
Wednesday, May 28, 2014


I didn't made such a tag from quite a while, so bare with me if my answers are boring. I was tagged by the lovely Oana, and I found this tag very interesting so here are the rules:

  1. Post the award on your blog
  2. Thank the blogger that nominated you and link back to their blog
  3. Write 11 random facts about yourself
  4. Nominate 11 bloggers who you feel deserve this award and who have less than 1000 followers
  5. Answer 11 questions posted by the person that nominated you and ask your nominees 11 questions
Well, here are the 11 facts about me:
  1. I have a 7 year old beautiful daughter, she is my everything!
  2. Besides my crazy addiction for polishes I love to collect jewelry's and scarfs. I need quickly a new wardrobe and boxes for my jewelry's!
  3. I am working in advertising.
  4. I hate to be alone, I always need to have my family and friends with me.
  5. For me relaxation means to go out for shopping with my friends or spend the day in the company of great people.
  6. I love pats! In my childhood I had dogs, rabbits, guinea pigs, hamsters, turtle and now I can not have them because my husband does not like them :( 
  7. I love to travel, it is indifferent where.
  8. I just love to be as active as possible, we live just once, so lats make the most of it, this is my motto!
  9. I have a driving license but I hate to drive, but give me a bike and I am going anywhere! 
  10. I love to go out in restaurants and try new kind of foods, even if my diet is very strict.
  11. And here is the last one:  I am vegetarian.

And now the answers to Oana's questions:

  • 1.What is your passion/hobby?
  • My biggest one is nail art of course.
  • 2. Choose between sea and mountain? 
  • I can not choose, I like to go in both places.
  • 3. Guilty pleasure?
  • Ice-cream :)
  • 4. The favorite make-up product?
  • I don't have one.
  • 5. Do you like collaborations between bloggers?
  • Yes, challenges make me think more about the themes and I noticed that I am more creative when it comes to collaborations.
  • 6. Heels or flats?
  • Flats.
  • 7. If you can change on yourself something, what would it be?
  • I would change my hairstyle, because mine is kind of messy.
  • 8. Why did you made your blog?
  • I wanted to share my passion with girls who love the same things as me.
  • 9. What do you hate about yourself the most?
  • I am not patient enough.
  • 10. What is your favorite travel destination?
  • As I mentioned above I like to travel anywhere so, I don't have a favorite travel destination, but from the places I visited I liked the most Spain and Greece. But any other country has something special, we just have to discover it!
  • 11. If you would find out that it is your last day of your life how would you spend it?
  • Well, I have a long story for this question but I try to be short. I don't know how many of you know, but I had cancer, so when I found out it was a total shock for me and until my results came out after my surgery's I lived my life in fear that I am going to die to early and I won't see my daughter growing up. The feeling is horrible! So, the answer to the question is: I spent a lot of time with my daughter and family! I treasure them to the max and they are who saved me and gave me the power to fight for my life!
  • My 11 questions:
  1. Do you have a nickname?
  2. What is your favorite body part?
  3. If you could learn to do anything, what would it be?
  4. If you could meet anyone, living or dead, who would you meet? 
  5. What’s the hardest thing you’ve ever done?
  6.  If you won the lottery, what is the first thing you would do?
  7. What does relaxation mean to you?
  8. Do you have a favorite brand that you couldn't live without? (clothing, perfume, polish ...)
  9. Who is your favorite nail art/make-up/fashion guru?
  10. Do you have a favorite quote that helps you to get through hard times?
  11. What  do you want to achieve with your blog?


  1. Hi Andrea!
    Nice to know a little bit more about you! Thanks for sharing it with us!
    My sohn is also 7 years old! =)
    Kisses my dear.
    Have a wonderful week!



  2. Thanks a lot for tagging me Andrea! I'm looking forward to answering your questions and it was very interesting to learn some more about you! I'm also a vegetarian :)

  3. Foarte mult mi-a placut sa citesc cele 11 aspecte pe care ai decis sa ni le impartasesti si raspunsurile la intrebarile Oanei... :) Am aflat lucruri noi despre tine, unele m-au surprins (in sensul bun al cuvantului) - mi s-a reconfirmat parerea: you're a strong lady!

