
Thursday, October 2, 2014

Nail art trends for 2015

I am always looking up for the new fashion trends, even if some of them are not for me, or they are not quite my style. Today, I thought to share with you a few manicures that supposed to be the new trends for 2015. These trends are set at the runways on Fashion Week. I am curious about your opinion, which one is your favorite? Do you want to try at least one of it? 

This is my absolute favorite one and soon I am going to try it too!

As you can see, negative space manicures are very trendy and fashionable. Do you like this style? 

 Have a great day and thank you for stopping by!


  1. Arata excelent!
    Multumim pentru doza de inspiratie! Eu o sa preiau cateva idei. :)

  2. Prima manichiură este de departe și favorita mea! Arată superb, pun pe lista „de încercat”. :D

  3. I really like the negative space manis and a few of the ones with lots of bling (I love bling... hehehehee). But the chipped nails are definitely horrible. Hahahhaha
    Now that the challenge is finished I'll have time again to come back her. Thank you so much for having followed me through last month. it was crazy but it was definitely worth it.
    Btw, I love the new comment thread. Disqus is the best.
    Have a great afternoon dear!

  4. Sunt cateva idei foarte frumoase - eu inclin catre cele mai simple, clasice! Buna ideea cestei selectii! De-abia astept sa vad ce vei prelua/ adapta! :)
    Te pup cu drag, Andrea!

  5. Dark Euridice Caro LinaOctober 2, 2014 at 5:48 PM

    I love it!

  6. I love posts like that- thanks for sharing :)

  7. The white, orange and blue nails are great :)))


  8. Very nice and elegant manicures, but they're definitely required precision, I don't know if I would be able to create such designs! :D

  9. Cateva sunt cam ciudatele,dar parca vad ca le vom prelua si noi :)))).Pup

  10. Nu am facut pana acuma manichiuri cu spatiu negativ, dar imi cam place cum arata, presimt ca o sa fac cat de curand :D

  11. I really like the second and the third ones! They are very original.

  12. imi plac multe...pacat ca nu-mi ies de nicio culoare, nici cele mai simple modele :(

  13. Wondeful post, the first one is also my favourite, it looks so chic and simple

  14. I like a few... some are just toooo tech-y for me haha!! Thank you for sharing them with us!! Now I know how to do my nails in 2015!! I can't believe it's going to be 2015 so soon!! *shock*

  15. Love that negative space thing, it's looks so elegant! But my nails are quite yellow so kind of hestitant to do it!

  16. Well, the thing about these "nail trends" is that they're mostly not thaaat new. At least that how I feel. Dark, metalic colors for fall/winter, pastels and neons for summer. I am a hugeee fan of the negative space trend but then again, it's been around for a year or so already, so not really new either. I also think that most of the runway nails are quite "plain" too (not meaning that they aren't pretty or cool) and yeah as I said many things were tried and tested by nail art bloggers before anyway xD

  17. I totally agree with you and I have to add that some of the runway nails look like crap :)) if they would be painted from 6 years old children!

  18. I really like negative space designs. My nails are not that white either, but I make smaller negative spaces and this way the yellowish part is not so obvious! :)

  19. Yes, some of the designs are really techy. Thank you for your comment, I am glad that I could help!

  20. Yes, exactly my thought. I really want to try it out soon!

  21. Ei, nici la mine nu ies de fiecare data...dar cu cat exersez mai mult, cu atat arata mai bine efectul final!

  22. Yes, the second one looks really classy and I love the green shade too!

  23. Si eu abia am asteptat sa incerc aceasta tehnica si pot sa iti spun ca imi place enorm de mult. Merita de incercat!

  24. Cateva sunt extrem de ciudate si nici nu le-am postat pe toate pe care le-am gasit. Unele arata de parca ar fii pictate de copii!

  25. Not each of them requires much precision, but practicing makes them look better :)

  26. I am glad that you like it! It is a little bit different from my usual post, but I really wanted to share!

  27. Mai mult ca sigur ca voi incerca cateva dintre aceste modele!

  28. Yes I agree Disqus is the best in my opinion too!
    About the manis, my favorite ones are the negative space manis too, I relly like the delicate effect of them!

  29. Abia astept sa vad cum o sa arete pe unghiutele tale. Luna viitoare, cand voi termina sa folosesc doar oje roz, cu siguranta voi incerca si eu primul model!

  30. Ma bucur ca te-am ajutat cu idei. Abia astept sa vad creatiile tale!

  31. That is a good idea! :-) Might try it!
