
Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Nailed It Tag

I've got this cute tag from Andreea - Ditta's Nail Design & Art and thought to answer the fun questions. This way at least I checked my untried polishes and I made a little bit of order trough them!

OK, well then, let's start the fun:

1. Which color family of nail polish do you own the most of?
When I first saw this question I couldn't answer it. I know that my favorite polish color is green, but I didn't known if I own them the most. So, I had to look up, and the answer is: purple. I own different shades of purples the most!

2. Name your most favorite memory you associate with a specific polish?
Through the years of my polish addiction maddens I never was interested of polish brands, I always bought polishes because of their colors or effects, but someday I saw the holographic Jade polishes and I fell in love with them instantly and I wanted them very badly. When I saw that the brand is made in Brazil, I knew that I will never have the possibility to try them. Last year, one of my IG friends Adriana - Show Your Hands, made me a big surprise by sending me a couple of this polishes. When I saw them in the box, I was jumping around like a little child. This is my favorite memory related to a polish, and thank you dear Adriana that you made it possible to have these beautiful polishes. By the way, go check her IG account, she has amazing nails!

3. What's your best-kept secret for chip-free polish? 
I don't have a secret, I use two top coats frequently: Gel Look Top Coat from Farmec and Golden Rose. I have to mention that I never have chipped nails, because I change my manicures very often!

4. Which brand do you own the most colors and why is that formula your favorite?  
Through the years I gathered a lot of brands and I never looked up from which one I have the most, but I think it is Golden Rose. I know this polish brand from my childhood!

5. Name the polish you like the least in your collection and why you still hold onto it.  
I usually throw away the polishes I don't like, but I have one that I kept, it is Coral Milano a cream based glitter polish. After application the glitter particles are not smooth on the nail surface even after a generous amount of top coat, they caught in the hair and clothes.

6. Name your holy grail of polish remover?  
Oil Nail Polish Remover from Kallos. It removes the polish in one or two more wipes but I don't care, because the nails are moisturized because of the oil and the most amazing thing of this product is that it got no intense smell like other ones. You can breath without inhaling a terrible and tang smell.

7. If you use glitter or nail effects, which is your favorite brand and why?
I like Moyra effect polishes very much and glitter ones from different kind of brands. I love the formula of Moyra polishes and the effect of them is always very pretty!

8. Do you match your toes to your nails when you re-polish?
No, I don't. I hate my toe nails and I can count on one hand how many times I painted them :)

9. Name the specific polishes you've repurchased more than twice to show us your holy grail colors.  
Black polish from Maybelline and the top coat from Golden Rose.  

10. Do you paint accent nails or only use one color?
I think all of you know the answer to this question. My nails feel kind of naked painted just with one color, I always make accent nails or nail art on them. When I test polishes or I don't have much time for nail art, then yes, I use just one polish and nothing more. It can happened!

11. Can you name the oldest polish in your collection?  
It is hard because I trowed them away and I think my oldest one now in my collection is one I purchased from about 3 or 4 years from Gabrini or Natty. But I really don't know which one it is.  

This is it, I hope I didn't bored you with my answers. Now I have to tag 5 of you: Kinga - Polish Blue My Mind, Agota - Nail Glaze,  Elisa - Little Beauty Bag, Fife Fantasi Nails, Hema - Rainbow Nails and any of you ho like to make this tag! 

I realized that on the 14 September my blog turned 3 years old:) I am going to have a surprise next month related to this! 
I want to thank all of you, my readers, that you always make the time to comment and share this passion with me! Without your support my blog wouldn't be here! I love you all!



  1. Ma bucur ca ai reusit sa faci tagg-ul. :D
    Ce colectie frumoasa de oje mov ai! :x ( o am si eu pe cea mov de la Cupio- il folosesc pt galaxy)
    La multi ani pentru blog. Ii doresc o viata luuungaaa!!

    Pupici draga mea! :*

  2. La multi ani blogosferici! Ma bucur ca esti alaturi de noi si ne incanti mereu cu ceva deosebit! <3
    Revenind la tag, trebuie dar trebuie neaparat sa achizitionez si eu dizolvantul de la Kallos. :D

  3. La multi ani blogului tau, la multi ani voua impreuna! :)
    Citind postarea, privind fotografiile, mi s-a facut o pofta nebuna de a cumpara oje! :))) Iar eu n-am astfel de pofte decat foarte rar!
    Nuantele de mov...superbe! Ca de altfel tot ceea ce ne-ai aratat! Am si eu o oja cu glitter si diverse particule care creeaza probleme, stiu cum e! Gasesc in magazinele fizice acel dizolvant Kallos? Chiar l-as incerca!

