
Saturday, September 20, 2014

Alphabet nail art challenge - Letter U

This week was very chaotic, my daughter started school, each day I woke up at 6 o'clock when it was to dark to take pictures of my nails and I arrived home when it got dark again. I definitely need a light box! 

This nail art was made three days ago and just yesterday I was able take the pictures from them. I have to mention that it is an unfinished design, because I wanted to paint fishes on it, but my time was very limited. After painting them on my left hand, the pointer finger nail corner broke down, (sorry about the crippled look), and on my right hand one of my nails broke down very bad, so I am going to file them down because I hate different sized nails. I could continue with my problems, but I wont annoy you with them. 

We are at letter U, and my theme for today is underwater. I used for the base American Apparel - The Valley, a beautiful pale blue shade and with the help of a sponge I made a gradient adding It's up to Blue by Orly, which  is a light metallic turquoise/ blue shade and for the tips, Revlon - Top Speed - Camel, a gold caramel like polish. For an intense shine I added from the Essence Nail Polish - Seasons of Extremes the shiny top coat. I panted with white acrylic two star fishes, but I think they look like flowers :)

I am very sorry that I could not give more attention for this theme, in my imagination everything looked different. This is the result of a hasty work, and I consider it a total fail. 

Let's go to the other girls, I am sure they made something pretty and interesting for this letter.
  1. Mădălina -
  2. Oana -
  3. Ella -
  4. Andra (Sophie) -
  5. Rita -
  6. Andrea -
  7. Madalina -
  8. Oana -
  9. Teo -


  1. It's so beautiful and delicate - and yes, you definitely need a light box or some other kind of setup for the winter period.... arg winter :(

  2. cat de frumoasa e manichiura, ca un tablou pictat in ulei! <3

  3. It is actually quite nice interpretation of the theme.

  4. I think it looks good. I love how you played with different blue to give vibe of ocean/ under water (:

  5. Great nails :) I looks like a deep see :3

  6. Foarte frumoase <3

  7. Ai obtinut un efect special cu aceasta combinatie de culori, are un design vintage manichiura ta, un aer aparte! Probabil tu compari cu ceea ce vedeai cu ochii mintii, ceea ce ai avut ca intentie! Dar nu te necaji, chiar nu ai de ce - e foarte frumos rezultatul!

    An scolar frumos, cu bucurie, cu reusite, cu drag de a merge la scoala ii doresc fiicei tale! :)
    Multi pupici!


  8. wow very beautiful and your pictures are so artistic!- Love it!

  9. The mani looks fantastic! Very dreamy.

  10. I could totally tell that these were star fishes, so don't worry about that part ^.~
    Sounds like you had a stressful week =/ Your nails still look awsome even though you've take the pictures 3 days afterwards. But yeah, should probably shorten them or at least even them ^^ I hate it too when my nails are uneven haha XD
    Gosh, I need a light box too, especially now that autumn/winter is coming it is so hard to take proper pictures sometimes and it sucks to wait for the sun everytime -.-" If you've found something good, please recommend it to me :D

  11. You did a very nice job!

    Fabrizia – Cosa Mi Metto???

  12. Oh it's not a fail at all Andrea! I love the soft underwater look :) Everyone has busy weeks sometimes and the first week of going back to school is extra busy I can imagine! I hope you'll have some quieter times ahead :)

  13. Wow, this is gorgeous Andrea! I especially love the way you produced sand effect.

  14. Hi Andrea!
    I hope you are doing well! Sorry for stay away so long...
    Wonderful nail art... as usual! =)
    Have a beautiful week, my dear!

  15. So cute, Andrea!!!!
    You are really talented!!!!
    Love, Paola.
    My Facebook

  16. Thank you very much, I appreciate your comment!

  17. Thank you very much! I am OK, thank you for your question!

  18. Thank you very much, I am glad that you like it, because I really was not satisfied with the result!

  19. Oh, yes, the first week after a long holiday is quite hard...I already need an another holiday :) I hope I am going to manage my time better from now on, but I am not going to post so often as I did, maybe one a week.
    I am glad that you like this design, I really was not satisfied with the result :(

  20. Oh, thank you, your far to kind!
    Oh, yes my week was super stressful and I really do hope that I am going to manage better my time form now on.

    In this period of time we really need a light-box, ohhh I am going to miss the sunny and warm days :)

  21. Eu imi inchipuiam total altfel, mult mai detaliat, din aceasta cauza sunt dezamagita de rezultat. Dar, este foarte rar cand sunt multumita de manichiurile mele :( Asa ca ma bucur enorm cand citesc comentariile pozitive din partea vostra! Iti multumesc din suflet ca intodeauna imi esti alaturi!

    Multumesc de urari, la fel doresc si fiicei tale! Te pup.

  22. Thank you, appreciate your kind comment!

  23. Thank you, I am glad that you think so!

  24. Vai, iti multumesc frumos pentu aceste aprecieri!

  25. I am a big autumn fan, I was born in October, I kind of like this weather but the light conditions is that what I miss the most!
    Thank you for your appreciation!

  26. Multumesc mult. Da, din pacate se intampla astfel de accidente mai ales atunci cand sunt pripita si saptamana trecuta chiar asa am fost :(

  27. Mie una îmi place rezultatul final!(şi nu cred că sunt singura)
    Te pup :*

  28. Very beautiful theme!!!
    I just noticed you changed your comments platform. I'm thinking to do so too. Are you satissfied with disqus?

  29. Te înțeleg la capitolul lipsă de timp, dar să știi că ți-a ieșit foarte frumoasă manichiura, mie îmi place chiar foarte mult!
    Te pup!

  30. Wow, your manicure is lovely, very original! ;D



  31. love this look!

  32. Iti multumesc din suflet pentru aceste cuvinte frumoase, apreciez!

  33. Thank you.
    Yes I changed it because this way I get notifications in my e-mail box and I am always in contact with my readers and this way I never lose any of the comment I've get! It is much better in my opinion!

  34. Ma bucur sa citesc acest lucru. Multumesc.

  35. Lovely manicure, very orginal!

