
Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Miss Sporty glitter polish review

Hello lovely ladies, how did your week started? Mine is OK, until now.

Before Christmas I added to my collection a new glitter polish from Miss Sporty - Oh My Gem! 003, which is a deep purple jelly polish. I was very lucky and I've got it as an offer together with a peel off base coat, that works fantastic and helps a lot when it comes to remove the glitter from the nails. I completely forgot to take a picture when I removed the polish, sorry about it. But I recommend you this base coat, I am sure that I will re-buy it too!

I added the polish in two coats on my nails, but perhaps it would looked better in three as I see the pictures. The polish is quite sheer even if the finished color looks deep!

I couldn't live just the plain glitter polish on my nails and I added a floral stamping pattern on it with my new MoYou 220 stamping plate, that I won at a competition organized by the lovely Andreea, Ditta's Nail Design & Art and after a while I added a few silver studs too. I just got carried away!

I like very much how the glitter particles shine in the sun, and I am thinking to add a few more polishes from this collection! Do you know them? Which one is your favorite?

Thank you for stopping by!


  1. Lovely!

    Imi place foarte mult mov-ul dar ai dreptate, poate ar arata mai bine in 3 straturi. Parca e prea putin sclipici.
    Am folosit si eu baza e destul de am putut sa dau jos sclipiciul chiar usor...dar mai ok decat sa frec cu discheta sau sa folosesc folie de aluminiu(o chestie care-mi lipseste la camin, nu as avea unde sa o mai pun si pe aia ) :))
    Manichiura arata foarte stampilat cu argintiu ii da un aer mai aparte. Ma bucur ca ai inceput sa folosesti placutele!

    Te pupacesc! Abia astept sa vad manichiura pentru tema de sambata. :*

  2. Jujj de szépséges! De gyönyörű ez a virágos minta, ilyen moyou lemezt még nem is láttam... :))

  3. Pare superba oja aceasta! Ai prezentat-o intr-un mod placut :)

  4. Nu am nici macar o oja de la acest brand. Trebuie sa remediez situatia cat mai curand!
    Manichiura e nemaipomenita! Ca de obicei! :)

  5. The stamping matches the glitters so well!

  6. E foarte frumoasă oja Miss Sporty și îmi place mult combinația cu modelul argintiu!
    Eu am doar nuanța 01 din gama asta și-mi place, dar mult mai mult îmi place colecția Crush on you (texturatele), din alea am vreo 5-6, mi-au plăcut mult și mi s-au părut foarte ieftine! :D
    Eu base coat-ul ăsta nu mă înțeleg deloc, o să-l folosesc doar pentru protejat cuticulele la anumite tehnici.
    Te pup!

  7. Super unghiutze,Se pare ca iar am fost pe aceeasi lungime de unda :))))).Eu cu Ombre Purple,stampilate tot cu argintiu acum pe blog.Pup <3

  8. Foarte frumoasa oja !

  9. It is very pretty and looks great with that stamping.

  10. nu am nici una din colectia asta dar cea pe care o porti e tare frumusica <3 pupici

  11. I have this one and you reminded me about it -thx:)
    It looks awesome on your nails :)

  12. Such a glam nail colour!

  13. This looks awesome! I really love how the stamping looks with the glitter peeking through! I have one of these polishes, I picked up the black one for Halloween but the other shades look so pretty! xx

  14. So beautiful and.... your hands are perfect!!!!
    Keep on smiling!
    Kisses, Paola.


    My Facebook

  15. It's gorgeous and suits you so well. Love the stamping! Addicted as well? :-P

  16. It´s absolutely stunning in combination with silver designs! I love it!

  17. The Oh My Gem! glitter polish is beautiful and I love the stamping design you used here, so cute and girlie!

  18. arata foarte bine :* recunosc ca din aceasta gama nu am, le am pe cele din gama crush on you :-)

  19. Sa stii ca eu foarte usor am dat jos oja cu ajutorul bazei, dar adevarul este ca am si spalat o groaza de vase in acea zi si probabil acest lucru a ajutat. Placutele imi plac mult de tot, acum trebuie sa exersez cat mai mult pentru ca nu sunt foarte buna la stampilat.
    Manichiura cu tema propusa de tine o port de vreo 4 zile :) Sper sa iti placa si tie!

  20. Koszi nagyon szepen. Orulok, hogy tetszik. Nyertem ezt a moyou lemezt...szerencses voltam!

  21. Multumesc mult. Dintre toate aceasta nuanta m-a prins cel mai mult.

  22. Multumesc mult! Sa stii ca sunt oje foarte bune si sunt sigura ca poti aplica si pe oje opace si efectul va fii si mai bun!

  23. Thank you, I am glad that you think so!

  24. Eu nu am nici una din colectia Crush on You, dar acum cu reducerile cine stie, voi aduga in colectie. Dar am vazut ca au aparut si ceva oje holographice de la acest tenteaza de innebunesc! :)
    Eu chiar iubesc acest base coat si consider mult mai buna decat cea pe care o aveam de la essence.

    Te pup.

  25. Da, da, asa am fost. Unghiutele tale ombre sunt foooarte frumoase! Purple rules :))

  26. Thank you, I am glad that you like it with the stamping on it.

  27. Sa stii ca doar acesta ma prins ca si culoare, dar sunt sigura ca sunt si altele mult mai frumoase decat acesta :)

  28. Thank you. I am curious how it will look on your nails!

  29. Thank you. First I thought that with the stamping and studs it would look very exaggerated...but I have to mention I liked the final result very much!

  30. Thank you dear. I didn't noticed that this collection has black polish too. I have too look up for it, because glitter and black sounds really good!

  31. that's such a beautiful mani, you make me want to go and look for my stamping plates all over again!!

  32. Thank you, I am glad that you think so. First I didn't wanted to stamp it, but on the second thought I tried it and liked it better!

  33. Vad ca multi dintre voi au mai multe din gama Crush on you...deci clar, trebuie sa imi cumpar si eu :))

  34. Oh, yes, just do it. Stamping always makes a mani look interesting! I would love to see your nail designs!

  35. Oh, thank you very much, I am glad that you like it!
    I didn't known that this brand it can not be found in Germany.

  36. Years ago we could buy it here at the drogstores, but I don't know what happend - I guess I have to travel to Czech Republic to get some of the sparkling beauties :)
