
Monday, May 26, 2014

Watercolor bubbles

Hello ladies

How was your weekend? Mine was wonderful, and I will show you at the end of this post a few pictures I made, but first my nails. I was in the mood for a playful design, so I thought to use acrylic colors and the new watercolor technique. I saw a lot of great manicures made in this style, mine is not so well done, but I will share it with you. 

I used: 
Coral Milano M03, Sally Hansen - Lavender Cloud, acrylic colors and a small brush.

Last week I bought the cream looking Coral Milano polish, because it seemed to be a great one in the bottle, but after applying it was a disaster. I put it on my pinky and pointer finger in three layers, because in one coat the cream effect can not be seen at all. This polish contains small white and blue glitters and medium sized red and blue hex glitters. These glitter are not smooth on the nail surface even after I applied a generous top coat they caught in the hair and clothes. If I will use it again, I will apply it as a top!

The watercolor bubble technique is really easy. Mix acrylic paint with water and make irregular drips on your nails, after it take a dry brush and touch the bubble, the water should absorb and it  leaves a ring. 

Now, about my weekend. From last Friday for a week my city is celebrating town days - Zilele Clujului, so we went and had some fun looking at different exhibitions, concerts and multicultural events. So, I warn you this part is picture heavy!

I hope you enjoyed these colorful pictures, I would love to read your oppinion about them!

I wish you all a great week begin!


  1. suuuper, ce-mi place! si zilele CJ au fost frumoase, din ce vad in imagini :)
    Te pup!

    1. Multumesc. Da, Zilele Clujului inca mai este frumoasa ca mai sunt evenimente pana vineri!

  2. Superba manichiura! Superba!
    Ce frumos a fost si pe la tine! Imi plac postarile in care ne impartasesti cate ceva extra. :)

    1. Multumesc. Ma bucur ca iti plac aceste genuri de postari, m-am gandit ca este ca si piperul si sarea in bucate :)

  3. Oh - thanks for sharing all those wonderful photos - it looks like a fun weekend, and those old cars are so gorgeous :)
    I love your bubble mani, it's a fun technique :)

    1. Thank you Maria. Yes, my weekend was awesome, we always try to be as active as possible!

  4. Delia nail polish looks nice on your nails even if it isn't perfect :)
    you certainly had a fantastic weekend! :*

    1. Well, as I told in the post, I don't like the Coral polish, but I was sure that some of my readers will like it!
      Yes, my weekend was great and I am happy that my town organizes lately a lot of interesting events!

  5. Fun manicure and such a great report on your day! I loved the cute cars!

    1. Yes, the cars were all very cute an interesting, I am happy that you liked my post and manicure. I appreciate your comment!

  6. Ce tare arata miresica pe picioroange ;))

    Te pup

    1. Da, ei erau atractia evenimentului. Sunt sigura ca nu este usor sa stai toata ziua in multime pe aceste piciorange!

  7. Mani is cool, but the pics of the festivities had stolen the spotlight.

    1. I am happy to hear that. I love to take pictures on any event and I thought that from now one I will share it with all of you!

  8. Replies
    1. Thank you dear, your far to kind and I appreciate your comment!

  9. Beautiful manicure! I absolutely love this technique and I think I'm going to do a similar manicure soon. But I'm still unsure, I don't know if I'm going to use watercolours or nail polish.

    1. I don't know how it work with polishes, but I think in that case you can diluate it with polish remover. I think that with acrylic's it is more easy because it does not dry so fast as the polishes. I am very curious what way you will choose and how your mani will look!

  10. I love your manicure and the pictures.
    I have to be honest, I didn't like that Coral Milano polish either. It looks a lot like It's a Trap-Eze by China Glaze (formula wise) and I just hated that polish.
    As for the pictures, they're great. I love colourful thinks and fell in love with that Hello Kitty beetle.
    Wish you a great week as well sweetie! :*

    1. I am happy that we have the same opinion about the polish. I was very excited to try it, and it really was a big disappointment. But, that's it I move on to a next one :)
      That Hello Kitty beetle was a big hit, everyone wanted to take a picture with it!

  11. Amazing pics and your manicure is so pretty!!!!
    Have a great start of the week doll!!!

    1. Thank you very much for your nice comment!
      Wish you the same!

  12. ce superbe!
    multumim pentru fotografiile celelalte!

  13. Such a cute mani. Love the pictures of the oldtimers

  14. Replies
    1. Thank you very much, I am glad that you like them!

  15. Love the bright and fun manicure. And the event in your city looks great; like taken from a movie. Thanks for sharing!!!

    1. Yes, your right, this weekend it was like taken from a movie, many people were clothed in medieval and roman clothes, it was a lot of fun! Thank you for your lovely comment!

  16. Manichiura e superba ♥
    Cred ca a fost tare frumos la Cluj! Trebuie sa ajung sa il vizitez si eu :-P

    1. Cand vi in vizita anunta-ma neaparat din timp ca sa putem sa ne intalnim!
      Multumesc de apreciere!

  17. I have *got* to try that watercolour technique! Love the colours you used for it, and I'm so into that Sally Hansen base. It's beautiful!

    Looks like an amazing weekend!! ^_^

    1. Thank you dear, I had an amazing weekend indeed.
      I am very curious about your mani with this technique!

  18. Oh your weekend looks really fun! I love the nails you did, the bubbles look really cool! I must try that sometime :) I think the Coral Milano polish looks very pretty as well, too bad about the difficulty applying it!

    1. Thank you very much for your kind comment. Yes, I recommend you to try this technique, it is easy to make!

  19. Amazing post, beautiful photos Hello dear stay in touch.


    bloglovin follower

  20. I love it so much! Really want to make these myself! And that Coral polish, I have 3 other colors of that colletion and they are a disaster. Perfect as a topcoat indeed!

    1. I am happy that I didn't bought much more from this collection, I wanted but I thought first I will try it!
      I am really curious how your design will look!

  21. super dragute toate pozele!love the mani!

  22. Manichiura - minunata!
    Restul pozelor - super! :D

  23. Foarte frumoase pozele de la zilele Clujului!
    Imi place mult manichiura pe care ne-o prezinti, mai ales cea de pe unghiutele care au baza alba.

    1. Ma bucur ca iti plac atat pozele cat si manichiura mea!

  24. OMG That Hello Kitty car hahah I want it (well, maybe not xD)
    I really like the bubble nails. This technique is so great, I've only used it for maritim designs til now but I love your colorful version too <3
    And thanks for sharing all those pictures, they look fantastic, makes me want to be there too

  25. Sunt absolut superbe pozele facute de zilele orasului. Masinutele sunt adorabile <3

  26. I love the watercolor bubble look :) That sea green car is beautiful!!
