem atunci:
  1. Beau foarte mult ceai, chiar daca este canicula un ceai cald imi potoleste setea.
  2. Imi plac enorm bijuteriile, mai ales cerceii mari care se potrivesc cu parul meu scurt si in ultima vreme am facut o obsesie cu ceasuri.
  3. Nu imi place sa port fuste, pantalonii mi se par mult mai comozi.
  4. Port ochelari dar doar in fata calculatorului, foarte multi nici nu stiu acest lucru.
  5. Nu imi place sa ma uit la televizor, mai bine ma uit la un film pe laptop sau ma duc la cinematograf *ii drept foarte rar.
  6. Iubesc sa innot, abia astept sa fiu in aproprierea unui bazin, greu ma scoate cineva din apa.
  7. Toamna si primavara din outfitul meu nu poate sa lipseasca esarfa. Am ocolectie destul de bogata de esarfe, cumparate in diferite tari si primate de la prieteni.

I received the same award, from Laura, Clothes, Cosmetics and Chat and Kelly, Kelly’s Nail blog , thank you so much girls that you thought about me, that means a lot to me!
Am primit acelasi  premiu de la Laura, Clothes, Cosmetics andChat si Kelly, Kelly’s Nail blog,  multumesc mult ca va-ti gandit la mine, pentru mine inseamna foarte mult acest lucru!

An another appreciation award I received it from the lovely Marcela, which has a great blog, a combination of art and fashion. Thanks Marcela that you always thinking of me!
Un alt premiu de apreciere am primit de la Marcela, care are un blog exceptional, o combinatie de arta si fashion. Multumesc Marcela ca te gandesti intodeauna la mine.

I recived The versatile blogger award from Charlie, CharlieDBeauty, and this requires to write 7 things about me, but honestly I do not want to bore you with 7 other things about me. Thank you Charlie.
Premiul The versatile blogger am primit-o de la Charlie, CharlieDBeauty, ar trebuie sa mai scriu 7 lucruri despre mine, dar sincer nu vreau sa va plictisesc. Multumesc.

I hope I did not forget anyone, if so; I didn’t do it on purpose! Thanks to everyone who is reading and encouraging me almost daily. I leave you with a song because I wrote enough, have some wonderful summer days and we meet on 14 or 15th August, until then kisses for everyone.
Sper ca nu am uitat pe nimeni, daca da, nu am facut-o intentionat! Multumesc pentru toata lumea care este alaturi de mine si imi citeste postarile si comenteaza aproape zilnic.
Va las cu o melodie ca de scris am scris destul. Sa aveti parte de zile minunate si ne intalnim in 14 sau 15 august. Va pup.

This song reminds me of a summer spend in Gran Canaria, it was my best vacation ever!


  1. Vacanta placuta! O sa ne fie dor de tine. :):*

  2. Iti doresc un concediu minunat, in care sa te relaxezi,
    sa te distrezi si sa te odihnesti!
    Frumoasa piesa! Reggaeton...!!!!

    1. Sper sa am parte de zile linistite. Mersi Claudia.

  3. Have a GREAT vacation and enjoy - it's good to be away from blogging once awhile :)
    And congratulations on the awards!

    1. Thanks. Yes your right, relaxation every now and then from everything apart is perfect for the brain and soul!

  4. AMAZING!!


  5. Unde fugi?
    Nu stiam ca ai o fetita - sa ti traiasca!
    COncediu placut!

    1. Mersi, da am o fetita de 5 ani si aproape jumatate, asa cum spune ea :)
      Nu plecam foarte departe, mergem doar in Budapesta, am promis la fiica mea ca facem o vizita la gradina zoologica si ne mai relaxam la bai termale, neaglomerate, ca ne-am saturat de zgomot si nebunie :)

  6. I wish you have a wonderful holiday, Andrea!!!!
    Besos, desde España, Marcela♥

  7. Have a fabulous holiday:)

  8. Sa ai parte de un concediu asa cum itit doresti, sa te odihnesti, relaxezi si distrezi , sa vii cu forte proaspete!!!

  9. happy hollidays:))))) I have a new post now and I would love it if you could check it out:))


  10. Vacanta placuta, sa te bucuri de timpul pretios alaturi de cei dragi, kisses

  11. I hope you have a wonderful trip!! I just found your blog and am now following it :D!
    I love tea, and drink hot tea all the time, even when it is hot outside, too. :D

  12. enjoy your reading about u ...miss ur comments on blog(this is the only way we interact)...take care ..:)

  13. viel Spaß im Urlaub! Ich schicke dir gerne eine Postkarte, schickst du mir deine Adresse per Mail? ♥♥♥ S

  14. Thanks so much for all the lovely comments on my blog!
    Have a wonderful holiday!

    XoXo Nathalie

  15. Wonderful post dear!

    You are always welcome to check my blog and follow it if you like :)

    Right now is running in my blog Giveaway II. Check it out!

  16. hahahha funny the pic ofe the baby!!

  17. hey dear you got a beautiful blog....visit mine if you get time...we can follow each other..