    Iti multumesc pentru nominalizare! :)
    Imi plac intrebarile pe care le-ai adresat si, sper ca e ok astfel, voi face un update postarii mele incat sa scriu acolo raspunsurile!

    Te pup, cu drag!
    Lavender thoughts

  4. Thank you for nominating me. Since I did this Liebster thing several times before on my blog I'll just post answers on your questions here.

    Do you have a nickname? - I have two that myself and my friends use. Cajka is a nickname my father gave me before I even had a name, and that is a nickname I feel as my second name. Veca is a nickname I got at kindergarten and most of my friends call me by that nickname.
    What is your favorite body part? - On my own body it is eyes. But generally shoulders and back.
    If you could learn to do anything, what would it be? - It sounds silly, but crochet. I can't hold a crochet hook properly if my life depended on it and I find that craft very attractive and would love to learn it.
    If you could meet anyone, living or dead, who would you meet? - My paternal grandfather. From what I know about him he was the coolest guy and yet someone you wouldn't want to mess around with.
    What’s the hardest thing you’ve ever done? - I haven't done anything overly hard so I can't really answer to this question.
    If you won the lottery, what is the first thing you would do? - Probably suffer a heart attack.
    What does relaxation mean to you? - I am a tense person so I don't know how to relax nor try to do it.
    Do you have a favorite brand that you couldn't live without? (clothing, perfume, polish ...) - Not really, but when I travel tend to buy books on the places I have visited by the same publisher - Dorling Kindersley. Does that count?
    Who is your favorite nail art/make-up/fashion guru? - Don't have one.
    Do you have a favorite quote that helps you to get through hard times? - I find most of motivational quotes to be useless cliches. Only action, work helps me get through difficult times. Not thoughts.
    What do you want to achieve with your blog? - I don't keep my blog in order to achieve anything, but if what I write can help someone make a good purchase or avoid a bad one I'd consider it a decent blogging achievement.

  5. Congrats Andrea!!!
    Kisses darling!!!

  6. congrats honey. But you have many followers I think this awards is for newer blogs :)
    you have a great one, follow for follow?
    fashionsbit blog || facebook || instagram || bloglovin || lookbook

  7. Thank you for nominating me :)

    As I told you below your comment, I am here to answer your questions!

    Do you have a nickname?

    No and never had :)

    What is your favorite body part?

    As I love playing with make up, I would say my nails and my face ^^

    If you could learn to do anything, what would it be?

    Play guitar!

    If you could meet anyone, living or dead, who would you meet?

    Adam Levine <3 I've seen him at a concert but I'd love to really meet him!

    What’s the hardest thing you’ve ever done?

    I can't of anything right now...

    If you won the lottery, what is the first thing you would do?

    Travel the world (and start with the US) :)

    What does relaxation mean to you?

    Putting some music on and pamper myself (nails, face mask...)

    Do you have a favorite brand that you couldn't live without? (clothing, perfume, polish ...)

    I love to try so many brands and change routine that I can't pick one

    Who is your favorite nail art/make-up/fashion guru?

    I love Louise from Sprinkle of glitter <3

    Do you have a favorite quote that helps you to get through hard times?

    What doesn't kill you makes you stronger!

    What do you want to achieve with your blog?

    I just want to enjoy and keep sharing my passion with other passionates :)

    Xxx Marine

  8. wwwwwoowwwww foarte mult mi-a placut ce ai scris Andrea,iti multumesc ca ai preluat TAG-ul. Ce pot sa spun asa cum spus si're a strong lady! Pupici

  9. Aww thanks for tagging me! I did the Liebster Blog award already but I will still try to answer your questions in a sunday post or so ^.^

  10. Emotionanta postarea si in acelasi timp frumoasa, datorita lucrurilor impartasite. :)

  11. Great to learn more about you! I am also very impatient and a vegetarian ;)

  12. Multumesc pentru nominalizare! Am sa raspund la intrebari de indata ce timpul imi va permite! :D

  13. Congrats!
    Love Answer Nr. 11 :)


  14. Nagyon vagany volt megismerni teged meg jobban :) Gyonyoru post-ot irtal. Nagyon szepen koszonom a tag-et! Megirom en is csak fogjak ki egy kis szabadot :*

  15. Aww I'm vegetarian too! Loved getting to know those facts about you! x