    Pupicei, Andrea!

  4. nice tag, I don't think we have golden rose in italy!

  5. Nice tag, dear friend!!!
    Have a good week!!! my g+ for you!!!:)))

    Besos, desde España, Marcela♥

  6. Mi-a placut sa citesc TAG-ul tau Andrea,se pare ca avem aceeasi pasiune pentru mov.La multi ani blogului si multi pupicei <3

  7. Coral Milano este ca o prajiturica! Eu cred ca cele mai multe sticlute am pe rosu sau verde. :)
    Superba manichiura cu bulinele multicolore! La multi ani blogului tau! xox

  8. Vaaai, ce de oje mov și cât de multe oje frumoase ai! Poate o să ne arăți cândva întreaga ta colecție!
    Eu n-am încă nicio ojă de la Moyra, sper să le „bifez” cât de curând și pe ele. :D
    La mulți ani blogului și la cât mai multă inspirație pentru manichiuri frumoase!
    Te pup!

  9. This was really interesting to read - thanks for sharing!

  10. thank you for tagging me :) amazing answers and so pretty pictures :)
    Happy anniversary my dear friend :D

  11. So fun to read! I love what your favourite memory relating to nail polish is, that is such a sweet thing of Adriana!

  12. Loved reading your answers. Thanks for tagging me. I will do this tag as soon as I complete the 31 day challenge :-)

  13. Thank you Hema. Of course dear, such a challenge is very time consuming! :)

  14. Yes, she is an amazing person and friend. I am glad that through this hobby I had the opportunity to meet a lot of great people!

  15. Thank you dear. I am very curious of your answers!

  16. Multumesc mult Mihaela. Probabil o data o sa fac o postare cu toate ojele mele, pentru ca am primit multe mesaje in legatura cu acest lucru.

  17. Coral Milano doar arata ca si o prajiturica, dar din pacate nu este de o calitate buna, dar o pastrez deocamdata :)

  18. Da, asa este Oana. Eu chiar m-am mirat ca am mai multe oje mov decat verde in colectia mea. Trebuie sa mai cumpar cateva verzi :))

  19. Such a pity, because it is a great brand.

  20. Multumesc mult.
    Spor la cumparat oje, acuma este momentul, apar foarte multe noi din cauza schimbarii sezonului. Eu incerc sa ma abtin, desi imi este foarte greu! Dizolvantul Kallos o cumpar la standul firmei dintr-un mall din Cluj, la doar 5.5 lei. Dar gasesti si pe net, pe diferite situri:, etc., la un pret mult mai mare din pacate! :(

  21. Multumesc mult!
    Dizolvantul Kallos merita sa o incerci. Nu are puterea altor dizolvanti, dar pe mine m-a cucerit din cauza ca nu are miros si ca hidrateaza unghia si cuticulele. Ce e drept, trebuie aplicat mai multa forta la indepartarea ojei, dar merita efortul!

  22. Mersi de tag Andrea! Mi-ai dat o idee cu oja Cupio, chiar doresc sa fac in curand o manichiura galaxy :))

  23. Frumoasa colectia de oje mov :)
    La multi ani blogului !

  24. oww so nice!! You have Jade!!! I love these nail polishes.

  25. Congratulations! I wish you many more successful years of blogging! :-)

  26. Your purple collection is so impressive! I have about ten polishes in total... And congrats on your three years!!! Well done.

  27. First Happy anniversary! Three years wow! here's to many more to come! Second what a fun tag, I have to admit I am a nail polish addict, there ain't no Friday shopping where I don't take one or more ;) colorful little bottles home with me. You have a great collection honey.

  28. Oh yes, Jade polishes are my absolute favorite ones :)
    Thank you for stopping by!

  29. Thank you very much! Same back to you :)

  30. Thank you very much!
    My polish collection is more than 400 :)

  31. Thank you very much for your comment.

    You should show us some day your polish collection, I would be curious of it!

  32. happy first Blog-anniversary :D and wow you got so many polishes on your collection I got 40 to 45 :D I love the purple collection and Jade polishes (:

  33. The Jade polishes are fantastic Indeed. Thank you very much!

  34. Ja, ich habe eine Menge von schönen farben aber leider habe ich keine Zeit jeder zur Verwenden :(
    Danke schon fur deine Besuch und Kommentar!

  35. Koszonom nagyon szepen. Valoban sok van de, nekem soha nem eleg :)

  36. Happy anniversary doll!!!
    I love your amazing collection!!!!
    Love, Paola.
    My Facebook

  37. Wow, this is an awesome post! I loved reading your answers on the questions :D Also fun to read about different nail polish brands I yet haven't heard about. :D
