
Thursday, January 15, 2015

Chickpeas on bread

Before the weekend's nail art challenge, I wanted to share with you an easy and tasty recipe. This is complete vegan, it has a lot of benefits for does of you who don't eat meat, because it contains chickpeas that are a good source of protein.

  • hand full of hydrated and cooked chickpeas
  • hand full of sliced and cocked carrots
  • 2 teaspoons of fresh ramsons (wild garlic) or dried ones as I used extra virgin olive oil, salt and pepper 

Put all the ingredients in a blender and mix it until you get a paste that can be put on a bread. Add as much olive oil it is needed and if you like it more spicier you can add garlic too in it.

Serve it with toast or bread and sliced tomatoes. It is very delicious and healthy!

Have a great day!


  1. i love chickpeas and now this a healthy alternative to try with bread, am surely gonna try this one. Thanks for sharing hun :)
    you meant cooked (typed cocked??) right ..

  2. OMG, thank you for drawing my attention on the spelling. I laughed with tears...this happens when I don't have much time to read twice my post. I am glad that you like the recipe, I can assure you, it is very tasty!

  3. OMG, thank you for drawing my attention on the spelling. I laughed with tears when I saw the mistake I made...this happens when I don't have much time to read twice my post.

    I am glad that you like the recipe, I can assure you, it is very tasty!

  4. haha... i know it happens with me too sometimes. i love bread and love chickpeas, this is going to be amazing am sure :D

  5. Isn't this called hummus, or houmous? I absolutely love that stuff! Sounds delish!

  6. Something similar. Humus is made a little bit different and it does not contain carrots.

  7. Un fel de pate vegetal, yummy! :) Voi incerca,multumesc. ♥

  8. looks very tasty and healthy :)

  9. I had no idea that this could be so easily prepared. I love chickpeas!

  10. Mhh jum!! I make this regularly, but instead of with carrots I use olives or sun dried tomatoes :) I actually ate it today!

  11. YUm YUM. I am definately gonna try it. Very easy and qquick reciepe which doesnt require grand skill of cooking that I lack :D

  12. Ce ușor e de făcut! Și sănătos și gustos, toate la un loc. :))
    Trebuie să încerc!

  13. It looks great and healthy, I´m not vegan but I like to try food like this :-)
