
Sunday, October 5, 2014

Think Pink

October is the month of breast cancer awareness and the fashion & beauty bloggers from Romania supports this cause with an all pink day!
Did you know that yearly 78 000 women are diagnosed with breast cancer in Romania? This number is very high and this is just here, in our country. How many are in the world? So this post is to encourage each woman, to get regular checks, because the earlier cancer is detected, higher that it can be treated successfully. I am talking from experience, I am a breast cancer survivor, yes, I am going to turn 39 this month and I had breast cancer. It was the most horrible period in my life and I really thought that my life will end soon. But I am here and I appreciate each second of my life. The fear of a relapse is very big, but I am hoping for the best. I could tell you a lot of stories about younger and older women who fought with me together, I met a lot of extraordinary women trough my journey and my heart goes out for all those who are fighting in this moment! My message to you is, go for regular check ups, it doesn't hurt and it can save your life!

My manicure has a story. After I knew that I am cancer free I wanted to make a tattoo with a butterfly and the pink ribbon, the symbol of breast cancer awareness. But my husband, who has two tattoos told me that it hurts and he does not recommend me. Until know I didn't made the tattoo but I didn't give up the thought to have one. The design that I would like to have on my body is the one from the pictures bellow. I like it very much, for me it represents freedom, a life free from cancer! So, I tried to paint it on my nails.

Stay healthy and raise awareness, encourage your girlfriends, sister or mum to have regular check ups!

Here are all the girls from the group:
  1. Oana -
  2. Andreea
  3. Anca
  4. Oana S. -
  5. Andra
  6. Alina -
  7. Ella -
  8. Mădălina -
  9. Claudia -
  10. Deea -
  11. Deyutza
  12. Gabi -
  13. Ral
  14. Teo -
  15. Iulia
  16. Mihaela
  17. Andrea -
  18. Kleo -
  19. Kinga -
Hugs to all of you!


  1. What a lovely post Andrea! (I am crying a bit from reading it to be honest). The tattoo design looks so gorgeous, I hope that if you really want it you will get it some day! It looks great on your nails too, I love the pink glitter :)

  2. Foarte frumoasa postarea ta Andrea,manichiura este superba.Postarea mea de azi si manichiura realizata iti sunt dedicate tie si iti doresc tot binele din lume si multa sanatate. Te pup <3

  3. A very fitting manicure for the theme. I made sure that I wore pink on Friday.

  4. Tiszta szivbol orvendek hogy itt vagy ma ezeket nekunk elmeselni! Nagyon orvendek hogy reszt vehettem en is ebben a menetben s en is egesz honapban rozsaszint fogok hordani. Nagyon meghato a cikked. Sok sok egeszseget kivanok! Tudd meg h a tetko nem is olyan szornyu. Nekem is van s meg akarok csinaltatni :))

  5. Trebuie sa recunosc ca m-ai facut sa plang!!

    Ma bucur enorm de mult ca am ajuns sa te mai ales sa te cunosc prin pasiunea noastra comuna!!

    Iti doresc tot binele din lume si ma bucur enorm ca ai fost si esti puternica!!

    Eu sper sa iti faci si primul rand pentru ca reprezinta ceva foarte important : libertatea ta , si in al doilea rand pentru ca este foarte dragut !

    Te pup si te imbratisez! :*

  6. M-a emoționat foarte tare postarea ta, mi-au dat lacrimile. Ești o femeie puternică și te felicit pentru asta!
    Manichiura e foarte frumoasă și delicată, îmi place mult! Și eu am un tatuaj și nu mi s-a părut că doare foarte rău, poate îți vei face cândva curaj să faci acel tatuaj.. dacă ți-l dorești așa de mult, mai ales că are o semnificație specială!
    Te pup!

  7. M-au emotionat gandurile expuse de tine in postare, mai ales cele cu nota personala!
    Foarte frumoasa manichiura, e-atat de suava nuanta folosita ca baza si arata foarte bine cu glitterul la varfuri! Cat despre simbolul reprezentat... ai argumentat in mod excelent!

    Te imbratisez, Andrea!
    Sa fim sanatoase!

