
Friday, November 9, 2012

Do you follow nail art trends?

I follow new trends in the field of nail art and I choose the one that suits me best, in terms of shape and design too.
I wanted to post about this topic from a long time, especially that in September I followed New York Fashion Week and as you probably know there are presented the newest nail art trends too. I'm was not impressed of each design I saw, some of them were quite ugly, but I choose one to copy, the one presented from butter London. It is an elegant one and they presented the design in purple plum and gray, but I chose to reproduce it in black and silver.

Eu urmaresc noile trenduri in domeniul nail art-ului si imi aleg varianta care mi se potriveste cel mai bine, atat din punct de vedere al formei unghiilor cat si a designului aplicat.

De mult imi doream sa postez despre acest subiect, mai ales ca in septembrie am urmarit New York Fashion Week si cum probabil stiti acolo ni se prezinta si noile trenduri in materie de nail art. Nu m-a impresionat chiar fiecare model prezentat, unele erau urate, dar eu am ales unul pe care l-am copiat, cel propus de butter London. Este un model elegant in care tu iti alegi cate unghii le vopsesti intr-o culoare si cate in cealalta. Ei au propus modelul in culorile mov pruna si gri, dar eu am ales sa-l reproduc in culorile negru si argintiu.

The original picture.

I am not pleased with the result but at least I tried :) Eu nu sunt foarte multumita de rezultatul obtinut, dar a meritat o incercare :)

It is an easy manicure, you don't need extra tools to make this one, just the brush from the bottle. I noticed that people on the street and on the bus watched my nails, if they liked it or not, I can not say, but what is certain this design attracts attention! Did you tried this one? Do you like it?

Este un model usor de creat, nu aveti nevoie de altceva decat de pensula obisnuita din sticluta de oja. Am observat ca oamenii de pe strada si in autobuz imi urmareau unghiile, daca le-a placut sau nu, nu pot sa va spun, dar ceea ce este sigur acest design atrage atentia! Voi ati incercat acest model? Va place?


  1. A simple design, but I can see why people would stare at your nails. It's really eyecatching.

  2. Imi place, cred ca vor incerca si eu un model similar :)

  3. Imi place modelul, iti da impresia unei unghii alungite. Foarte interesant. :)

  4. The design is simple but very interesting and eyecatching. I think it would be interesting also using other colours, with a different effect, your manicure has elegant effect :-)

  5. Imi place modelul si culorile alese de tine...Vad ca e usor de realizat!
    Eu sunt anti-talent la pictura...asa ca il voi incerca :).
    Week-end placut!

  6. Woww this one is classy and super cool!!!

  7. Nice nail art...even I saw this design on net and like it very much...I will to reproduce it soon...:)

  8. What a glam look!


  9. I don't but it's just because I'm not able!!!! Love yours btw ;)
    Thanks for the comment =)

  10. No I don´t cos I just don´t have the skills. But it looks super cool <3


  11. E un model interesant, dar nu ma pot hotari daca-mi place sau nu. :))

  12. arata bine si, desi e simplu, iti atrage privirea.

  13. Looks very easy to apply! I never try anything fancy. Happy if I even manage to apply one colour right...


  14. Hi! Thank you for the many kind words, so happy that you found me and that led me to 'found' you too :D Love your works and your blog as well! And I can see why this design is such an eye catcher! That is so mod! Simple yet stunning! The perfect definition of less is more ;D

  15. gefällt mir sehr gut und ich werde es mal mit anderen Farben ausprobieren! Wenn ich früh zur Uni losgehe, ist es noch dunkel und da kann ich keine Fotos machen :( und wenn ich nachhause komme, wird es auch schon langsam dunkel. Deswegen fotografiere ich mit Blitz. ♥♥♥ S

  16. Simplu de facut! Si chiar da bine pe unghiute.

  17. This is a great colour combination. Simple, but very effective.

  18. arata excelent! si sunt super usor de facut. Cred ca o sa incerc si eu ;)

  19. Wow lovely!!!!
    Have a wonderful weekend! and my G+...

    Besos, desde España, Marcela♥

  20. Very pretty!
    There are some awards for you on my blog!
    Have a nice weekend!

  21. Simplu si frumos! Si mie mi-a placut mult aceasta idee de manichiura :)

  22. Arata bine si pare si usor de facut!

  23. Lovely blog <3
    Check out mine sometime if you want :))

  24. Superbe unghiute, vreau si eu, si eu la fel :))

    Iuby iti multumesc din suflet pentru mesaje atat de frumoase pe blog. Imi creste inima de
    fiecare data :)

    Infinit recunoscatoare,


  25. Arata bine acest model, cred ca o sa incerc si eu :*

  26. Îmi place la nebunie oja arginitie, se poartă foarte mult în ultima vreme.

    Zadin ♥♥♥

  27. Imi place cum ti-au iesit. Am vizionat o groaza din modelele tale esti foarte talentata, ma bucur ca ti-am descoperit blogul, te-am adaugat in blogroll ca sa fiu mereu la curent cu postarile tale :*


  28. i have to try this Manicure! Love the Look ,thank you for Sharing ♡

    kisses :)

  29. Multumesc din suflet pentru frumoasele comentarii care imi lasi pe blog!

    Ma bucur ca un copil de ele :)

    Te puci dulce,


  30. Wow those are fantastic :-) love it :-) XOXO

    PS let us know if you would like to follow Each other XOxo

  31. I am happy that all of you liked this manicure, it is very easy to do, just try it :)

  32. I wanted to blog something about "nailart trends" as well but haven't got time to yet xD Well, I mostly don't follow trends since I do my na depending on my mood or what I've seen (surrounding, tv etc) Some of the new trends were pretty cool but I think for nail artists nothing special (?) Still love your design though ^.^
