
Monday, November 12, 2012

Farmec - Quick dry spray

Today I will not show you a manicure, I had some health problems over the weekend and I didn't felt to paint my nails. For this reason I am going to show you a new product from Farmec an Expert treatment a fast drying spray that I am using for about a week, I received it for my birthday and I'm very happy with it!

For does of you ho don't know Farmec, it is a cosmetics company in Romania, founded in 1945, with a lot of experience in face and eye treatment. I know their products from my childhood, the headquarter of the company is here in my hometown Cluj. They have a lot of hand and nail care products too and of course beautiful colored nail polishes! I promise that in the future you will see here on my blog some polishes from this brand!

Azi nu o sa vedeti o manichiura, am avut ceva probleme de sanatate in weekend si numai de pictat unghii nu am avut chef. Din aceasta cauza m-am gandit sa va arat un produs nou de la Farmec, Tratament expert, Spray uscare rapida, pe care il folosesc de aproximativ o saptamana, l-am primit de ziua mea si sunt foarte multumita de el!

The product contains 40 ml spray which halves the drying time of a polish on the nails and has a pleasant fragrance. After applying the nail polish from about 20 cm distance the nails can be sprayed and after a few minutes the nail polish is completely dry. Besides that, this product contains a hydrating treatment for cuticles, so they will become very soft after using it. Do you know this product? Do you use similar ones for quick dry?

Produsul contine 40 ml spray care injumatateste timpul de uscare a ojei pe unghii si are un parfum placut. Dupa aplicarea ojei se pulverizeaza de la o distanta de aproximativ 20 cm pe unghii produsul si dupa cateva minute oja este complet uscata. Pe langa acest fapt cuticulele vor deveni catifelate pentru ca acest spray contine si un tratament pentru hidratarea lor. Voi folositi acest spray?


  1. O sa il incerc si eu. E chiar tentant, nu stiam ca au acest produs in gama lor.
    P.S. Sper ca te simti mai bine.:)

  2. si eu il folosesc si sunt foarte incantata de el :) merita!

  3. I've never used any sort of drying spray, but this one sounds like something worth looking into. We do get some Romanian products here in Serbia and maybe this one is available too.

  4. Nici nu stiam de existenta lui, sunt curioasa daca intrece uleiul de la Kallos.

  5. Nu creadeam ca exista asa ceva.
    Trebuie sa incerc si eu, ca iti spun sincer, ca nu prea am rabdare sa se usuce oja si
    tot timpul imi stric manichiura :).
    O saptamana buna!

  6. nici nu stiam ca farmec are un astfel de tratament/spray. Chiar sunt curioasa, am sa-l caut :D

  7. Foarte tentant e! Daca il zaresc prin magazine sigur mi-l iau :))

  8. I hope you're feeling better now!
    Nice product!

  9. Inca nu l-am folosit, dar ma gandesc sa-l iau :)

  10. sounds like a great product! i have never try drying spray.

  11. das Spray und die Marke kenne ich nicht, ich hatte mal so ein Dry Spray von Essence, das gar nichts gebracht hat! Effekt = null! Aber das ist auch schon eine Weile her. Neulich habe ich mir dann mal Quick Dry Drops gekauft, kennst du die? Die sind aber auch nicht so gut. ♥♥♥ S

  12. O sa ma uit sigur dupa el, am prostul obicei sa-mi fac unghiile seara inainte de culcare si mereu le vad a doua zi cu "model cearsaf". :))