  8. Ce postare emotionanta! Te felicit pentru taria de care ai dat dovada. Modelul de pe unghii este tare finut. Legat de tatuaje, pot sa iti spun ca am 2 si am suportat bine durerea. Depinde de fiecare cat de rezistent este si conteaza si locul unde vrei sa iti faci tatuajul. Anumite zone sunt mai dureroase, in special cele pe os sau unde este pielea mai fina. Cel ales de tine, ar trebui batut de 2 ori. Pentru contur si apoi culoare, umbre.
    Chiar daca nu iti vei face tatuajul, iti ramane aceasta manichiura frumoasa ca amintire. ❤

  9. Respect! Asta e tot ce pot sa spun despre postarea ta!
    Manichiura este minunata iar ideea care sta in spatele sau este cu adevarat emotionanta!
    Te pup, Andrea!

  10. first of all, you have my respect! and second of all, I like your manicure!

  11. Great job, that's a good cause to support!

    Fabrizia –
    Cosa Mi Metto???

  12. Amazing job for a great cause!!!!
    Kisses super fashion girl!!!

    My Facebook

  13. Hi there!! I think I saw something like this on

  14. pintrest the other day!! It was so cute!!! It's so great you are supporting it!! <3

  15. By the way, is there any other way to post on your account without making the Disqus account? :(

  16. Pretty good, also cause it's for a great supporting

    Cultureandtrend Blog

  17. Ma bucur mult ca iti place, dar in acest caz doar mesajul conteaza! :)

  18. Yes, it is and just that is important!

  19. Your comment appears each time, so I don't think that it is needed to make an account. I changed my comment space because with Disqus I am always in contact with my readers and this way I never lose any comment from all of you!

  20. I am really glad that you like it, but this time the message of this manicure is more important!
    Thank you!

  21. Multumesc mult de tot pentru cuvintele tale!
    Mesajul acestei postari si manichiuri este ceea ce conteaza!

  22. Multumesc mult!
    Sa fiu sincera nu de durere mie teama, poate faptul ca la final nu o sa-mi placa sau nu o sa fiu multumita de rezultat. Asa sunt si cu manichiurile mele, niciodata nu sunt in totalitate multumita de rezulzultat :(
    Deocamdata a trecut doar un an de cand nu am probleme. Se spune ca dupa 5 ani daca nu apare nici o recidiva atunci este totul OK, asa ca poate o voi face dupa acest termen :) Pana atunci mai am timp de gandire!

  23. Multumesc din suflet pentru cuvintele tale, pentru mine sunt de incurajare! Te pup!

  24. Multumesc mult Mihaela, apreciez cuvintele tale!

    In legatura cu tatuajul, nu prea mie frica de durere, am trecut prin prea multe ca sa-mi fie frica de acest lucru, mai degrapa mie teama de faptul ca la final nu o sa fiu multumita de rezultat. Poate la urma urmei tot o voi face, dar imi las inca mai mult timp de gandire!

  25. Multumesc din suflet pentru aceste cuvinte de incurajare, apreciez mult de tot! Te pup!

  26. Koszi nagyon szepen Kinga, en meg orulok, hogy megismerkedtem veled a kormos hobbynknak koszonhetoen!
    A tetkot pedig lehet, hogy valamikor megis elkeszitem, mert valoban nagyon tetszik a motivum, de meg varok, hogy teljen el egy par ev es tudjam, hogy egeszseges vagyok! Ebben a honapban nagyon sok orvosi vizitem van, fajnak a csontjaim es az orvosom fel nehogy attetes rakom legyen, ami egy kicsit furcsa, de lehetseges allitolag. Penteken tobbet tudok meg! Remelem, hogy minden OK.

  27. Multumesc mult de tot pentru manichiura, a fost o mare surpriza pentru mine!

  28. Thank you very much Robin, your very kind! I will wait with the tattoo a little bit longer, maybe after a few years I will have the courage to do it!

  29. Beautiful design and even more beautiful story!
    (btw I think this would be great as a tatoo as well ^.~)
    I will surely do some pink nails for bca month as well, it's a topic very dear to me since my two aunts are/ were suffering from breast cancer and it was so heart-breaking to see them go through that battle :(
    You're such a strong woman, stay healthy dear <3

  30. Respect for your two aunts and thank you very much for your kind words!
    I am glad that you like my design... I have to practice and have a steady hand, and of course new brushes too :) and maybe next time it will be better!

  31. iti doresc multa sanatate.
